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CoQ10 and Dupuytrens
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04/25/2009 11:02
04/25/2009 11:02
CoQ10 and Dupuytrens

I wanted to tell you my story about when I was taking CoQ10. First let me apologize if this is a little long. I started taking this supplement for Migraines at a very low dosage around Feb 2008. It is also used frequently for woman who are perimenopausal and I have a brother-in-law who uses it for his diabetes.

My Dupuytrens started in July 2008, but I was not diagnosed until October. In December it started spreading to a second finger and then a third finger in January 2009. I have no known family history of Dupuytrens or family members and no other higher risk factors except for some little unsubstantiated blurb I've read about if you are being treated for epilepsy. I don't have epilepsy, but I take an anti-seizure medication used by epileptics as a preventative medication for my Migraines.

I recently changed doctors and went to a Migraine specialist who wanted to up the CoQ10. I asked her about what I had found on this site about CoQ10 and how it could inhibit the collagenase enzyme. This enzyme breaks down collagen - the molecule that makes up the Dupuytren's cords in the hands. She just told me to talk to my hand doctor before increasing or discontinuing the CoQ10. Here is Megan's post on CoQ10 on the site http://www.dupuytren-online.info/Forum_E...nase-0_353.html

After explaining everything to my hand doctor, the only real advice he could give to me was "if I were a family member, he would advise me not to waste my time or money on the supplement. That he hadn't heard anything good or bad about it." I decided to stop taking it.

After 1 month of stopping the low dose of CoQ10, I have to tell you I see such a remarkable improvement in my hand. I never had a contracture, but I had two small cords and a bigger nodule on my third finger. I only feel the one cord now and the one nodule which looks like it is still shrinking. There is still some dimpling on my palm, but it looks and feels much better than it did.

I just want to caution anyone with Dupuytren's and it's related disease's about taking CoQ10. I do realize it is not a cure, but if it can help, you really should be cautious about this supplement. It was helping my Migraines, but I am working on finding other things to help those. Thank you for listening and for all of your help.

04/25/2009 16:05
04/25/2009 16:05
Re: CoQ10 and Dupuytrens

Hm-mmmmm. I hadn't seen anything about the possible connection CoQ10. Interesting that I had been taking naproxen, glucosamine/condroitin and CoQ10 for at least 3 years before I first notice nodules. I have taken CoQ10 for the least amount of time. I already stopped naproxen and glucosamine/condroitin. I have stopped taking CoQ10 as of today.

Thanks for your post. I don't have the time to read every single thing in the archives, but I do search the archives for specific things. It helps to see something posted again, because if I don't know to search for something, i.e. CoQ10, I'd only see it by accident. I do check this site a couple of times week, actually until I get over my fixation on my Dupuytren's, it's more like everyday!

04/25/2009 18:00
04/25/2009 18:00
Re: CoQ10 and Dupuytrens

I understand. I find so much about Dupuytren's fascinating too and there is a lot of good information on this site. It's also interesting that one of the Other Therapies for Duputren's is Collagenase injections as found in this article http://www.dupuytren-online.info/dupuytren_collagenase.html. If CoQ10 inhibits the natural production of collagenase, then that can't be good for us.

I am also still taking my anti-seizure medication and have seen this improvement to my palm in this short of a time. It is kind of a shame because I have only heard good things about CoQ10 until I found this, but I would rather not take it now. This definitely appears to have been a downside of CoQ10 for me.

05/11/2009 12:33
05/11/2009 12:33
Re: CoQ10 and Dupuytrens

I have been taking Coq10 for several years which has coincided with with an increase in severity of my Dupuytren's. I had NA six months ago with little success and my hand is almost as bad as it was prior to NA. I am going to stop taking Coq10 and see if things improve.

05/11/2009 15:21

not registered

05/11/2009 15:21

not registered

Re: CoQ10 and Dupuytrens

Let us know how it works out. Correlation might be interesting.


I have been taking Coq10 for several years which has coincided with with an increase in severity of my Dupuytren's. I had NA six months ago with little success and my hand is almost as bad as it was prior to NA. I am going to stop taking Coq10 and see if things improve.

05/12/2009 09:46
05/12/2009 09:46
Re: CoQ10 and Dupuytrens

I stopped taking the CoQ10 starting today,5/12/09. I'll track it over the next month and report my progress. I also have nodules in my feet which I never had before and I have suspected that it may be somethng that I take. I have been taking supplements for many years(20).Vitamins C,E,fish oil, calcium,niacin and a multi with no ill effects. I have been taking naproxen for many years for a chronic bad back with no ill effects. staffman

05/24/2009 01:24
05/24/2009 01:24
Re: CoQ10 and Dupuytrens

It has been almost another month since I have been off of CoQ10 and I thought I would report in again. I can feel the one cord when I press down on my palm and I still have the one nodule. It did shrink a little more and it does not hurt any more.

I'd like to know if anyone else who stops the CoQ10 finds a change in as well.

05/30/2009 04:43

not registered

05/30/2009 04:43

not registered

Re: CoQ10 and Dupuytrens

I was stunned to come across these posts about the possible connection between Dupuytrens and CoQ10. I noticed the first onset of Dupuytrens in my right hand late last fall after having taken CoQ10 supplements for about 3-4 years as a part of general nutritional supplementation. Coincidence? Not sure but after reading other people's posts I am stopping taking CoQ10 as of today!

09/04/2009 17:30
09/04/2009 17:30
Re: CoQ10 and Dupuytrens

I just finished reading about Q10 and decided i'm going to quit taking it. Please tell me that all of you are still having good luck by not taking Q10. Take care

09/04/2009 21:20
09/04/2009 21:20
Re: CoQ10 and Dupuytrens

Because of posts on this forum I stopped taking glucosamine/chondroitin about 18 months and also stopped CoQ10 about six months ago. The Dups. in my right hand (bent pinkie finger, cords, nodules) has stopped the progression....BUT....approx. during the last two years my left hand has developed many nodules, dimples and a small cord...so go figure....

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discontinuing   brother-in-law   significantly   collagenase   Dupuytrens   anti-seizure   supplement   stopped   dupuytren-online   unsubstantiated   Dupuytren   connection   glucosamine   Interesting   medication   supplements   perimenopausal   supplementation   improvement   condroitin