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09/24/2015 12:18
09/24/2015 12:18
New Here

I was in Chicago last weekend, sitting in a restaurant, when the palm of my right hand began itching. I discovered a node just below the crease under my ring finger. I started researching doctors in my area when I got home and have an appointment 10/2. In the mean time, Dr. Google and I have confirmed Dupuytren's. I have looked at pictures and my palm looks identical to those who have it. There is another node forming beneath the first one. I am confused as I am female and don't have any of the suspected triggers. The only thing I do is drink red wine, but I definitely don't abuse it. I would love to know what to expect on my first visit. There is no contracture at this time.

09/24/2015 12:49
09/24/2015 12:49
Re: New Here

Welcome, salspecs.

It is great that you have identified the condition early and made a start.

What kind of doctor will you visit?

A hand surgeon can palpate your hand and confirm in mere seconds whether the nodules are Dupuytren's. A good thing about hand surgeons is they are very easy to find and they are very experienced in duagnosis. A downside is that they may consider their practice as the only optio, and then tell you to come back when you have 45 degree contracture, if that ever happens at all.

You might consider documenting your hand's conditions periodically with photos and notes.

09/24/2015 13:32
09/24/2015 13:32
Re: New Here

Thank you, JohnG...that's a very good idea about taking pictures and documenting whatever progression I experience.

I am seeing an orthopedic hand surgeon who gets 5 star ratings on healthgrades.com and who, according to his bio, specializes in Dupuytren's. Best of all, he is not far from my house. I appreciate your input regarding what to expect on my initial visit.

A week ago today I had never heard of Dupuytren's, yet here I am embarking on what sounds like a long medical process. I'm happy to have found this forum!

09/24/2015 16:00
09/24/2015 16:00

Re: New Here

orthopedic hand surgeon who gets 5 star ratings on healthgrades.com and who, according to his bio, specializes in Dupuytren's.

Sounds good as long as he doesn't specialize in Dupuytren surgery exclusively, as surgery would be the last resort only if NA or collagenase injection (or possibly radio therapy) should not work if one day fingers contract.

09/24/2015 16:37


09/24/2015 16:37


Re: New Here

Welcome salspecs

Genetics seems to be the main cause with a largely still unknown external trigger. Do your parents have any history?

Good advice so far, keep a record, you don't give your age but for the majority this does not cause any problems or lead onto a contracture. For this reason, most hand surgeons will indeed say come back when you have a contracture. Wait and see, but keeping a record of symptoms is OK.

If you want you be proactive then RT can be considered if there are active symptoms including signs of progression with cords forming. Ask your hand surgeon if he treats patients with contracture using Xiaflex or NA, if he does not look for another surgeon in case you need one in the future. You can ask him about RT but don't be surprised if he disparages the suggestion.

Best wishes SB

09/24/2015 16:57
09/24/2015 16:57
Re: New Here

Stefan_K......The doctor's website says he specializes in innovative treatments like Xiaflex. Surgery will be a last resort for me.

spanishbuddha....My parents are both deceased, but they lived long lives and neither had this problem. Three grandparents lived well into their eighties with no symptoms of it either. I am 69 and in excellent health. I eat healthy and exercise regularly.

It will be interesting to see what the doctor says. I appreciate all of your thoughts and advice!

conditions   surgeon   periodically   specializes   appreciate   Dupuytren   collagenase   healthgrades   experienced   specialize   orthopedic   spanishbuddha   progression   appointment   documenting   interesting   contracture   exclusively   researching   grandparents