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03/05/2004 23:19

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03/05/2004 23:19

not registered

Pain with Dup.

I have pain with the disease. I have a cord in my hand, ending with a knot right below the finger. I just had trigger finer surgery on the same finger. I have knots in several other areas of my hands. Both of them. What I feel with the cord, is pain, but, another thing...grinding. Like something is grinding in my hand. I have been told by my hand surgeon, that he will use cortizone next. I called the clinic in Florida, just to see how long the wait is, and when they would do it in the current problem you have. They did tell me it is a month. I thought that was really not bad at all. The other thing they said, is they would do it, when you could not lay your hand down on the table flat anymore, or lift your finger up from the table. I have no intentions, of waiting for it to be clamped to my hand. That is when you get the skin split. If you go early enough , that won't happen. I am doing this day by day. I know the last stage is the cord. I get up with it stiff. My doctor always tells me, to Keep Using YOUR HANDS. I do. And I do excersizes with them. Sometimes, that CRUNCHING comes in, and it is not nice, and Pain. This is Not a painless disease. It is just nice to know, if you are on top of it, you can get into see Doctor Eaton, within a month.

03/10/2004 23:12

not registered

03/10/2004 23:12

not registered


I wrote a month ago and explaind about the pain with this DC, I also was told there is no pain......I have alot of pain lumps cords dimples, I do not want to wait until I cant lift my finger off the table. has anyone had AV before this stage????? also I was lied to again and told that only northeastern europeans decent get this disease.... I knew it was not true and to prove it read back a few the lady writes she is a female hispanic!!!!!!!!!!! so how does worker comp explain that one??????? Doctors have no trouble lying to you and how can you trust them to do surgery??? there is no cure for this disease and no one realy knows how you get it!!!!!! I know how you get it it is from plain it is from hard work and abuse from employers expecting more and more from us. and then casting us to the curb when we cant perform anymore!!!!!!!

03/10/2004 23:24

not registered

03/10/2004 23:24

not registered


I am sorry to inform the previous posters that you have not been doing your research. If you want a proper diagnosis, please visit a Rheumatoid physycian.

There are other hand ailments that cause pain.

03/19/2004 23:49
03/19/2004 23:49

I did not notice a lump until a few weeks ago and the doc
says it is Dupuytren, very early stage. I have had pain in this area for the past two years though. I would notice it at times when I would shift gears on my stick shift. I got a rubber material to cushion the hand. So it can be painful. I would say more painful to the touch, not a constant ache type pain. But it seems to come and go.
I can squeeze the lump now and it is fine, no pain.
It is true people of Nordic descent are more prone to get this but that does not exclude other races. It all depends on the gene structure but is most common among Norse descendants. I do a lot of typing so am concerned about this which just hit me out of the blue.

03/20/2004 23:45
Randy H.

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03/20/2004 23:45
Randy H.

not registered

Check it out!


Blue, Green, Orange or Purple, it hits us all the same way. But relax! You've come to the right place. I had surgery almost a year ago and am still believing I'll be back to my previous speed on the keyboard. You, however, will probably never need to deal with Dups surgical recovery. First off, though your experience of pain would suggest otherwise, there is no guarantee you will ever experience "contracture" of a digit (finger). That said, if you ever do, there is a new treatment in the U.S. that will allow you to avoid what I have been through. My friend, watch and learn:


Before having traditional invasive surgery I wouldn't have considered flying accost the country to have an "alternative" procedure. However in the words of a former President: "Let me make myself perfectly clear": Should you be unlucky enough to need a "Procedure", get your butt on a plane to Florida.
Do not pass Go. Do not listen to the voice of Authority sating "surgery is the only way". Horse Puckey! Don't let them cut you! Read the thread "Treatment by Dr. Eaton". Like I said, you came to the right place. Check it out.

03/21/2004 23:28
Barbara Bernard

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03/21/2004 23:28
Barbara Bernard

not registered

Can Dupuytren~sq~s grow over the entire body and is it painful?

I am 55 years old and have had Dupuytren's since 1996. Two surgeries on the right hand and one surgery on the left hand as well as the needle aponeuratomy on the left. I don't know if you can get this all over your body but I stronly suspect that you can. The doctor who did my second surgery did a nerve conducting study and he told me that the test show I have this in my left arm to my elbow and to the shoulder in my right arm. I stopped the surgeries when he did my left pointer finger and wrist. The recovery pain was horrific. It took me seven months of intense therapy to regain use of my hand. I still have poor small motor skills and I am afraid to have anymore surgery at this time.
However, I know first hand that someday soon I will have to undergo the surgery again. The disease is spreading and growing out of control. My mother had this disease.
First in both her feet, which paralized her legs, and then both hands and up her arms. She was totally incapacitated within ten years. She was in a lot of pain because she had arthritis which is usually associated with this disease, or at least that's what I've been told.
When I was a young woman I had fibers in my female organs that had to be removed--recently I had fibers removed from my forehead--a mass of fibers in my left breast and now this disease. My doctors do not believe that any of these are related. But, I believe that they are and I know that Dupuytren's will paralyze you. I seen it kill my mother.
As for pain. I can't really say that I have had pain except after surgery. I have muscle spasms that are quite painful, but other than those, no. I have no pain.
I also have an older brother and younger sister who has the disease. My brother and I smoke and drink beer & wine. (I've quit) My sister has never smoked or drank alcohol. But she did have some sort of epilespy as a child that I remember.
We are of northern European decent and the only relative besides my mother who may have had this disease is my grandfathers mother. I have read that the female carries the gene.??
I believe that Dr. Eaton's needle aponeuratomy therapy is worth looking into. I don't know if it is the same injection therapy that I had, but I am going to find out. Anything is better than the surgery. And even the surgery is better that being paralized.

03/25/2004 23:53
Don Westin

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03/25/2004 23:53
Don Westin

not registered


The two large nodes in my right hand hurt most of the time. I have had them for 6 years. I have a well defined cord leading from the nodes to my finger, but my finger is still straight. I think I will leave it alone until it begins to pull down to my palm.

03/30/2004 23:48
03/30/2004 23:48
Dc pain

As you all know i am Eddie. I came here in search of answers when i was told i had Dupuytren's sadly not all questions were answered but that is how it goes.

At first when mine started i had burning sensations through my ring finger and my baby finger.

As the diseas progressed I could and still can feel it growing inside my hand. The pain is more of a dull sensation and causes major discomfort.

Maybe because im so young it seems to have grown real fast. But now the cord in my palm has reached the base of my ring finger. But before it reached the ring finger i could feal the extra skin under there which had caused the finger to contract.

We now move onto the left side. My thumb which has now been effected has the cord running up it. I know for a fact that the other effected skin is under my palm because when i stretch it i can feel the pull from the base of my palm. The pain is emmmense and again it may be due to my young age.

Hope this helps and talk to you all soon.

Warm regards Eddie! :)

02/20/2005 23:46
D Beason

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02/20/2005 23:46
D Beason

not registered


I had the French needle. My finger is now straight. The nodes in my hand got smaller. They still hurt though. Especially when I flex my hands.

02/24/2005 23:33

not registered

02/24/2005 23:33

not registered

Disability for DC ?

I have had DC in both hands for some time. One operation (before I was aware of NA). Surgery was initially fine but by 1 year the finger was worse than before surgery.My hands are bad now and its spreading to my feet.

Though I hate this option, what is the possiblity of being declared disabled and recieving disability compensation as I have limited use of my hands.

Anyone ever try disability/



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