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G. Vrousgos Technique
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11/14/2022 12:09
11/14/2022 12:09
Re: G. Vrousgos Technique

This is very interesting. Can we infer that if one only has a bent finger, with no cords in the palms, it is possible to stretch the finger straighter by a variety of means apart from this one? I'm thinking of manual stretching of the finger, night splints etc. Or is it better to leave well alone in case stretching the fingers causes a flare up elsewhere? I'm thinking that it makes sense to try to stretch the finger, but if the "cord" is so tough that NA causes it to snap, it seems stretching must be a lengthy process?

11/14/2022 13:16


11/14/2022 13:16


Re: G. Vrousgos Technique

This is very interesting. Can we infer that if one only has a bent finger, with no cords in the palms, it is possible to stretch the finger straighter by a variety of means apart from this one? I'm thinking of manual stretching of the finger, night splints etc. Or is it better to leave well alone in case stretching the fingers causes a flare up elsewhere? I'm thinking that it makes sense to try to stretch the finger, but if the "cord" is so tough that NA causes it to snap, it seems stretching must be a lengthy process?
This technique is an anecdotal use case of 1 person dressed up as a scientific looking report. However maybe it is genuine and other people do report that splinting helps them and there are other reports of contracture reversal, somewhat, with dynamic splints, massage, stretching and such. So you could try it and see as it might not cost too much. I would caution against excessive stretching that hurts and causes trauma or inflammation, that might just make things worse. I regularly massage and stretch my hands, gently, usually whilst they are warmed up in or from hot water. I only splint overnight occasionally after some excessive gripping use of the hand from daily activities. The regular piano playing I do, presumably like you and exercises (I do some hanon) also helps in my case to keep the hands flexible or so I believe, I can play some arpeggios, seventh chords, etc, that I struggled with a couple of years ago.

11/15/2022 19:48
11/15/2022 19:48
Re: G. Vrousgos Technique

@JamesHenry Thanks so much for your information and for starting this thread.

I've done some playing around with straightening the finger with a finger straightener. Every time it gets straighter for maybe a minute and then goes back to its bent position. I'm wondering if fascia release work along the side of the finger (it's the pinky) and into the forearm would help to keep it from immediately bending back. That's my next experiment.

11/16/2022 11:16


11/16/2022 11:16


Re: G. Vrousgos Technique

Unfortunately, it seems to be the normal reaction that a finger straightended by powerful bending, curls back very quickly. You would need to wear a brace, probably daily, to avoid that. When you stop wearing e.g. a night splint, he odds are that the contracture comes back: "When splinting is stopped in many cases the contracture will come back within months."https://www.dupuytren-online.info/dupuyt...-splinting.html

Edited 11/17/22 06:06

11/16/2022 18:20
11/16/2022 18:20
Re: G. Vrousgos Technique

So, the $64,000 question is whether one can break up fascia that is pulling on the finger without cutting it out surgically.

11/17/2022 04:02


11/17/2022 04:02


Re: G. Vrousgos Technique

It is not normal fascia that causes the extension deficit but the Dupuytren cord consists of new collagene, which grew into the finger and is not elastic. You can break it up with a needle (= Needle Aponeurotomy or Needle Fasciotomy). Massaging might make it a little more elastic but I doubt whether it can break the cord.

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Straightener-Reha   Interesting   hyperextension   stretch   straightener   experimenting   dupuytren-online   contracture   Technique   acupuncturist   al-Supply-A5233   overstretching   straightended   immobilization   stretching   straightening   dynamic   fingers   Vrousgos   inflammation