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Anyone used the Xiaflex Co-Pay Program?
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03/10/2012 15:43
03/10/2012 15:43
Anyone used the Xiaflex Co-Pay Program?


I was just curious if anyone has used Auxilium's program that pays your co-pay for the drug. I'm scheduled to receive my first Xiaflex treatment on April 10. The doctor's office has given me the information needed to use this program. My insurance company's specialty pharmacy will be calling me in the next week or so to get my okay to fill the RX for Xiaflex. At that time I will give them a PIN number given by Auxilium. That should be all I need to do to have Auxilium pay the pharmacy my co-pay.

Auxilium will pay up to $1000 of the co-pay per prescription. I guess we have to wait and see exactly what my co-pay with Cigna will be. But my doctor's office said they have very few people who use this program that have to pay anything at all.


03/10/2012 19:47
03/10/2012 19:47
Re: Anyone used the Xiaflex Co-Pay Program?

Sounds like a racket, doesn't it.

03/10/2012 19:57
03/10/2012 19:57
Re: Anyone used the Xiaflex Co-Pay Program?

Sounds like a racket, doesn't it.

How so? It sounds to me like your average person can't afford to have the Xiaflex injections. So now Auxilium is having to go to greater lengths to market their drug!

03/10/2012 20:44
03/10/2012 20:44
Re: Anyone used the Xiaflex Co-Pay Program?

The racket part of it is they charge such a high price for the insurance companies to pay that there is enough margin that they can pay the copay for the individuals.

03/10/2012 21:05
03/10/2012 21:05
Re: Anyone used the Xiaflex Co-Pay Program?

The racket part of it is they charge such a high price for the insurance companies to pay that there is enough margin that they can pay the copay for the individuals.

So true! Wonder how long before it takes the price of this drug to drop.

03/24/2012 23:48
03/24/2012 23:48
Re: Anyone used the Xiaflex Co-Pay Program?

I did not have to use the copay program. But would like to share my experience with Xiaflex.

I am covered by the US Military Healthcare Program, with limited out of pocket expenses. Having said that, I would pay for the Xiaflex injection out of pocket.

I'm right handed, and have symptoms in that hand. My left hand was significantly impaired in ring and middle finger. Left hand ring finger was 30 degrees in the MPJ and 90 degrees in the PIP (hope I got that correct, first and second joint, respectively from the palm). Middle finger is 30 degrees at the MPJ. I received the injection (29 gauge needle) in the palm, just below the MPJ, one puncture site with 4 injections, on 14 March 2012, manipulation scheduled on 15 March 2012.

Really no pain unless the injection site was probed. BTW that will hurt. During the night of 14 March, would awaken and feel the contracture beginning to separate. It felt like tearing a piece of gauze. On 15 March, decided to have a pain lessening injection prior to manipulation, and while waiting for the pain injection, I was messing with the ring finger and "popped" the cord, three times!! Once straight up, once to the left and once to the right The medical attendant came to the waiting room to administer the pain injection, and I informed him I may have "popped" the cord. He notified the DR, who administered the extension procedure, and said that I had popped the cord. The separation did not really cause any pain, so you may want to skip any pain injections.

Collateral damage: "blood blister at site of injection". The left hand did swell to about 150% of normal size. Lymph nodes at elbow and in the arm pit also protested to Xiaflex. Today, 24 March, the nodes seem to be back to normal.

Two weeks ago, I had a right hand and a left hand "hook". By left hand hook, I mean I could pick something up, but due to the contractures, could not release the item. Today, I can use my left hand, with few restrictions.

Go for Xiaflex, if you can.

03/25/2012 04:24
03/25/2012 04:24
Re: Anyone used the Xiaflex Co-Pay Program?

Thank you for sharing and for your description of your Xiaflex experience. Lots of us are watching what happens with Xiaflex. I anticipate that I will need contracture released again at some point in time. I've had NA twice and will consider Xiaflex next time if I have to have it.

Are you getting a night splint? I had a custom splint made and I think that has made a lot of difference in keeping my hand straighter since I had NA last July. (BTW, Medicare pays for the splint if it is to prevent contracture.) I did not have a night splint after the first NA and it developed more tightness. One key point though, I had RT about 4 months after the first NA and that stopped new nodules from forming. Since RT is not effective or maybe just a little bit, on cords, the cords still tighten some but only slight bending after 2 1/2 years of having the first NA and 2 years after RT. I keep on top of Dups by having procedures to keep my hand straight. I'm not waiting for Dupuytren's to get the "upper hand."

Keep us posted on your progress.

03/27/2012 14:04
03/27/2012 14:04
Re: Anyone used the Xiaflex Co-Pay Program?

I was provided a splint and wore it a couple of nights. It needs adjustments, and I hope to get that done this afternoon.

04/07/2012 18:42
04/07/2012 18:42
Re: Anyone used the Xiaflex Co-Pay Program?


I was just curious if anyone has used Auxilium's program that pays your co-pay for the drug. I'm scheduled to receive my first Xiaflex treatment on April 10. The doctor's office has given me the information needed to use this program. My insurance company's specialty pharmacy will be calling me in the next week or so to get my okay to fill the RX for Xiaflex. At that time I will give them a PIN number given by Auxilium. That should be all I need to do to have Auxilium pay the pharmacy my co-pay.

Auxilium will pay up to $1000 of the co-pay per prescription. I guess we have to wait and see exactly what my co-pay with Cigna will be. But my doctor's office said they have very few people who use this program that have to pay anything at all.


Can anyone get into the Xiaflex website above? I'm getting a page not found.

04/07/2012 20:54
04/07/2012 20:54
Re: Anyone used the Xiaflex Co-Pay Program?

No, I couldn't open it either. Go to https://www.xiaflex.com/

Click on the button that says "Co-pay Forms". It will then download the 5 page information brochure.

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