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It~sq~s straight again!
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08/10/2006 23:26
Luba M.

not registered

08/10/2006 23:26
Luba M.

not registered

Swelling after NA

I am interested to find out exactly what treatments you are getting and whether your finger is swollen....My NA with Dr. Denkler was on 7/24, almost 3 weeks ago (PIP on pinkie) and although much straighter the swelling really bothers me, especially over the PIP knuckle. I've been told swelling can last a long time but I guess I'm not patient. When I do the exercises and ice the finger the swelling goes down, but after a couple of hours it comes back. I wear the custom brace every night and go to therapy with an OT twice a week. Any suggestions?

    08/10/2006 23:18

    not registered

    08/10/2006 23:18

    not registered


    Luba, I am having more trouble with swelling than anything. The end of my finger is very tingly which suposedly will get better when the swelling goes down. I had my NA on 7/20 so we are both at the same stage I guess. My swelling is also in my PIP and it is very stiff to flex the finger. I am hoping this physical therapist can reduce the swelling so that I can then hope for some straightening.
    The tip of my finger is still bent forward a bit. I also have arthritis in that finger which does not help the situation.

      08/11/2006 23:57

      not registered

      08/11/2006 23:57

      not registered


      Nancy and Luba

      Saw your posts on swelling after NA. I checked back through my notes and it was a good month before the swelling in my pip was mostly gone - even then it was only 90 %. Dr. D suggested a cortisone injection but after a month, I could see it really was going to be fine without it. I too was worried that flexion wouldn't return but it did - just took 4 or 5 weeks. I had physical therapy after hand surgery 2 years ago on the same area and did the same excercises after the NA (without the cost of the therapist) and was fine. I also use the night splint made by the therapist. All of the above gave a good result and pinkie has about a 15 degree bend which i can live with. hope this information helps.

        08/12/2006 23:11
        Luba M.

        not registered

        08/12/2006 23:11
        Luba M.

        not registered


        Thanks for your quick reply. Its only been 3 weeks since my NA and I must be patient with the swelling. It helps to know I'm not the only one with this problem...actually my swelling comes and goes throughout the day, so maybe the therapy/exercises/night splint etc. is finally kicking in.
        This forum is really helpful. Thanks to all.

          08/12/2006 23:32

          not registered

          08/12/2006 23:32

          not registered


          Thanks for your input Diane. It always helps to know what someone else's experience has been. My flexion seems to be a little bit better. I guess patience is the key word.
          My therapist seems to concentrate mostly on ultra sound and acupuncture. She does a bit of stretching and bending afterwards. I think I will always have a bend at the tip of my finger but can live with that.

            08/21/2006 23:01
            Luba M.

            not registered

            08/21/2006 23:01
            Luba M.

            not registered



            As Diane said swelling takes a while to go away. Since we both had our PIP joint NA done around the same time, I wanted to share with you the information I received from dr. Denkler. Being that four weeks had passed since my NA and I still had swelling, I emailed him asking him if it was normal and how long I should expect the swelling to last. (In my case in addition to NA he also did extensive work on PIP by releasing the joint and contracted tendon)...

            he replied my email and said "The joint can be swollen one or two months, sometimes 3 months...compressive bandages and physical therapy wraps can help a lot..keep working out the stiffness".

            when I go to the therapist tomorrow, I'll find out exactly what he meant by compressive bandages and physical therapy wraps.

            Just wanted to share the information with you.

              08/24/2006 23:44

              not registered

              08/24/2006 23:44

              not registered


              Luba, thanks for sharing that info from Dr. Denkler. My swelling is pretty well gone. I think the ultra sound and acupuncture must have helped to quickly reduce the swelling. I now have to concentrate on getting the finger straighter. Are you doing exercises to straighten your finger, if so what do you do?

                08/25/2006 23:02
                Luba M.

                not registered

                08/25/2006 23:02
                Luba M.

                not registered


                I'm glad your swelling is gone...I think I'm finally seeing the swelling begin to go down and expect good results about that shortly.

                As far as exercises, yes...I do many throughout the day. I think that what works best for me for straightening the finger is holding the PIP joint down with one finger, while pushing up on the Distal joint (the one closest to the tip of the finger) with the thumb, as hard as you can and hold that stretch for 30 seconds...repeat ten times...now that the PIP joint is not so swollen I can do this.

                I also got a finger stretcher from my therapist, that you slip on the finger, and it has a spring that stretches the finger straight and pushes up on the Distal joint.

                Let me know if you need more information.

                  08/26/2006 23:01
                  Mark D

                  not registered

                  08/26/2006 23:01
                  Mark D

                  not registered

                  Aggesssive Stretching vs Gentle Stretching


                  My therapist told me that aggessive stretching is helpful only in the shrt-run.

                  In fact, he said aggesssive stretching is a net negative in the lon-run.

                  So, he suggests only gentle stretching of my fingers.

                  Have you been advised differently?

                  I only had my NA done 11 days ago, so perhaps timing is a factor.


                    08/28/2006 23:17
                    Luba M.

                    not registered

                    08/28/2006 23:17
                    Luba M.

                    not registered

                    exercise after NA

                    Mark D.
                    What did your therapist mean exactly by:.... "aggesive stretching is a net negative in the long-run" ?.... where does one draw the line between aggresive and gentle stretching? I would be interested to know exactly what you do for exercise.

                    The exercise I described to Nancy on this thread on 8/26 was suggested by my therapist, as well as by Dr. Denkler after the NA procedure. My only problem is doing it well and getting a full stretch of the finger, because of the still painful swollen PIP joint. (My successful NA was on 7/24 with Dr. Denkler).

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