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Possible Dupuytren Treatment Breakthrough
05/06/2022 00:42
05/06/2022 00:42
Possible Dupuytren Treatment Breakthrough

Te Guardian has a story today headlined: Treatment for finger-bending disease may be ‘gamechanger'

"Clinical trial seems to show Dupuytren’s disease reversed by rheumatoid arthritis drug"

The story is about a trial in the UK reported on in the medical Journal Lancet that shows 4 injections of a drug called adalimumab, used to treat rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn's disease into nodules reduced their size and hardness compared with placebo injections"

The Lancet study is at https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanrh...0093-5/fulltext

Edited 05/06/22 03:54

05/06/2022 06:12


05/06/2022 06:12


Re: Possible Dupuytren Treatment Breakthrough

Te Guardian has a story today headlined: Treatment for finger-bending disease may be ‘gamechanger'

"Clinical trial seems to show Dupuytren’s disease reversed by rheumatoid arthritis drug"

The story is about a trial in the UK reported on in the medical Journal Lancet that shows 4 injections of a drug called adalimumab, used to treat rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn's disease into nodules reduced their size and hardness compared with placebo injections"

The Lancet study is at https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanrh...0093-5/fulltext
Yes thanks for the update. This is the Oxford RIDD trial, of the TNF drug adalimumab (Humira) as a treatment https://www.dupuytren-online.info/dupuyt...s_research.html. They 'pre-announced' some encouraging results last year or around Xmas via a zoom meeting as I recall. Something that works at the cellular level sounds promising. But the trial was quite small so there may be some way to go before different health/drug regulators get around to approving it. Nice to have options though! There's a YT summary here https://youtu.be/jyoUkLiUg4Q and The Guardian newspaper article is here https://www.theguardian.com/science/2022...ford-university

Edited 05/06/22 09:30

05/06/2022 06:44
05/06/2022 06:44

Re: Possible Dupuytren Treatment Breakthrough

Potentially interesting, especially if the time between injections could be increased, but as I understand it it has been three years since the study and even with the limitations of the approximately 56 participants per sub-sample I would love to hear about the evolution since.


[60, Dupuytren diagnosis 2006, RH contracture and PNF/NA 2014, radiotherapy RH 2015, LH 2017 & 2018, night splint glove RH since 2015]

05/06/2022 07:01


05/06/2022 07:01


Re: Possible Dupuytren Treatment Breakthrough

Hi Stefan,

the Lancet paper is very new. I guess, that's the latest news. The problems that I see is that "softening a nodule" is not a very well defined improvement (and measuring softness is quite prone to error), the long term effectiveness is unknown (as stated by the authors themselves), and th medication (adalimumab) is very expensive. Marketing the current status as "breakthrough" is, in my view, exaggerated.

On the conference website you can watch a key note from Jagdeep Nanchahal on this treatment. It's the key note of session 6 of the Symposium last year https://dupuytrensymposium.org/scientific-program/ .


05/06/2022 08:23
05/06/2022 08:23

Re: Possible Dupuytren Treatment Breakthrough

Hi Wolfgang. I had seen January 2019 as the end of the study. Maybe I overlooked something. But if the treatment is expensive, has to be done every three months and the effect on the evolution of the disease is unknown I won't hold my breath.


[60, Dupuytren diagnosis 2006, RH contracture and PNF/NA 2014, radiotherapy RH 2015, LH 2017 & 2018, night splint glove RH since 2015]

05/11/2022 14:28
05/11/2022 14:28
Re: Possible Dupuytren Treatment Breakthrough

Hi I have seen on the Dupuytren Society this announcement (We have major news! The results of the RIDD trial have been published, and the trial was successful. The nodules that were injected got softer, and progression stopped. This is major, it means a better understanding of the disease and maybe this injection (adalimumab) can become a treatment for early Dupuytren’s in the (near?) future). Also read there is going to be a third bigger trial which i would love to get involved in the trial but not sure who i would get in touch with regarding this, any help would be grateful received.

