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5 days of RT at Scripps completed
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07/11/2009 03:56
07/11/2009 03:56
5 days of RT at Scripps completed

Monday, I showed Dr. T a soft lump that developed on the outside of my wrist. He said he has seen Dups extending from the palm into the middle of the wrist, but not on the outside like mine is. Neither my GP nor Dr. T knows what the lump is. Dr. T took the time to discuss it with me and considered what to do. He did not want to do RT on it until he is sure it is Dups. That makes sense to me.

Based on the CT scan and SIMS planning appointment, the pattern cut in the metal plate allowed RT only on the target area. In my case, the whole palm is the target since I have nodules all over. The techs used a clear plastic outline of my hand to place my hand exactly right under the radiation. They measured and moved the table up/down to locate my hand an exact distance from the beam. They then put a cloth over my hand and a "bolus" between my hand and the RT beam. The bolus looks kind of like jelly filled bubble wrap or like a translucent sheet of floppy silicone. I asked about the purpose. Since the target tissue is near the surface, the bolus absorbs some of the radiation to control the depth of the RT.

After it was set up on Monday, Dr. T came in, looked at how they had it set up and okayed it. He did not come in the rest of the week, but he will meet with me again Monday and determine the effectiveness. I am scheduled for 5 more days next week. I think he will say to proceed with the plan, because it is better. I didn't know what to expect, but I did not expect to see results this week. I can tell a difference. So can my husband and daughter. The nodules look smaller. My hand feels less taut. On Monday after the first RT session, my hand did the itching thing like it has done often. Other than not feeling itching anymore the rest of this week, I felt nothing different. I drove and did everything I had been doing.

I am very hopeful. After only 1/2 of the planned RT, it has made a difference. It was a year and 8 months ago that I noticed the first nodule. More and more nodules developed and mild contracture in my pinkie and thumb - about 10 degrees - was released by Dr. Denkler with NA in March. I am aggressive in prevention and RT is the only thing out to stop it. I now know not to wait so long for RT and will have it on my left hand as soon as Dr. T recommends it.

Scripps is state of the art. I live between Loma Linda University Medical Center and Scripps. This is my first personal experience at Scripps and I am very impressed.

Scripps is getting more and more Dups patients for RT. This website let me know that RT at Scripps was an option. So far, so good!

07/11/2009 14:07
07/11/2009 14:07
Re: 5 days of RT at Scripps completed

Hi Flora.

I've been thinking about you all week wondering how it went for you. I'm glad that you can tell a difference already. I think that my ring finger doesn't hurt as much when I bend it after 1 week of radiation but I cannot tell a difference in my nodule or cord. The doctor said that it might take a week or two to notice a difference so hopefully they will soften up a bit.

Scripps was amazing and I'm glad that I was able to meet with Dr. T. The doctor I ended up going to at the Palo Alto Medical Foundation, Dr. Chang, had never treated Dupuytren's before but he read the studies and my experience with the radiation was exactly like yours - the simulation, the positioning the hand, the bolus, etc. Wolfgang has added his name/info to this website.

I'm concerned about the new lump you have developed. What is your plan for getting that diagnosed?


07/11/2009 21:58
07/11/2009 21:58
Re: 5 days of RT at Scripps completed

Hi Diana,

Glad you worked something out for RT at Palo Alto. That is much closer to you and others. Adding to the list on this site gives people options. It's encouraging to see the list grow.

About the lump on my wrist - my GP thought possibly a ganglion cyst. Dr. T thought it felt like fatty tissue and it feels soft like that to me, too. (Just what I need, fat deposits on my wrist!) At this point, I feel OK about watching it to see what it does. Dr. T mentioned possibly an MRI. The lump is shallow, long and very soft. It is strange, but so is Dups in the way it acts. I really don't know.

When do you have your second series of RT? At my appointment with Dr. T last Monday to start RT, he mentioned that he would see how it looks after this next week. He alluded to doing more if it is needed.

Good luck with your RT.


07/12/2009 16:52
07/12/2009 16:52
Re: 5 days of RT at Scripps completed

Hi guys,

I too had my first 5 days of radiation. I can not tell a difference in my hand.

Dr. Crimaldi came in on Monday to review the placement and marking for the selected area. They fine tuned it a bit. I saw him again on Wednesday and he once again checked placement. I had a section plate (graphite??) that had a cut out for the area to be radiated of my hand. They lined up my area, taped down my hand, placed a warm cloth over it and zapped it. I did not have a bolus. I will ask about that. I know they told me the cloth acts like a layer of skin to the machine.

I go back on 8/12 for a check up and back the week of 8/17 for another 5 days of radiation.

