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Yogiraj Bikram Choudhury
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01/15/2005 23:10

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01/15/2005 23:10

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Yogiraj Bikram Choudhury

Yogiraj Bikram Choudhury is an egomaniacal fraud that has used his position as a teacher to take sexual advantage of his students under the guise that he had no choice since they would kill themselves if he did not. He is little more than the Don King of the yoga world. Money is his true god.

He has also has claimed to be impervious to gunfire.

The man is a snake oil salesman of the first rank. His adherents trying to sell his form of yoga as a curative for DC should be ashamed of themselves for their lack of clarity, integrity, skepticism, honesty, and reasoned thinking.

To those suffering from this affliction I hope you do not fall prey to this type of predation. These people are little better than vultures circling a wounded animal awaiting it's demise.

01/15/2005 23:20

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01/15/2005 23:20

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and further more about the Bikram Cult

An article from Business 2.0 magazine details many of the abuses occurring within the yoga world include the previously mentioned Bikram.

A copy of this article 'Yogis Behaving Badly' can be found at:


Another article, pasted in after this link, can be found at:

* Start
Greed and lust make Yoga gurus tie themselves in knots

America’s Yoga teachers are now patenting poses, seeking sex and giving spirituality a bad name

Peter Carlson

Washington, September 1
East meets West in The Guru
How much scandal can America take before its poor battered heart just breaks in two? There are the money scandals in Big Business. The sex scandals in Big Religion. Now we learn about money and sex scandals in, of all places... oh, say it ain’t so, Joe... Big Yoga! Shocking but true: The folks at Business 2.0 magazine have discovered greed, lust and egomania among the swamis and gurus of the stretching and breathing set. The sordid details are revealed in an article aptly titled ‘‘Yogis Behaving Badly.’’

Yoga, the ancient Hindu practice of exercise and meditation, is now a multi-hundred-million-dollar business in America, and the yoga tycoons currently battling over market share are exhibiting the same sort of spiritual enlightenment and inner peace previously demonstrated by the likes of, say, John D. Rockefeller or Bill Gates.

‘‘Yoga has become cut-throat, mafia-like,’’ says Thom Birch, identified in the article as a disillusioned former yoga teacher. ‘‘Many of these people are the biggest thieves, bullies and sex addicts — all of it under this veil of spirituality.’’

Birch exaggerates a tad — nobody is accusing any swamis of having their rivals bumped off by hitmen — but the battles are getting ugly. In Beverly Hills, Calif., Bikram Choudhury, who calls himself the ‘‘Guru of the Stars’’, has trademarked his favourite yoga poses so nobody can teach them unless he gets a cut on the take. In New York, the owners of the Jivamukti Yoga Centre — which teaches 2,000 students a week and boasts of such celebrity clients as Steve Martin and Monica Lewinsky — are threatening trademark action against former employees who’ve left to start their own schools.

Bikram Choudhury
In fact, folks trying to teach yoga anywhere in America are finding that nearly all the formerly holy words of yoga have been trademarked. If you want to use them, you’ve got to shell out the dough. Meanwhile, reports writer Paul Keegan, yogis are accusing Yoga Journal, America’s foremost yoga magazine, of ‘‘thuggist behavior’’ in its hardball pursuit of a monopoly in the lucrative yoga conference business.

Then there are the sex scandals. In 1994, Amrit Desai, a Massachusetts yogi who touted celibacy as one of his precepts, was forced to resign after admitting to affairs with three female disciples. In 1997, a woman won a $1.9 million lawsuit against a Pennsylvania yoga centre after claiming that she’d been sexually assaulted by her swami. Rodney Yee, once described by Time magazine as the ‘‘stud muffin’’ of yoga, is being sued by a former teacher at his Oakland yoga school, who charges that he fired her when she complained about his alleged sexual affairs with students.

‘‘Clearly, the world of big time yoga in America is undergoing a profound crisis but won’t admit it,’’ writes Keegan. ‘‘The most influential players, like Yoga Journal — well positioned to monitor ethical lapses — are also the worst offenders.’’ I wish Keegan had spent more time on Choudhury, the aforementioned ‘‘Guru of the Stars.’’ I’m a sucker for a colourful rogue and this guy clearly belongs in the pantheon of America’s great huckster holy men, right up there with Jimmy Swaggart, Jim Bakker, Aimee Semple McPherson, Father Devine and Reverend Ike.

An Indian immigrant, Choudhury has franchised his ‘‘hot yoga’’ method to 600 studios nationwide. He taught yoga to Madonna and Michael Jackson. He compares himself to Jesus and Buddha. He claims he can cure any disease. He lives in a Beverly Hills mansion with his collection of classic Bentleys and Rolls-Royces. ‘‘Everybody knows I’m superhuman,’’ he says. ‘‘My spirit is in cosmic consciousness.’’

Choudhury’s response to the yoga sex scandals is brilliant: He claims that his students blackmail him into having sex with them. ‘‘What happens when they say they will commit suicide unless you sleep with them?’’ he asks. ‘‘What am I supposed to do? Sometimes having an affair is the only way to save someone’s life.’’

Boy, that’s good! Even Bill Clinton didn’t think of that one. — LATWP

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Yogiraj   America’s   aforementioned   consciousness   ‘‘Clearly   weight-lifting   scientifically   Choudhury’s   hyperextension   spirituality   Autobiography   ‘‘Everybody   ‘‘thuggist   enlightenment   pronouncement   behavior’’   disillusioned   Choudhury   multi-hundred-million-dollar   Massachusetts