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Advice going forward for 30 year old with potential second Dupuytren's nodule
07/15/2016 19:38
07/15/2016 19:38
Advice going forward for 30 year old with potential second Dupuytren's nodule

Hello all. I have discovered what I believe to likely be another Dupuytren's nodule though I have yet to visit a specialist to confirm, so as of now it is merely suspicion on my part. A quick background:

I visited a hand specialist when I was 26 for a lump in the webbing of my right palm roughly between the index finger and thumb that was causing me pain. The doctor suspected a ganglion cyst and surgery was performed for removal. Turns out it was Dupuytren's, which has a strong presence on my father's side of the family (both he and my grandfather had it, along with a few of his siblings). Anyhow, I've noticed since the surgery that both of my hands get sore relatively easily from any kind of weight strain (shoveling, etc) and activities that merely require a substantial deal of pinching or gripping (a video game controller, writing, etc). I attributed the soreness in my right hand to scar tissue initially but I was rather puzzled as to why it seemed to become equally present in the webbing of my left hand. Either way, it was of minimal inconvenience so I stored it away under things to keep an eye on.

Well fast forward several years and I began getting peculiar soreness in my left hand that lingered for days and had no discernible causes that I could identify. A little over a week ago, while combating one of these random fits of soreness, I noticed what appeared to be a lump on the outside of my lower left thumb, on the edge of the palm right near the bone nearest to the wrist. It seems a peculiar location for a Dupuytren's nodule but the location of the first nodule and my age at the time surprised my doctor the first go around as well.

So my question is, assuming it is Dupuytren's, what steps are advisable? Surgery was the course the first go around because 1) the lump was causing pain when it had pressure applied; 2) we didn't know it was Dupuytren's at the time.

I'm a bit disconcerted that I might be having a second Dupuytren's occurrence and on the opposite hand at only 30. I assume I likely have a rather aggressive case given what I've read so I'd really like an idea of what methods I should take in combating what may be a lifetime struggle with this ahead. Surgery doesn't seem like a viable long term option at this point. So basically, is there a method for dealing with just nodules in an early stage or is it advisable to simply wait and monitor until it appears to cause functional symptoms or pain?

Also, my first hand specialist did not seem particularly well versed in Dupuytren's treatments. Should I seek a doctor with particular familiarity in the disease? I am not sure how many doctors out there specialize in this area so I am unaware of how geographically dispersed they may be. I am located in Louisiana for what it's worth.

Thanks for any insight you may be able to offer.


07/15/2016 20:05


07/15/2016 20:05


Re: Advice going forward for 30 year old with potential second Dupuytren's nodule

Hi again Michael

I'm not sure I can really add much since our last discussion http://www.dupuytren-online.info/Forum_E...nce-0_1973.html

I don't think you should consider surgery yet or this time around, we don't advise surgery at all for DD nodules, but certainly get acquainted with a good hand doc who may help one day with NA, Xiaflex or surgery should it become necessary. Some people say steroid shots help with nodules, others not at all.

I do wonder how DD was diagnosed last time, post surgery, a DD nodule undergoing pathology in a lab would take some specific markers or previous experience to diagnose that versus other benign tumours. So a diagnosis again to rule out other possibilities. Any signs on the feet?

Although you're quite young, and with family history your own progression might still be fairly slow. The usual mantra about reducing risk factors, look after your hands, keep a records, etc. I would advise you to seek out for the future, the best docs within your reach for the minimal intervention treatments, basically NA and Xiaflex. If it develops quite fast with new nodules and signs of cords, suggesting fast and a active progression then RT would be an option, even at your age.

Can you pinpoint any activities, diet, or hand use that makes your hands play up. Some people swear they can tell the difference from, for example, a sugar free day or alcohol free day, etc. But there can be a danger of becoming obsessed with minutiae instead of just getting on.

There are research and trials of new treatments, improvements to existing treatments, so you may benefit from them one day.


07/16/2016 17:16
07/16/2016 17:16
Re: Advice going forward for 30 year old with potential second Dupuytren's nodule

Hello again and thanks for the reply.

