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Any Info ?
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12/23/2005 23:31

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12/23/2005 23:31

not registered

Any Info ?

Was diagnosed about 3 weeks ago with DD in my right hand. Had 2 small nodules for about 2 1/2 yrs but did'nt think much about them. They did'nt hurt, get bigger or bother me so I did'nt bother them ! Wish I knew better now. Anyway, the ortho Dr. said he could do surgery. After finding this site (thank God)I decided to wait and do some more investigating. My job is very physical and I use my hands in everything I do. I guess I'm in stage I, 4 nodules with a cord going to my right little finger. About 5 degree contracture of the little finger. My question is : Has anyone used Dr. Bourland in Memphis and if so what do you think ? I can drive to Memphis in about 8 hrs. vs a flight to see Dr. Eaton. Any info is much appreciated. At this point I am willing to go with NA from everything I am reading if the Dr. says it's a go. And by the way. Keep up with the great information. I would be sitting at home with a bandaged up hand and missing at least 2 months if not alot more work if you folks had'nt been available. I will try and pass along the things I learn from this site so others can take advantage of your experience's. It's hard to believe there is so little help in this country. Oh yeah. I am a white male, 48 yrs old with no known family history. I have had problems with plantar facitis, and tennis elbow on both sides. Just one more exciting thing to add to the list I guess.

Thanks Alot

12/23/2005 23:06

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12/23/2005 23:06

not registered

Dr. William Bourland, CHS, Memphis, TN


Doctor Bourland, CHS, Memphis does the Needle Aproneurotomy for Dupuytrin's contracture. He is an excellent and respected NA CHS for DC physician. He performed the NA on a total of 4 fingers: two fingers on each hand, ring and little fingers (not on the same day). The results were amazing: Straight fingers in about 30 minutes - each procedure. This was about one year ago, and my fingers are still straight. Before you make the trip, you should send photos of your hands (different position: top, bottom and side) to see if you are a good candidate for the NA procedure.

I hope that this is helpful to you, and wish you the best.

12/23/2005 23:12

not registered

12/23/2005 23:12

not registered


Thanks much for the info. I took pics last night and will get them off to him. I'm in Iowa, hard to believe no one close to here is in tune with this. I'm going to get some info to my ortho Dr. here. Maybe he wil be proactive and check out NA. Again, my thanks. Jim

12/23/2005 23:38

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12/23/2005 23:38

not registered


Do understand that Dr. Bourland has not been French trained.

12/23/2005 23:30
Steve Abrams

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12/23/2005 23:30
Steve Abrams

not registered


Jim -

I'm in Wisconsin and flew to Florida to see Dr. Eaton, who I was completely satisfied with. This was in January of 2005 and I don't believe Dr. Bourland was doing NA at that time. I can only speak to the quality of Dr. Eaton's work, as I have no experience with the other physicians doing NA.

Steve Abrams

12/23/2005 23:19

not registered

12/23/2005 23:19

not registered


Thanks again. I do understand that Dr. Bourland is not French trained which brings up the question, who is training them or are they "home schooled" ? Steve, if you get time could you send me an email as to where you flew into and stayed, etc. ? I'm leaning on going to Dr. Eaton solely on his experience. It's not the money or time for me, I was just curious about someone closer. Nice to have options, which don't seem all that numerous with this. Thanks again everyone !! Jim

12/23/2005 23:17
Steve Abrams

not registered

12/23/2005 23:17
Steve Abrams

not registered


Jim -

I live in Madison. Flew to West Palm, which is not far from Eaton, and stayed in a Courtyard (Marriott). Flew down on a Thursday, saw Eaton on Friday, and returned to Madison on Monday. I could have flown back on Saturday or Sunday, but I have relatives in Stuart, which is not far Jupiter.


12/25/2005 23:37
Randy H.

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12/25/2005 23:37
Randy H.

not registered



I really believe a major factor in your decision should have to do with *which* joint you have the contraction. The first joint form the palm is the MCP, which is typically the easiest to release. The second joint is the PIP, which is more problematic regardless of whether Open Surgery or NA is being done.

An MCP would lean toward not as much need for the highest expertise, while the PIP could benefit from bringing in the Big Guns. This is not to say that Dr. Bourland couldn't to a "bang up job" in either case. Nothing but positive reports have been made about him on this site.

At only 5 degrees you probably aren't ready. Not much there to snap yet.

12/25/2005 23:46

not registered

12/25/2005 23:46

not registered


Randy, You are absolutely right. I am sending pics to both Drs. and will see what they think. My nodules are really what worry me now. I hav'nt seen alot of pics of other peoples hands so I'm only going on the assumption that it's better to get something done early instead of late. I already wish I had done something 2 yrs ago when I first noticed the lumps. I had the attitude that if I ignored them they would go away. Then I had people here at work say they were Ganglion cysts so I was'nt too worried. Oh well ! They certainly have my attention NOW ! Thanks for the input. I do appreciate the advice. Jim

12/26/2005 23:38
Randy H.

not registered

12/26/2005 23:38
Randy H.

not registered



You'll notice that not much is said about treating nodules around here, other than the current discussion about Radiotherapy. That's because most CHS leave them alone until a decision is made to remove *all* the diseased tissue with OS. NA just breaks the cords and leaves the nodules. A few CHS will treat them with cortisone injections which some believe can slow the disease down. However, this is not a generally accepted practice. The general bottom line is that if your fingers work, be happy. Leave nodules them alone.

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something   fingers   Denkler   qualifications   encountered   physicians   Radiotherapy   nodules   Aproneurotomy   controversial   distinguished   professionals   clarification   Frances   investigating   understanding   practitioners   experience   someone   Bourland