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02/07/2005 23:35

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02/07/2005 23:35

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You probably get tested for abnormal glucose levels (diabetes) every time you have a physical. Skepticism of Bigk200's grand theory is in order. - MML

02/07/2005 23:33

not registered

02/07/2005 23:33

not registered


If you read my website closely, you will notice that I do not say that persons with dupuytren's are diabetic. I you get a test for diabetes, your doctor will no doubt say that you are healthy. It is possible to have a dysfunction in how the body handles insulin and glucose, without actually being diabetic.

Our medical system is not really interested in making people healthy, but rather, it is mostly interested in making money. Take vitamin D for example. Not enough research has been conducted to know what the daily intake of vitamin D should be. But there is already some evidence that vitamin D deficiency is implicated in a wide variety of diseases (other than osteoporosis), including heart disease, inflamation, osteo and rheumatoid arthritis, , obesity, and multiple sclerosis, just to name a few. But rather than do research to determine if vitamin D could cure people with these diseases, or prevent its onset, the drug companies would rather sell you 4 or 5 drugs to deal with the result of the deficiency. They do this because they can't make any money on vitamin D. And there are many more examples besides this.

It can't hurt to be tested for diabetes, but I expect that you will be wasting your money and time.

02/24/2005 23:04

not registered

02/24/2005 23:04

not registered


To anyone who may also be trying either of these pills, I wanted to pass on that I just had a liver function test that came back abnormal which is possible for colchicine from what I read. I'm going to be cutting my dose and hope the liver function returns to normal and that my dupuytrens stays under control with the lower dose or that the ALC was the pill doing the trick. If you are on these for a period of time you might want to ask your doctor to check your liver too. Anyone had any results trying these either way?

04/23/2005 23:50

not registered

04/23/2005 23:50

not registered

an update

After cutting the colchicine (prescribed by Dr Eaton) in half, my hands are still stable and the liver as almost back to normal just one month later.

I suspect it was the colchicine more than the ALC that is helping he as for the first couple weeks when I halved the dose to .6mg once a day, my feet and hands were aching quite a bit. But that went away. The body was probably just adjusting to the new dose I figure.

If you are new to reading this, I am 33 and have familial history with DD in the hands. I had a quick onset and quick recurrance after my first NA before taking these meds. Things have been stable since taking them.

I'll keep the forum posted on my progress.

04/23/2005 23:25
04/23/2005 23:25

Hi Steve,

Had seen your prior post on acetyl-l-carnitine. Did a little research and started taking 500 mg per day (almost regularly) about a month ago.

My DC emerged only a few months ago, but had quickly gone from one lump to three (plus a cord running down toward wrist). One finger almost imperceptively leans forward compared to other hand.

As far as I can tell the DC hasn't progressed further since I started the a-l-c. Of course cause/effect is inconclusive, but others might find this interesting. I'm considering going to l000 mg./day, as that's within a normal dose range anyway.

Somewhere I read that a-l-c might be of particular benefit to vegetarians (of which I'm one) because it's not found in vegetable sources. And, in the confusing array of supplements, is considered safe and beneficial to health and the aging process.

So, thanks for having mentioned it here as something to consider!


04/24/2005 23:58
04/24/2005 23:58
glad it works for you...

I've been taking 1000mg in the morning and evening personally. As I've said before I don't know if my dd stopped on its own after a raging few months or due to one or both of the drugs. Knock on wood its been 9 months of stability since I've been taking them and the fingers only had bent in 15-20 degrees after Dr. Eatons last surgery at that point (compared to 45 pre-op). Hope it keeps helping you.

06/23/2005 23:25

not registered

06/23/2005 23:25

not registered

10 months and no progression

Just updating that even on the lower colchicine dose of .6mg that I have not had progression of the disease anymore. Feet are a little uncomfortable if I don't wear good arch support shoes but not the pain I used to have by far. Anyone else try either approach and have updates?

06/24/2005 23:59
06/24/2005 23:59

Hi Steve,

Great to hear you're doing so well!

Here's my update: I still take just 500mg. aetyl-l-carnitine not quite daily because I sometimes forget.

I don't see any signs of progression. I still have no idea if there is any cause/effect here. I believe I read somewhere that a-l-c helps with memory--and I've been pretty sharp these days!

Another poster with severe symptoms (mine are minimal) said she was going to try a-l-c as well. I meant to write down her name and e-mail address but didn't, and now I don't remember what topic she had responded under. Darn. I think her name was Kristen. Maybe she will report in, too? (We should keep records!!!)

I hope what you are doing keeps working for you!


06/25/2005 23:22

not registered

06/25/2005 23:22

not registered


To those of you on this board who are using it (carnitine), a question or two:

I have nodules in both palms and on two PIP joints, but no distinct contractures...yet. Thet nodules appeared a couple of years ago and seem to be progressing slowly if at all at the moment.

How long before you noticed any effect? How much are you taking? Any side-effects? Acetyl carnitine seems to offer several benefits, so I'm giving it a chance.

06/25/2005 23:46

not registered

06/25/2005 23:46

not registered


We can all be hoping that there is a " Cure " but there is not one. You can slow the process down with things, but, as yet, no one has a " Cure"
Sometimes I think we can do more damage than good by taking medications. We find out later it either did not work, or, it made it worse, or, it causes some other problem. I have taken things that just made me have some other problem.
The thing to keep in mind is, that this is a Disease, and it is not going away by trying out different medications. Slowly, but surly , it will progress at it's own rate.
Best thing, is , massage, and stretching. Beyond that, you can't stop it.
Anyway, all of these Medications are nice to try, and think about, but, won't stop the process of the disease. Don't fool yourself. Leave that up to the professionals, that just might, find a cure, if they deam it important enough to resurch. We , are not going to do that.

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Disease   cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list   AcetylLCarnitine   colchicine   dupuytrens-a-new-theory   interested   results   aetyl-l-carnitine   health-marketplace   over-the-counter   acetyl-l-carnitine   Glucose   uids=6796445&dopt=Abstract   Insulin   progression   contracture   AlphaLipoicAcid   started   uids=11446848&dopt=Abstract   interesting