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Ledderhose getting worse. Any advice
12/21/2020 22:21
12/21/2020 22:21
Ledderhose getting worse. Any advice

Hi, I shared my story (it can be seen a few posts down). I have dupuytrens in 1 hand and ledderhose in both feet.

Basically an update. This year I had my first MRI on my feet which has shown some abnormalities, for example extra bone growth. Due to covid-19 I am yet to see the physical MRI images and no word yet from the radiology consultant regarding treatment of radiotherapy so just awaiting that. Physiotherapy is not much use unfortunately, with exception of some exercises given before being discharged which put me in more pain than needed.

I am in pain day in and day out with my feet and have orthotics which I use mainly for work. I work as a healthcare assistant in operating theatres so I am always on my feet. I just plough on with the pain as I don't like to sit still. I dont wear the orthotics outside work as I find it difficult to find shoes to fit with my flat and very broad feet as it is and its a nightmare trying to get the insoles to fit.

From April this year I have had horrible back pain, I ended up off work for a month and went back prematurely but struggled on. I think it is sciatica although waiting for scans at present due to ongoing issues. I was wondering if anyone else has experienced back pain with ledderhose as with my gait and posture and the way I stand I think its all connected.

I cant seem to post images to show the extent of my ledderhose


12/22/2020 07:39


12/22/2020 07:39


Re: Ledderhose getting worse. Any advice

Hi, I shared my story (it can be seen a few posts down). I have dupuytrens in 1 hand and ledderhose in both feet.

Basically an update. This year I had my first MRI on my feet which has shown some abnormalities, for example extra bone growth. Due to covid-19 I am yet to see the physical MRI images and no word yet from the radiology consultant regarding treatment of radiotherapy so just awaiting that. Physiotherapy is not much use unfortunately, with exception of some exercises given before being discharged which put me in more pain than needed.

I am in pain day in and day out with my feet and have orthotics which I use mainly for work. I work as a healthcare assistant in operating theatres so I am always on my feet. I just plough on with the pain as I don't like to sit still. I dont wear the orthotics outside work as I find it difficult to find shoes to fit with my flat and very broad feet as it is and its a nightmare trying to get the insoles to fit.

From April this year I have had horrible back pain, I ended up off work for a month and went back prematurely but struggled on. I think it is sciatica although waiting for scans at present due to ongoing issues. I was wondering if anyone else has experienced back pain with ledderhose as with my gait and posture and the way I stand I think its all connected.

I cant seem to post images to show the extent of my ledderhose

Hi Gary, thanks for the update, so sorry to hear you are struggling like this. Time to seriously consider and pursue RT perhaps? Best wishes SB

12/22/2020 10:51


12/22/2020 10:51


Re: Ledderhose getting worse. Any advice

Hi Gary

"I cant seem to post images to show the extent of my ledderhose"

Maybe the file size is too big und you need to reduce the picture size or use a different format (e.g. jpg). The file size should not exceed 2 MB.

Please give it another try!


12/22/2020 13:09
12/22/2020 13:09
Re: Ledderhose getting worse. Any advice

Pictures attached

I screenshotted the pictures then it let me attach

Screenshot_20201221-232215_Gallery.jpg Screenshot_20201221-232215_Gallery.jpg (37x)

Mime-Type: image/jpeg, 772 kB

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Mime-Type: image/jpeg, 827 kB

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Mime-Type: image/jpeg, 452 kB

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Mime-Type: image/jpeg, 742 kB

abnormalities   nightmare   connected   orthotics   screenshotted   struggling   assistant   radiotherapy   discharged   dupuytrens   consultant   healthcare   unfortunately   operating   getting   experienced   Physiotherapy   Ledderhose   difficult   prematurely