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Six and counting in the USA.
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08/06/2005 23:43
Steve Abrams

not registered

08/06/2005 23:43
Steve Abrams

not registered

Six and counting in the USA.

I found a website for a Dr. Kline in Idaho who has trained in France and is himself a sufferer of Dupuytren's contracture. His website is:



08/06/2005 23:01
Randy H.

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08/06/2005 23:01
Randy H.

not registered

Six and counting in the USA.

Steve, way to go! How did you find him?

His site cuts *right* to the chase as to the advantages of NA over OS. Gee, 'ya think he was influenced by Eaton just a bit?

I've always thought that any decent CHS with basic instruction in NA can meet or beat the success rate of the French. It will be interesting to hear how our future posters do with this "new guy".

He won't be the New Guy for long. NA is catching on nicely. Three Cheers!!!

08/06/2005 23:26

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08/06/2005 23:26

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and now Idaho

Randy, How is it possible that no one in our greater Los Angeles area has yet to offer NA? As it's been said, we live in the world's largest small town.

08/06/2005 23:05

not registered

08/06/2005 23:05

not registered


Thanks for the good news re Dr. Kline.

The practice of NA continues to advance.

08/06/2005 23:03
Randy H.

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08/06/2005 23:03
Randy H.

not registered

Too Hip


I'm going to guess that NA is just too crude, unsophisticated and counter intuitive for our docs. LA is just too hip and too conservative both at the same time :) Plus, UCLA med. school seems to have a *lot* of influence around here. The Powers that Be over there are currently, shall we say, NA unfriendly.

We'll get *our* guy though! Hope he's Eaton Quality.

08/06/2005 23:52

not registered

08/06/2005 23:52

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Walkin in L.A.


I like the conservative-too hip analogy. What do you wanna bet that when NA finally hits greater L.A. it will be from some primary care physician in a strip mall out in Rancho Cucamunga.

08/07/2005 23:42

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08/07/2005 23:42

not registered

Too Hip, Got~sq~a Go...

Perhaps Valencia :)

What! You Walk'en?

08/07/2005 23:11

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08/07/2005 23:11

not registered

Dr. David Kline

Hummmmm...so many questions......

I read the good doctors website and from what I understand 1) Dr. Kline's 'observed' NA being done....but...Was that on *his own hands* during his 15 minute procedure? Or on patients in Paris where he was a STUDENT of Dr. L's? I noticed that Dr Kline does not state anywhere that he has been formally trained by Dr. L nor does Dr. Kline's appear on the list of NA practitioners that have been trained out of Paris. 2) He is not a Certified Hand Surgeon. There is a huge difference of knowledge and experience between an ER doctor and a Certified Hand Surgeon. How would he handle it if a DC patient needed surgery?

3) He also says he '...was also instructed by an American hand surgeon who has studied in France with Dr. Lermusiaux'. What exactly does that mean? We know Dr. Eaton is not training because of liability issues....so???? What does 'instructed' mean? Who 'instructed' you? Why wasn't their name given?

Hummmmm......lots to think about. I have to go to work now but will be back tonight...just thought I would throw that info out into the ring.

Take care and god bless for now,


08/07/2005 23:25
George Barbarow

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08/07/2005 23:25
George Barbarow

not registered

Cautious Optimism

It is good that there are more physicians becoming aware of
NA and are anxious to help fellow suffers.

But, it could set the progress back if non trained or those that have only standard exposure to hand surgery were to cause nerve damage and give NA a negative spin.

It would be nice if more Cerified Hand Surgeons got on board.

08/07/2005 23:34
Steve Abrams

not registered

08/07/2005 23:34
Steve Abrams

not registered

New England too?

Being a patient of Dr. Eaton, I could not agree more that the in the best of all worlds, supremely competent hand surgeons, like Dr. Eaton, should be the ones performing NA. However, as if it were not news, in general surgeons like to cut, rather than insert needles or prescribe drugs. I am not sure I see any difference between Dr. Kline (an ER physician) and Dr. Denkler (a plastic surgeon) performing NA. My impression from Dr. Kline's website, is that hear is a patient, who like myself, was quite skeptical and then amazed (once done) by NA, and desired to help others who had the same disease. By the way, I do not believe (Randy - correct me if I am wrong) that the Paris doctors are hand surgeons.


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training   England   rheumatologist   reconstructing   trained   believe   Percutaneous   Surgeon   procedure   Aponeurotomy   performing   practitioners   dupuytrenscenter   Lermusiaux   Surgeons   clarification   conservative-too   presentation   unsophisticated   rheumatologists