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Choosing a physician for NA procedure
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03/17/2005 23:22

not registered

03/17/2005 23:22

not registered

Choosing a physician for NA procedure

I've already paid for my plane fare and have an appointment scheduled with Dr. Eaton for late April. However, I live in California and have just become aware of Dr. Denkler and it sure would be a lot easier to drive for three hours to have the procedure done by him than to fly across the country. I'm having a hard time deciding what to do.
On the one hand, it feels better to go with Dr. Eaton, a hand surgeon, who has done 1000 procedures and has been trained in Paris than with Dr. Denkler, a plastic surgeon, who has no Paris training and has only done 20 or so procedures. On the other hand, there's the trade-off of a cross country trip and extra expense and being away from home for several days vs. being at home with lower expenses.

I'm a little put off by Dr. Denkler's patient who first mentioned botox as part of his procedure and then recanted--how does one make that mistake? It also seems a bit unusual that Dr. Denkler is active on this board although perhaps Dr. Eaton marketed himself --or the procedure -when he started also.

I'd appreciate any and all comments on my questions above-- Paris training necessary, how important is number of patients, is a hand surgeon better qualified, etc.


03/17/2005 23:55

not registered

03/17/2005 23:55

not registered

Choosing a physician for NA procedure


What you've described is a difficult decision which is why Dr Denkler has made arrangements to go to Paris for the training. Until then it is your choice...if you have already paid for your airfare I doubt if you could get that money back - no worry - you can see Dr Eaton this time then Dr. Denkler in the future if you require NA.



03/17/2005 23:11
Randy H.

not registered

03/17/2005 23:11
Randy H.

not registered

Choosing a physician for NA procedure

You are raising what will probably become *the* big controversy among NA patients / proponents. Here are some facts (and opinions) a I see them:

First: Eaton has never posted to this site. As the fist American CHS to do Paris NA, he was quite the buzz when word got out here. Bourland hasn't either. He became well known here as a source of controversy from all the knee jerk like post about him. Dr. Pess & Dr Denkler do post occasionally, and I for one am glad they do. We might learn something!

Second: Paris Training. From Dr. Gary Press: "Unfortunately, I think that few, if any, of the US Hand Surgeons will go to Paris to be properly instructed in the technique. I was surprised at how differently they do the procedure compared to what I had been doing for 14 months. They were wonderful in sharing ideas and tricks."

Press says it's worth it, though in his opinion it isn't going to happen. (Denkler however has said that he *will*, in fact do so this summer. From the postings it would appear he agreed to do so out of deference to us on the Forum). Personally, as I am thrilled that we have surgeons now running with the ball, I find it hard to join a "Paris Only" boycott. My phone chat with Bourland influenced me on that. Soon Americans can train American anyway, so it's going to be moot.
Eaton already has his own "Method", and may have already snatched the pebble from Lermusiaux's hand.

Third: Specialty, For the mostly part the French are *not* surgeons, let alone *hand* surgeons. They are Rheumatoloigests. So much for CHS as an absolute *necesity*. However, it should be obvious that CHS would should able to pick up NA much easier than any other kind of doc.

Fourth: Experience. Got to be worth something, but again, with a CHS I don't think it is as big a deal for them. Eaton go it right, right out of the box.

Feel any better? Probably not, may more confused. Personally I going to Florida. Got to pick up my check you know :)

03/17/2005 23:38

not registered

03/17/2005 23:38

not registered

Choosing a physician for NA procedure

So now it is certified hand doctors training certified hand doctors? It seems that was the topic a debate some months ago. The consensus was "only Paris trained NA doctors". I am delighted that someone has finely seen the light. You are more than correct Randy. NA trained certified hand doctors are much better qualified to train other certified hand doctors on NA. It seems that was the topic a debate some months ago. The consensus was "only Paris trained NA doctors" are acceptable. I am delighted that someone has finely seen the light. You are more that correct Randy. American NA trained certified hand doctors are much better qualified to train other certified hand doctors on NA.

03/17/2005 23:20
Randy H.

not registered

03/17/2005 23:20
Randy H.

not registered

Self Promotion

Yes, but that hasn't started yet. Eaton has trained *no one* so far. At present it would seem he recommends other CHS like Dr. Press to go to Paris. This does confuse me some, as he also states that he has developed the "Eaton Method" of NA. Ideally, it would seen that who should train Americans would be an originally "Paris Trained" CHS with lots of NA's under his belt. Right now that's Eaton. But, he apparently still recommends a trip to France.

03/17/2005 23:52
No Name

not registered

03/17/2005 23:52
No Name

not registered

Self Promotion

The question of whether doctors are posting to this site is a good one and it would be very troubling if any doctor is posting to this site to advertise their services, REGARDLESS of their service.

It is troubling that Eaton markets this forum on his web site and I'd be curious to know if other docs are doing the same. As a matter of good business, one would not point customers to sources of information that is not favorable and this forum praises certain doctors. So - no hidden messages - it looks like this forum is being used to promote certain doctors.

Its a good question. Is this forum just a commercial to drum up business? The way that NA is promoted and surgery is dumped on makes it easy to say yes to that question.

Final analysis: get second opinions and ask lots of questions.

03/17/2005 23:28
Randy H.

not registered

03/17/2005 23:28
Randy H.

not registered

Some History

No Name,

There *is* no question that this forum has been used for *years*, and by quite a long list of posters, to successfully to promote NA. That is the only, and I repeat *only* reason NA is now available in the US. And, in the service of that end, readers have need to be advised as to what hand surgeons are now doing this French-refined procedure, what their qualifications are, how they were trained, reports from people who have been seen by them, Etc. As additional surgeons doing NA are reported (and there have been *four* new ones in less that 12 months), their names will show up here as well, and we'll all evaluate them.