No indications on my feet. And from recollection, when I came back to consciousness post surgery the doctor suggested that he believed it was Dupuytren's but would confirm after sending it in for pathology, which apparently confirmed.

Basically I'm just looking for a general course of action. From what you have said, it sounds like there isn't much that can be done prevention wise at the nodule stage but to monitor and hope that it doesn't advance to cords and contracture, is that correct? Basically I'm just looking to get educated on what my options are and what my concerns should be. Should I visit a specialist as a result of this nodule for consultation or is that probably unnecessary? I was thinking perhaps there may be some benefit to identifying and treating a nodule in an early stage but if not a doctor's visit won't be of much value other than possible confirmation of diagnosis. I suppose it could be something other than Dupuytren's but I'd fancy that quite the coincidence.

07/16/2016 18:59
07/16/2016 18:59

Re: Advice going forward for 30 year old with potential second Dupuytren's nodule

Hello again and thanks for the reply.

No indications on my feet. And from recollection, when I came back to consciousness post surgery the doctor suggested that he believed it was Dupuytren's but would confirm after sending it in for pathology, which apparently confirmed.

Basically I'm just looking for a general course of action. From what you have said, it sounds like there isn't much that can be done prevention wise at the nodule stage but to monitor and hope that it doesn't advance to cords and contracture, is that correct? Basically I'm just looking to get educated on what my options are and what my concerns should be. Should I visit a specialist as a result of this nodule for consultation or is that probably unnecessary? I was thinking perhaps there may be some benefit to identifying and treating a nodule in an early stage but if not a doctor's visit won't be of much value other than possible confirmation of diagnosis. I suppose it could be something other than Dupuytren's but I'd fancy that quite the coincidence.
Hi Michael. If it was me I would definitely look for a specialist and into radiotherapy as an alternative to watching nodules and cords grow and waiting for a contracture.


[54 year-old male, DD diagnosis 2006, RH contracture and NA/PNF 2014, RT 2015, wearing night splint glove]

07/16/2016 19:01


07/16/2016 19:01


Re: Advice going forward for 30 year old with potential second Dupuytren's nodule

Hello again and thanks for the reply.

No indications on my feet. And from recollection, when I came back to consciousness post surgery the doctor suggested that he believed it was Dupuytren's but would confirm after sending it in for pathology, which apparently confirmed.

Basically I'm just looking for a general course of action. From what you have said, it sounds like there isn't much that can be done prevention wise at the nodule stage but to monitor and hope that it doesn't advance to cords and contracture, is that correct? Basically I'm just looking to get educated on what my options are and what my concerns should be. Should I visit a specialist as a result of this nodule for consultation or is that probably unnecessary? I was thinking perhaps there may be some benefit to identifying and treating a nodule in an early stage but if not a doctor's visit won't be of much value other than possible confirmation of diagnosis. I suppose it could be something other than Dupuytren's but I'd fancy that quite the coincidence.
Well it's a lump until diagnosed as a DD nodule. Could be a cyst, ganglion, etc Depends on your attitude or knowledge about lumps appearing on what to do; in your case with prior history you have self diagnosed it as a DD nodule. What I usually do with these minor 'lumps' not in critical places or painful, is mention them to my GP or Nurse next time I'm in for something else. Could be months and months! But possibly like you I know more about DD symptoms and treatments than my GP so I don't bother with the hands, unless it's a different symptom.

Your only proven treatment at the nodules stage of DD is RT, but usually there are other symptoms, more lumps, pain, etc, signs that the condition is active and progressing towards a cord or contracture. If it becomes a problem and interferes with some activities see the doc, to confirm your diagnosis, consider a steroid shot. My plan would be to monitor it, avoid risk factors where possible, protect the hands and plan ahead by deciding who or where I would go for the next stages of treatment if it should be needed. In fact I'm doing this now as I have growing nodules in one hand.

dupuytren-online   inconvenience   specialist   potential   basically   Michael71186   Dupuytren   diagnosis   unnecessary   surgery   consultation   nodules   consciousness   treatments   indications   confirmation   geographically   recollection   possibilities   contracture