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Have any of you had NA by Dr. Pess?
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07/06/2005 23:38

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07/06/2005 23:38

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Paul,sounds good. Any problem with stretching and incision healing?

07/17/2005 23:29
Pete Sucato

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07/17/2005 23:29
Pete Sucato

not registered

NA for my DC with Gary Pess

I had the NA procedure done on my left pinky on 7/6. I had a 50 PIP and 25 DIP contracture. It hurt like the dickens the first day because I took the pain medicine too late. After a few days with the painkillers I felt fine. My pinky is almost straight with a little bend (probably unnoticeable) at the top. For the record I am very distrusting of doctors and modern medicne in general. I do support the NA operation and Dr Pess infact I would have done it months ago if I knew it would work out so good. Email me for specific questions as I only check the board once in a while. -Pete

07/17/2005 23:45
Pete Sucato

not registered

07/17/2005 23:45
Pete Sucato

not registered

NA with Dr Pess

I forgot to say that I am young to have the DC at 34 years old.

09/20/2005 23:58

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09/20/2005 23:58

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NA The only way to go

I had NA by Dr Pess three weeks ago. Of course I was concerned about this " miracle" procedure versus the traditional surgery. Four other doctors had told me I would need the traditional surgery eventually, and described how gruesome it would be, with down time of 6 to 8 weeks.
I saw Dr. Pess and one week later he did NA on my right hand. The cord was about 20% of the ring finger and extended into the middle finger. The only pain was the initial pinch of the injection to numb the area. The rest of the procedure took about 6 minutes. The fact that there is no open cutting and only needle punctures amazed me. Dr. Pess was very calming about the procedure and I couldn't believe it when I got up 6 minutes later and the cord was flattened, broken, and my fingers were fully usable again. I can flatten my hand and clap again. I experienced no pain whatsoever, and my hand looks like it did pre DC and there was virtually no recovery time. The nodules are in there, much softer, and that constant pulling sensation in my hand is now gone. I intend to have the left hand done as soon as it gets a little worse.
I have little concern that the cords may come back at some time in the future. If so, I will spend another 6 minutes getting another NA done. I am a diabetic and the thought of cutting open my hand and posssible skin grafting scared me to death. I can't believe that this procedure left no open wound or stitches, and the syringe type injection marks disappeared by the next morning.
Regardless of where you are in the US, spend the time to visit Dr. Pess in NJ or Dr. Eaton in Florida and have the NA performed. If it fails you can always have the heavy duty surgery done, but why would you? This sceptic is now a believer, and for your own sake, try the NA before having any surgeon cut your hand open. My only remaining concern is that the American Doctors for the most part will put down NA but won't give you a reason other than it is not proven. I have the proof in my hand and if anyone is concerned or has questions, please contact me. I have been there and may be able to answer some of your concerns.

09/20/2005 23:36

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09/20/2005 23:36

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NA club

Hi Dan: Welcome to the NA club. We are all happy for you!!! Jey

09/20/2005 23:01

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09/20/2005 23:01

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Randy - GET A LIFE !

Randy ( if that is your name ) go find another sandbox to play in and stop trying to irritate those that are serious !

09/21/2005 23:39

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09/21/2005 23:39

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Hi Randy,

Your sarcasm was a little confusing at first because there have been real posts that look very much like that one......

All our hard work to spread the word is paying off. :-)

Take care for now and God Bless,

09/22/2005 23:54
Randy H.

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09/22/2005 23:54
Randy H.

not registered


Thanks Francis, if that's your real name...... :-)

05/15/2006 23:47

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05/15/2006 23:47

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Anyone in THE COUNTRY looking for an excellent Doctor to do N.A. with a great personality and staff do not hesitate to call his office and make an appointment.This is not an ad. for him, only an endorsement from a very satisfied patient.

09/19/2006 23:38

not registered

09/19/2006 23:38

not registered

NA procedure

If you need a doctor for NA in Richmond, VA here are two:

Dr. Sanjay S. Desai 804-288-3136 WestEnd Orthopedic Clinic
Dr. Dave Cannon 804-730-2121 Memorial Regional Med Center

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certificates   qualification   unnoticeable   procedure   thoughtful   trained   mis-information   Qualifications   doctors   804-320-2600   Dupuytren~sq~s   Bourland   information   appointment   804-288-3136   centraljerseyhand   Certificate   Orthomemphis   practitioners   804-730-2121