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To many Doctors
12/19/2012 17:16
12/19/2012 17:16
To many Doctors

A few weeks ago my hip started hurting. I go see my G.P. I think because of the new nodules on my feet, along with the very large old nodules on my feet, have thrown my gate off causing my hip to hurt. I show him my feet and tell him that my LD in the feet along with the DD in the hands has gone on a bender. I am also seeing the oncoloy radiologist and hand surgeon. He says stop everything! Let's get you going down another path. I want you to see my friend the Hematologist. I do this and show her my DD and LD. I tell her that my doc thinks it is inflamation and that if you can get the inflamation to stop then this will all stop. She does an exam, orders urine sample, 10 vials of blood and hand X-rays. All come back normal. Yes even the test for liver function is normal. Today I go back to see my G.P. of 20 years for follow-up. I am not sure what to say to him. He has ordered me to stop playing tennis. I want to play again. He says that the sport is making it all worse. Up until two weeks ago I played 10 hours a week of tennis. Mostly doubles and with my friends. Since then I have been walking in the rain, I live in Oregon, by myself. My spirits are in the dumps and I am in the same place I was two weeks ago when I first saw him. My hip hurts and for whatever reason, the LD and DD are on a bender! I am so frustrated, sad and angry and I don't know what to do. This disease sucks. At least I know have a place to vent. Thanks for that.

12/19/2012 17:41


12/19/2012 17:41


Re: To many Doctors

Commiserations Tami. I play tennis too, and also piano and have some sympathy.

With tennis it's often hard to tell if a niggle you have picked up is going to heal, or it's a new chronic condition to be managed. I had plantar fasciitus for more than 2 years, and it only healed when I was forced to stop in order to recover from an unrelated operation. Before that I could have sworn it was not due to the tennis. Tennis is hard on just about everything in the body I think!

With piano my hands often flare up, and then I blame too much practice although I have a pretty steady careful routine.

In both cases either a reduction or some rest usually helps. Helps me anyway. Maybe take some time off over the forthcoming holiday period?

12/19/2012 21:07
12/19/2012 21:07

Re: To many Doctors

Tami1962; I agree with spannishbuddha that rest should help recovery but I suggest that this should be as part of a plan. Over the past 40 years I can't count the number of times I have been told by GP's and specialists that I should give up certain sports and sometimes all sports.

You might like to consider getting a personal trainer to specifically work on strategies to counter changes in posture or gate. Some years back I was getting injury followed by injury and, like you, I was getting advice to give up tennis and weight work in the gym but then I started working with a first rate personal trainer. In just one hour a week we have been able to eliminate injury. Sometimes it has been a stretch to compensate, other times core strenght issues and sometimes building a compensating muscle.

There certainly seems to be evidence that that trauma aggravates DD and LD but then knee cartilage injury, tennis elbow, rotator cuff injury, golfers elbow etc are all problems you can get from playing sport with or without DD and LD. You don't give up golf because you have golfers elbow you change your stance or your grip.

12/19/2012 22:33
12/19/2012 22:33
Re: To many Doctors

I could nt agree more with Seph......there is life with dups and sport.....you will just have to find a way of managing yourself.......

I have quite a bit to put on the forum regarding this.....and will need a little time over Xmas to put it together.....but I believe there are many things that are available to keep you enjoying your sport....will speak soon...


12/20/2012 15:49
12/20/2012 15:49
Re: To many Doctors

I could nt agree more with Seph......there is life with dups and sport.....you will just have to find a way of managing yourself.......

I have quite a bit to put on the forum regarding this.....and will need a little time over Xmas to put it together.....but I believe there are many things that are available to keep you enjoying your sport....will speak soon...

Can't wait for your input.

12/20/2012 16:14
12/20/2012 16:14
Re: To many Doctors

We can do this one doctor at a time. My doctor will now believe a person that comes in with classic DD and LD!!!!! That is good news. I like the idea about the personal trainer. After I get the NAs and radiation on both feet and hands, I think I will get with a trainer before blow back on the court and pull a hammy or something like that. I want to hear more about how people keep up with their sports and excercise. It is encouraging and motiviating when I hear other's stories and how they "Just Do It"

12/20/2012 17:03
12/20/2012 17:03
Re: To many Doctors

I think handling the hands (Dupuytren's) and the feet (LD) are two different scenarios. I have both. My feet have been no problem for probably ten years because I have not put undue stress on the arches. I still walk a lot and run moderately, but pay close attention when doing too much. My hands are not a problem following surgery. I do the same things as prior to Dupuytren's.

12/21/2012 20:40
12/21/2012 20:40
Re: To many Doctors

I play tennis differently than I did before, I wear a glove and that changed my grip. (I'll blame bad playing on anything). I tried using my left non DD hand, and that has not been very successful. My hand does tire quicker than before and i am very aware of not aggreviating it. I play gollf and I also changed the type of golf glove I wear. It is more padded in the palm. DD did not change my golf game as much as tennis. I love golf but am not that good and that might be why.

Hang in there. We all work out a way to keep doing the things we love. Sometimes we just have to modify how we accomplish those things.


12/22/2012 00:46
12/22/2012 00:46

Re: To many Doctors

lori; You might find that the glove is contributing to the issues with you hand.

I have found that I fixed my problems by putting a second grip on my tennis racket. Not an over grip a full grip. Makes the handle thicker of course but then so does a glove. The benefit though is that it is softer to hold so less wear and tear and I no longer get cramp in my hand when playing all afternoon.

12/27/2012 17:07
12/27/2012 17:07
Re: To many Doctors


Thanks for the idea. I don't know why I never thought of that. Duhhh...I almost always think and reach for my glove when I am doing things that could hurt my hand. My husband wraps my racket handle anyway and I can just get him to adjust it where I need it. I try to keep the tennis games to under 2 hours because I have found that past that my hand does tire and then it will ache the next day. Golf is not a problem because there is more walking than playing and it does not seem to bother it as much.

Thanks for the advice and we will see if a new and thicker grip will improve my game!


radiologist   compensating   playing   differently   Commiserations   specialists   encouraging   specifically   spannishbuddha   because   contributing   Doctors   moderately   forthcoming   aggreviating   inflamation   everything   Hematologist   sometimes   motiviating