You have been here for just a little over *1* month, so you wouldn't have the history of what's been going on. Posts regarding NA go back to early 2000. Though inviting, few American wanted to travel to Paris to try it out. However, when the first American CHS was influenced by *this* site to investigate NA, things changed. Upon his return from Paris, and his "conversion" (shall we say) to NA, Americans began to flock to his Hand Center to avoid Open Surgery.
Because of that, the number of posts concerning NA have *skyrocked* here. For reason stated above, this will probably execrate still.

Your apparent disdain for NA is duly noted. However, the irrefutable medical statistics eventually will be available. I and others may be disappointed that the French could be so wrong. On the other hand, should these studies come back with *glowing* approval for NA, will this change your mind and cause you to think perhaps that what has been going on here for the last four years has turned out to be a positive advancement for all who suffer from Dups? I can't see any reason why it wouldn't.

03/17/2005 23:05
No Name

not registered

03/17/2005 23:05
No Name

not registered

The Open Question

NA and surgery are each options in their own right and I do not favor one over the other. In fact, my surgeon discussed both with me and we agreed on surgery. But, he gave me good reasons as to why NA is sometimes used.

Point is I got all the information and made the best choice I could for myself. The shameless postings for NA that always suggests surgeons are just out for a buck are just inexcusable.

This site is being used to push NA as the only solution. As another person posted, neither NA nor surgery is a cure, but the endless postings promoting NA offer no facts to back their claims or at best offer only opinions.

And, some facts are hard to believe such as cost of surgery. I had open surgery with an expensive doctor at an expansive hospital for less than $4,000. But, you cannot count the postings telling people that surgery will cost up to $20,000, but try NA for $700 + travel costs to FL. NOW THAT IS A BALANT COMMERCIAL!!!

Post facts that can be supported and don't mislead people to promote favorite docs and personal agendas.

FOR THE RECORD - I DON'T KNOW AND DON'T CARE IF NA IS BETTER THAN SURGERY AND HAVE NO PREFERENCE. But,I recognize BS when I see it. And I have read many of the messages going back to 2000 and there is a lot of good information here. But, there is also a lot of peaching and posturing.

03/18/2005 23:55
Randy H.

not registered

03/18/2005 23:55
Randy H.

not registered

We~sq~re Listening

The more I listen to you, the more I think you and Sean would make a great Tag Team. *Never* have two posters held so may of the same positions. Really, you ought to meet Sean. He's mellowed quite a bit though and might find your attitude a bit "Over The Top" (We don't hear as much from Sean these days). I have learned to respect him. He knows his stuff. Tangle with him at your own risk.

*You*, however...........Well, here we go:

Nameless: "This site is being used to push NA as the *only* solution."

Show us the posts in the last month to back up that utterly fascinating claim. We *all* know NA doesn't make surgery obsolete.

Nameless: "But, you cannot *count* the postings telling people that surgery will cost up to $20,000"

Where are the posts, oh One Who's Name May Not be Uttered. Count them for us if you will, this number greater than the Stars. Please, in your reply, cut and past so all may see.

Nameless: "try NA for $700 + travel costs to FL"

And my good Sir, these figures are inaccurate exactly *how*? (If he overcharges *me* I'll be none too pleased!!)

Nameless: "Post facts that can be supported"

Please, show us if you will, any unsupported *Facts* regarding NA posted in 2005. (You've been her *1* month) We'd all like to be protected from such inaccuracy.

No Name: "But,I recognize BS when I see it."

And So Do We. (Aren't *you* the one saying some of *us* are Angry?.........Chill out Dude.)

03/18/2005 23:08
No Name

not registered

03/18/2005 23:08
No Name

not registered



You replied in a posting to me that you have an agenda with NA and some of the messages are so balant as to be silly. Particularly the ones that slam surgeons and claim that surgeons who do not favor NA are unwilling to change the medical status quo or afraid to buck the system. The postings that docs are unwilling to share information on NA just does not fly and others on this site have also challenged that goofy claim.

Problem is people on this site are promoting the false claim that docs are hiding this option. Where are the facts there? If someone makes that claim, they should back it up with the doctors name, date of appointment and proof that a doctor would deny telling someone this. Now, the doctor may not agree and I suspect that is the case and the posters are angry that their doctor did not agree with them. I was taught to get second and third opinions, but people sometimes only want to hear what they want to hear and using this forum (from appearances) to say their doctor did not know about NA and/or was rude and stupid is just goofy. My small time family doc in the middle of nowhere PA knew all about it and pointed me in the direction of a hand surgeon who discussed it with me. Gosh - sounds they're afraid to buck the AMA!

Just offer facts and share real information. Any problems with that?

In fact, I recently posted a link to a paper that brought upproblems with NA, but ALSO indicates that it has potential and was supportive of NA. A balanaced point of view! I'll say again, I don't know which is better.

As to the cost question. I don't log postings, but everyone has seen the postings claiming surgery will cost $15-20,000, but encouraging others to go to FL for $700 + travel. I had surgery at an expensive hospital in the heart of the city and the total cost was $3,691 + $300 to date for PT. Others have also reported surgery costs of about $4,000. Now there always exceptions (so save that lecture), but there are numerous postings telling readers that surgery will cost $20k and when promote FL for $700, more or less(and that number is common in this forum). the connection to misstating facts to promote an agenda is easy to make.

At the least, it is very suspisious and ought to be challenged - now where did I hear its good to challenge things? Why I heard that from Randy. Sound familiar?

By the way - No Name - its just a login nickname. Give it a rest.

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