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UK treatment of Dupytrens using radiation
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01/09/2009 16:19
01/09/2009 16:19

Re: UK treatment of Dupytrens using radiation


Yes, don't worry, Trev. I saw Dr Goode in the summer and went there as nervous as you are now. He takes a conservative approach and recommended I not have radiation at this time. I have a follow-up appointment with him in Jan.

And there is a HUGE shopping mall by the train station if you have some time to kill. I suggest a stop at New Zealand Natural ice cream.

Have you got a date for your follow up pixi? I'm here at the moment and have had my treatment planning meeting this morning. I start the first week of treatment on Monday. 9 days away at this time of year is boring, cold and expensive but at least I'll not starve with the nearby massive Asda well stocked

Cambidgeshire, UK.

    01/09/2009 22:15
    01/09/2009 22:15
    Re: UK treatment of Dupytrens using radiation

    Dear Trev,

    I’m pretty sure that your patience and determination will be rewarded. I think that you will be very pleasantly surprised just how easy, quick & uneventful the treatment is. The equipment is state of the art & the staff very experienced & friendly.

    I have now had my second post treatment review and can confirm that my most affected hand is completely stable since treatment & some of the nodules & chords are actually a little softer than before the treatment.

    Reviews will now be on an annual basis only. Good to know that there is the opportunity to have an ongoing dialogue after treatment.

    I wish you all the very best. Perhaps try a trip to the harbour and a coffee at one of the sea front pavement coffee houses.

      01/10/2009 15:08
      01/10/2009 15:08

      Re: UK treatment of Dupytrens using radiation


      Dear Trev,

      I’m pretty sure that your patience and determination will be rewarded. I think that you will be very pleasantly surprised just how easy, quick & uneventful the treatment is. The equipment is state of the art & the staff very experienced & friendly.

      I have now had my second post treatment review and can confirm that my most affected hand is completely stable since treatment & some of the nodules & chords are actually a little softer than before the treatment.

      Reviews will now be on an annual basis only. Good to know that there is the opportunity to have an ongoing dialogue after treatment.

      I wish you all the very best. Perhaps try a trip to the harbour and a coffee at one of the sea front pavement coffee houses.

      I drove round to the beaches area this morning Phil but it was too cold to get out of the car

      I'm sitting in my hotel room at the moment with the heater on that one of the kind lady members of staff gave to me. Did you have full palm treatment? I'm still, even at this late stage, nervous of the treatment. This is serious stuff after all.

      I don't want to do this piecemeal and my GP & the consultant both picked up the potential problems in the hand so they're the guys with the experience so I go with their advice. At the end of the day, no radiotherapy is best followed by as little as possible but in my case not missing anything is more important for me

      During next weeks treatment (I've only got full use of my right hand) I'm going to find it virtually impossible to keep the hand free of soap (Simple unperfumed stuff), water, towel & flannel etc. Did any of that have any effect on your treated area or did you just use your other hand?

      Here is my hand after treatment planning:

      Cambidgeshire, UK.

        01/11/2009 10:41
        01/11/2009 10:41

        Re: AttentionTrev. Re Care of Hands Post Radiotherapy.

        Hi Australia Callin,
        I dont know what has prompted you worries about soap/wet hands etc. post radiotherapy.I had no symptons of having had the radiotherapy. I was told not to handle oil paints petroleumon the skin thats all. Immediately after the treatment I toured Germany with my wife carrying suit cases, driving etc. no problems at all. Sure I used a hand creme to avoid dry skin -Thats it. Trev dont worry just do you normal thing. Regard .

          01/11/2009 11:10
          01/11/2009 11:10
          Re: UK treatment of Dupytrens using radiation

          Totally agree with the Aussie input!

          I had treatment to both hands, in the same time frame, and both were almost full exposure i.e. only the fingertips were shielded.

          No no stage, either during treatment or since, did I have a problem with mobility or discomfort in any way. I wash my hands just as frequently as before, use normal soaps (of course avoiding any aggressive detergents etc – but that’s a good idea anyway).

          I applied the recommended hand cream and, whilst I now do have a drier skin surface than before, this has had no adverse affect on touch sensitivity etc.. Certainly nothing to cause concern.

            01/11/2009 12:36
            01/11/2009 12:36

            Re: UK treatment of Dupytrens using radiation

            Thank both, that's good to hear. I'm a natural worrier

            But in reply Newman: you're given a leaflet "Guidelines for patients receiving electron treatment"

            The first point of 5 says "if washing has been recommended, use only warm water, splashing the area gently and patting it dry with a soft towel - do not scrub or use soap!"

            Plus some other stuff about perfumed products and plasters, creams, ointments etc that may contain chemicals.

            I suppose it's primarily designed for those perhaps receiving stronger treatment in more sensitive areas.

            Cambidgeshire, UK.

            Edited 01/11/09 14:59

              01/11/2009 14:28
              01/11/2009 14:28
              Re: UK treatment of Dupytrens using radiation

              I have just completed my first session of full hand radiation, just half inch into the fingers. I had no problems. Noticed a little deep redness at selected spots not necessarily at the nodules themselves but at the outside edges which I hope means that it is taking care of the spreading. This redness came and went. Its a little hard, of course to tell what is connected to the radiation and what would be a normal situation. I never spent a lot of time studying my hands from moment to moment. At first I was struck by the seriousness of the radiation treatment, but the treatments were painless during and after. At three weeks my hand looks the same except the beginning chords are a little more white and deliniated when I stretch my hand. I hope to post some pics when I have time.

                01/11/2009 19:54
                01/11/2009 19:54
                Re: UK treatment of Dupytrens using radiation

                re: soap!!!

                my hands are still a little dry, and I try and avoid bar soap as it's naturally drying, so use Cetaphil liquid cleanser instead. However, I cook and clean a lot....! so my hands are in water many times during the day. Maybe you gentleman don't have to worry about "housewive's hands."

                I tried to find a 10% urea cream/or lotion to no avail, but have found Lubriderm Advanced Therapy cream for extra dry skin to work great and it does have urea in it; plus, it's fairly cheap!

                best wishes to all for a happy 2009! Megan L

                  01/12/2009 20:37
                  01/12/2009 20:37

                  Re: UK treatment of Dupytrens using radiation


                  I think that you will be very pleasantly surprised just how easy, quick & uneventful the treatment is.

                  First treatment today Phil and I have to say that that was true. Very uneventful, just like an extended x-ray.

                  I was surprised by two things: no way was that 3 mins which I thought was the length of the treatment each time and secondly, no other shielding was given as is shown on the radiation page http://www.dupuytren-online.info/radiation_therapy.html

                  Cambidgeshire, UK.

                  Edited 01/12/09 22:40

                    01/12/2009 20:59
                    01/12/2009 20:59
                    Re: UK treatment of Dupytrens using radiation

                    Great news!

                    The link you sent shows radiation using X-rays. I'm no expert but I'm quite sure that the radiation source that you are being treated with is quite different. Also, the equipment used at Poole is quite new and is much more 'directive' and therefore safer in use. Why not ask your treatment team tomorrow?

                    Good luck with the repeat visits.

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