05/11/2022 14:34


05/11/2022 14:34


Re: Possible Dupuytren Treatment Breakthrough

Hi I have seen on the Dupuytren Society this announcement (We have major news! The results of the RIDD trial have been published, and the trial was successful. The nodules that were injected got softer, and progression stopped. This is major, it means a better understanding of the disease and maybe this injection (adalimumab) can become a treatment for early Dupuytren’s in the (near?) future). Also read there is going to be a third bigger trial which i would love to get involved in the trial but not sure who i would get in touch with regarding this, any help would be grateful received.
See the trial website for contact information, probably Professor Jagdeep Nanchahal https://ridd.octru.ox.ac.uk/

06/04/2022 19:18
06/04/2022 19:18

Re: Possible Dupuytren Treatment Breakthrough

Hi I have seen on the Dupuytren Society this announcement (We have major news! The results of the RIDD trial have been published, and the trial was successful. The nodules that were injected got softer, and progression stopped. This is major, it means a better understanding of the disease and maybe this injection (adalimumab) can become a treatment for early Dupuytren’s in the (near?) future). Also read there is going to be a third bigger trial which i would love to get involved in the trial but not sure who i would get in touch with regarding this, any help would be grateful received.

I agree with you 100%. I would be happy to just stop the progression.

My nodules have progressed in my right hand because of two more accident to my arm- there is a link between the facts.
In my left hand there is a new one -zero before- but somehow goes horizontal and not vertical.
I overused the left hand because of the sore arm on the right .

One other reason could be I'm not using the night splint because it was making my wrist very sore.
Need to find another one or making a new that goes only on the finger

Edited 06/08/22 19:43

06/12/2022 19:59
06/12/2022 19:59
Re: Possible Dupuytren Treatment Breakthrough

I was finally officially diagnosed with DD last week. I waited for 6 weeks to see a so-called hand specialist and my appointment consisted of a PA who took one look at my palm and announced I had Dupuytrens. I never even saw the doctor (I guess it wasn't worth it because I don't have contracture) and was told to come back when it gets worse. I would imagine my experience is pretty typical and I wonder how any of us will ever get these new treatments when is seems no one is interested in our problem. If I called that office and said I wanted to look into something like that they probably wouldn't even see me- all they want to do is surgery.

06/12/2022 20:46
06/12/2022 20:46

Re: Possible Dupuytren Treatment Breakthrough

I was finally officially diagnosed with DD last week. I waited for 6 weeks to see a so-called hand specialist and my appointment consisted of a PA who took one look at my palm and announced I had Dupuytrens. I never even saw the doctor (I guess it wasn't worth it because I don't have contracture) and was told to come back when it gets worse. I would imagine my experience is pretty typical and I wonder how any of us will ever get these new treatments when is seems no one is interested in our problem. If I called that office and said I wanted to look into something like that they probably wouldn't even see me- all they want to do is surgery.

I'm sorry but this is exactly what I went through with doctors. My GP diagnosed it. I had to insist to see a specialist
A year after he told me to keep doing what I was doing: stretching my fingers and good luck.
Not many of them care alas
The last one, a surgeon I saw for my wrist:
come back when a pen can pass underneath through your finger when you flat(or try to) your hand. 😟

So this is my goal not to go back and do all what I can to avoid a surgery.

Right now I'm trying to do what someone suggested on this forum in 2017 . I started last week

Improvement with exercises, massage and night splints! :)

This forum is great and people here care 🙂
I hope thist can be helpful !

Edited 06/12/22 23:51

understanding   disease   ford-university   dupuytren-online   Dupuytren   adalimumab   Dupuytren’s   Treatment   announcement   approximately   contracture   scientific-program   Breakthrough   injections   JeffreyCrigler   ‘gamechanger   Possible   finger-bending   progression   dupuytrensymposium