Have you guys had any pain or discomfort in your hand? Thursday the cord and nodule hurt. Friday was better. What gets mine going is the typing I have to do for work. If I do more than 2-3 hours it starts to hurt.

They gave me a RadiaGel to put on the area for possible skin irritation and pain. It works great. I am curious since we are getting treated for the same thing, yet the procedure seems to be slightly different.

Dr. Crimaldi told me to kind of take it easy on the hand. No extremes - (like 5 rounds of tennis).

I am very pleased with Southeast Radiation Oncology in Charlotte. They were very caring and it was great that I could go to the Lake Norman facility for treatment.

Edited 07/12/09 20:58

07/12/2009 18:11
07/12/2009 18:11
Re: 5 days of RT at Scripps completed

My finger and hand hurts some but I don't think anymore or less than before the radiation. Sometimes I think it is easier to bend my finger and other times it seems just the same so I don't know if the radiation helped or if it is too early to know.

We are going to follow the German protocol and wait 3 months to see if we will do another round of radiation. That means I will go back in October. I have an email and question to Newman asking him how Prof. Seegenschmiedt determined whether he needed another round but have not heard back. I think he is on vacation but hopefully he can reply before Oct!

No one at the clinic seemed to think that I needed any type of special lotion as they said that it wasn't that much radiation (3Gys 5 days in a row). They do recommend an aloe vera lotion for their other radiation patients, probably because of the red skin etc. but the nurse didn't know anything about a lotion containing urea which I believe helps with penetration so I'm just using the lotion we already have - Aveeno mostly.

Lori, I'm curious - how may Gys was your first treatment?


07/12/2009 19:48
07/12/2009 19:48
Re: 5 days of RT at Scripps completed

My hand didn't hurt at all. I use the computer and internet a lot so I type and use the mouse a couple of hours a day. I wouldn't have known that anything had been done. My skin is so-ooooo dry anyway that I don't know how I will know if the RT hand is drier. I have a prescription body lotion for dryness, Ammonium Lactate with equivalent of 12% lactic acid. I always keep Udderly Smooth and another of almost pure lanolin. I use the Ammonium Lactate daily but haven't used the others any more than usual. I haven't noticed any greater dryness in my radiated hand yet.

I just hope that what appears to be decreased size of the nodules and decreased tightness isn't is my imagination. Tomorrow I will get to compare with the picture taken at the SIMS planning June 11. That will verify one way or the other. I don't expect the cording to change. Those were released, but they continue to form, of course. If I have more that need release, I'll do that later. If the cords and nodules stop forming, that will be success! We'll see soon.


07/13/2009 15:10
07/13/2009 15:10
Re: 5 days of RT at Scripps completed


I had 3Gy for 5 days in a row. I will return 8/17th the 6th week for the next round. When you said 90 days for your return treatment I checked the literature on RT on this site to see why I was returning so soon at 6 weeks. You might want to check the literature because it recommends you return typically around 6 weeks.

I must say that today the cord and nodule are smaller. YEAH! an unexpected result. Hope it remains smaller. The pain is gone today and my hand feels and looks fine.



07/13/2009 18:54
07/13/2009 18:54

Re: 5 days of RT at Scripps completed

HI Diana, I did receive you mail on the Dupuytren Society email and did respond. In case you did not receive the mail Prof. Seegenschmiedt determined to wait and see and after the first RT the lumps/nodules on my right hand had basically disappeared. The RT did the job.It does give me the option to have further RT if necessary. My left index did require the 2nd protocol which has stopped the progression. It is now approaching 2 years since I started the RT. My case is different as I have skin grafts on both hands and each hand had two separate treatment areas.I know in the literature that 6 weeks is mentioned; but the Prof. set the repeat protocol at 3 months. Infact it gave a better view of how the first treatment had performed. On my left index finger we waited 6 months before the 2nd RT. This disease is slow in progression and I gained the impression that time between the treatment was not an issue. The Prof. recommended the creme with Urea as apparently the urea retains moisture in the skin and helps with removing the old tissue. Hope this helps. I am currently In Germany and keeping in touch. Regards

Edited 07/13/09 22:00

07/14/2009 02:41
07/14/2009 02:41
Re: 5 days of RT at Scripps completed

Thanks Newman. For some reason I did not get your email.

Based on what you said, probably I'll choose to have the additional 5 days of treatment if my nodule/cord don't shrink in size.

Hope you are having a great vacation.


07/22/2009 19:12
07/22/2009 19:12
Re: 5 days of RT at Scripps completed


How did your second week of treatment go? Hopefully you are still seeing improvements.


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Scripps   literature   radiation   contracture   recommends   difference   treatment   hopefully   experience   appointment   progression   different   improvements   Seegenschmiedt   effectiveness   penetration   prescription   nodules   completed   dupuytren-online