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Statins: bad or good or neither for Dupuytren's? Mine got worse after starting simvastatin.
02/06/2022 06:13
02/06/2022 06:13
Statins: bad or good or neither for Dupuytren's? Mine got worse after starting simvastatin.

Hi - I have to ask this. Did anyone notice their Dupuytren's getting worse while being on a statin? I had a lot of nodules in my right hand for a many years, but hardly anything in my left. 6 months ago I started a simvastatin. Then about 2 months ago I noticed a very significantly large nodule in my left palm that I swear wasn't there at all before now. The only major difference in my life style was adding simvastatin, which significantly lowered my cholesterol levels.

Ok, there was one other difference in my life style. I started going back to work in person over the summer, and i was using my "small" iphone a fair amount during my train commute, holding it in my left hand. I initially blamed that.

But then 2 months ago, I had a very significant increase in my peripheral neuropathy. My neurologist mentioned there was a small possibility that statins can cause neuropathy. If they can do that, who knows what else they can do?

So even though all evidence points to the unlikelihood that my small dose of simvastatin could cause any negative side effects, my brain is grasping at straws right now, and compelling me to question the simvastatin. I had avoided taking a statin for a long time, because I knew about people have side effects. Now I'm 2nd guessing myself self for starting it. Thanks. - Mark

02/06/2022 06:38
02/06/2022 06:38

Re: Statins: bad or good or neither for Dupuytren's? Mine got worse after starting simvastatin.

Hi Mark; I am inclined to plug for coincidence rather than causation. I seems that age has started to catch up with me and my doctors have recently put me on 10mg per day of Rosuvastatin and 10mg per day of Ramipril (Blood pressure). Small doses I gather but this is all new to me.

Both my hands are a mess at the moment with DC issues as I haven't been able to get to Paris for NA treatment.

I have not noticed any increase in Dupuytrens activity since starting on my new cocktail of drugs.

02/06/2022 07:34


02/06/2022 07:34


Re: Statins: bad or good or neither for Dupuytren's? Mine got worse after starting simvastatin.

A colleague of mine developed 'lumps' and bruising on their palm when starting with one type of statin. He changed to a different statin and it cleared up. Statins are well known for having different side effects that include muscle aches and similar symptoms, but I have not heard of an association with DD. There are some studies out there and this one, in vitro, suggests simvastatin could be beneficial for treating Peyronies https://bjui-journals.onlinelibrary.wile...xFsBV3RL3-ubNqA So, I think we don't know but it is under further study https://www.ehealthme.com/ds/simvastatin...-s-contracture/

02/06/2022 20:50
02/06/2022 20:50
Re: Statins: bad or good or neither for Dupuytren's? Mine got worse after starting simvastatin.

Thanks for responses. FWIW:


I don't trust the site. In any event, statins can have weird side effects.

02/08/2022 13:35
02/08/2022 13:35
Re: Statins: bad or good or neither for Dupuytren's? Mine got worse after starting simvastatin.

I have been on Statins for 40 years. My Dupuytren developed in both hands 15 years ago. After having the radiation therapy 14 years ago I have had zero progression from the disease and have not missed a day of taking my statins. My dosage was increased from 20mg to 40mg and have never had any side effects from them.


Edited 02/08/22 15:37

02/08/2022 14:38


02/08/2022 14:38


Re: Statins: bad or good or neither for Dupuytren's? Mine got worse after starting simvastatin.

I have been on Statins for 40 years. My Dupuytren developed in both hands 15 years ago. After having the radiation therapy 14 years ago I have had zero progression from the disease and have not missed a day of taking my statins. My dosage was increased from 20mg to 40mg and have never had any side effects from them.

Interesting, would you mind sharing which statin? Although everyone progresses or reacts differently I am in the candidate zone to take statins, but have deferred so far and mitigate the risk with other lifestyle choices.

02/08/2022 14:46
02/08/2022 14:46
Re: Statins: bad or good or neither for Dupuytren's? Mine got worse after starting simvastatin.

I am generic Lipitor . I have had a cholesterol issue since my late 20's when I began on various statins for 40 years. The generic name of Lipitor is :

Atorvastatin, sold under the brand name Lipitor among others, is a statin medication used to prevent cardiovascular disease in those at high risk and to treat abnormal lipid levels. For the prevention of cardiovascular disease, statins are a first-line treatment. It is taken by mouth.

I was on 20mg for 35 years and now i am on 40mg. I have never had any side effects. My understanding if you do they just put you on another one.

I believe my issue is hereditary and less due to diet or weight or life style.

02/08/2022 15:00
02/08/2022 15:00
Re: Statins: bad or good or neither for Dupuytren's? Mine got worse after starting simvastatin.

I have been on Statins for 40 years. My Dupuytren developed in both hands 15 years ago. After having the radiation therapy 14 years ago I have had zero progression from the disease and have not missed a day of taking my statins. My dosage was increased from 20mg to 40mg and have never had any side effects from them.

This is good news. I just scheduled an initial appointment for radiation treatment. Unfortunately, it's 2 months away.

08/28/2022 09:58
08/28/2022 09:58

Re: Statins: bad or good or neither for Dupuytren's? Mine got worse after starting simvastatin.

This is not a timely reply but reflects my experience with statins, including simvastatin, as a possible Dupuytren’s trigger.

Originally I was prescribed atorvastatin following heart bypass surgery many years back. Coincidentally(?), I developed the initial round of severe Dupuytren’s symptoms in that post surgery phase.

Started simvastatin in February 2022 after 6 years off atorvastatin. Recurrence of Dupuytren’s symptoms and thumb swelling. Started in one hand, became bilateral after a few weeks of 20mg simvastatin.

Your Mileage May Vary, but my ancedotal experience has been that atorvastatin and simvastatin could aggravate flare up of Dupuytren’s symptoms.

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