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03/09/2019 19:12
03/09/2019 19:12

Hello, I am currently waiting for my doctor to look at the results of my echo but he suspected Ledderhose. i have a nodule of 2cm in my left foot and a very small one near it. I feel it sometimes when walking but what bothers me a lot more is the numbness and stiffness (especially in my middle toes)that goes up to half my left leg. When I touch it it feels like there is fluid in without being actually swollen I can't seem to find this mentioned in any descriptions of the disease nor in personal stories.
The radiologist said it could be because of the size of the nodule pressing on a nerve. Anyone has the same experience ?Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

03/29/2019 03:30
03/29/2019 03:30
Re: Numbness

I have a similar situation in my right foot. Right in the ball of my foot I have an area of "tightness", where the tissue seems more "dense" or thicker. It also seems numb but that is not quite the right word to describe the sensation. It is about 2cm in diameter.

It is not causing direct pain when I walk but it does ache a bit at the end of the day and the ache extends around the ankle and at times up into the leg to the knee. In the morning the ache has all but gone but returns during the day.

I have been aware of this for some years but about 6 weeks ago it became more noticeable. At the same time there appeared to be a general increase in systemic "inflammation" with my dodgy knees also becoming sore for no apparent reason. It is made a bit more complex in that an old (50 years ago) fracture site in the lower distal third of my right tibia also seems to be aggravated without any cause.

I have DD in both hands and the tissue in the foot is nothing like the hard nodules I had/have in my hand.

I suspect that this is Ledderhose but am not certain and if it does not stabilise, I will consider radiation if I can get a definitive diagnosis and find a person in Brisbane Australia who will do it.

03/29/2019 03:49
03/29/2019 03:49
Re: Numbness

I should add that I did get quite a lot of pain when wearing a pair of sandals that had a small raised section almost but not quite under the ball of my foot. Not surprisingly, I no longer wear these any more.

03/29/2019 06:23


03/29/2019 06:23


Re: Numbness

I think you need a diagnosis, perhaps aided by some imaging, possibly ultrasound or MRI?

I used to suffer a lot from sore feet, no lumps but dreadful ache in the soles usually from standing, bad enough to stop me walking in the evenings. I turned to orthotics, but discarded them as no help. Then I had quite severe plantar fasciitis one side that lasted a couple of years. To help with that I found some sandals to wear indoors (and outside for a while) that were comfortable for me and the condition. I also changed my footwear in general. Now the foot soreness seems to have gone, touch wood, and I really have no idea why or what it was, but now I’m particular about shoes, footwear, insoles and taking care of the feet.

03/29/2019 06:50
03/29/2019 06:50
Re: Numbness

In the meantime I have been diagnosed with Ledderhose in my left foot and I have to learn to live with this.
Surgery is not advised, special soles maybe....
I have also a bit of a numbness in my right hand, dumb and indexfinger, sometimes it hurts in my hand/ wrist..this is not Dupuytren but supposed to be carpal tunnel, my doctor advised accupuncture. Anyone tried this ?

03/29/2019 08:17


03/29/2019 08:17


Re: Numbness

In the meantime I have been diagnosed with Ledderhose in my left foot and I have to learn to live with this.
Surgery is not advised, special soles maybe....
I have also a bit of a numbness in my right hand, dumb and indexfinger, sometimes it hurts in my hand/ wrist..this is not Dupuytren but supposed to be carpal tunnel, my doctor advised accupuncture. Anyone tried this ?
We get people trying acupuncture for DD without having any effect. I don’t know about acupuncture for CT, but there is a nerve test for that to confirm the cause, and many cases are resolved conservatively with rest and overnight splinting.

08/20/2020 15:06
08/20/2020 15:06
Re: Numbness

I have numbness in my left toes. I take Gabapintine and it helps with pain and numbness.

02/01/2021 00:10
02/01/2021 00:10
Re: Numbness

I have a large lump in my left foot and another forming near it.
It pulses with pain and I also get pins and needles plus numbness, swelling and heel pain.
I think it's because it's pressing on nerves as I now suffer from sciatica because of.

02/02/2021 05:54
02/02/2021 05:54
Re: Numbness

I just realised that I never followed up on this.

I had the scans and have arthritis and collapsed arches in the front of both feet, not Ledderhose. Very uncomfortable and painful at times none the less.

Gabapintine   surprisingly   sometimes   comfortable   Numbness   Ledderhose   inflammation   particular   Dupuytren   radiologist   acupuncture   ultrasound   descriptions   diagnosed   experience   noticeable   indexfinger   accupuncture   conservatively   uncomfortable