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Autoimmune Disorder?
08/21/2011 16:18
08/21/2011 16:18
Autoimmune Disorder?

I was recently diagnosed with DD, and I believe regular, aggressive use of a rowing machine may have been the trigger. Mine first appeared two years ago as a painless thickening in my right palm and at the base of my little finger. I simply ignored it. One day recently though, things suddenly became more serious. It was as if someone had thrown a switch. I now have chills and aches in both arms and hands. I'm no doctor, but this really feels like an autoimmune disorder. Has there been any research or therapy in that direction?

Edited 08/21/11 19:19

08/21/2011 19:18
08/21/2011 19:18
Re: Autoimmune Disorder?

My doctor feels that Dupuytren's is almost certainly an autoimmune problem, in combination with genetic factors. This would explain why so many people, myself included, suffered an extremely rapid onset after surgery or other trauma. There doesn't seem to be much going on as far as treatment goes from the perspective of autoimmunity. First, autoimmune diseases are the unwanted stepchildren in medicine-poorly understood, badly behaved, frustrating to deal with. Second, any treatments out there are systemic and, frankly, dangerous. There's been a lot of advertising of Enbrel, Humira, etc., for rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis. When the side effects include lowered resistance to infections, leukemia, and lymphoma, I'd have to feel a whole hell of a lot worse than I do with a messed up hand to risk taking them.

08/21/2011 19:49
08/21/2011 19:49
Re: Autoimmune Disorder?

Thanks for your thoughts. I'm planning to speak to a rheumatologist about it. Some of my symptoms definitely feel systemic. I've been in excellent health otherwise... very good diet, full vitamin regimen, no extra pounds, no alcohol, regular exercise. As mentioned previously, my dedication to my gym may have been my undoing! Fortunately, it's still in an early stage, and I seem to have timed it right for Xiaflex. I am also considering RT.

08/21/2011 20:35
08/21/2011 20:35
Re: Autoimmune Disorder?

Let us know what you find out. One of my doctors and my hand therapist have suggested a consult with a rheumatologist, especially since I have a couple of other autoimmune diseases, but that's close to impossible where I live. Very few in that speciality, not all take insurance if they even take new patients, months-long wait to get in, dubious advice once you do. Yuck.

08/24/2011 19:55
08/24/2011 19:55
Re: Autoimmune Disorder?

I don't have any answers but will share my experience for what it is worth. I had two frozen shoulders about 10 years ago which each took about 18 months to resolve completely (one with maximum intervention ..one with no intervention at all).
7 years ago I developed an autoimmune disease that initially required high dose prednisone and now is controlled on enbrel. 5 years ago I developed Dupuytren's in both hands and 2 months ago it started in both feet. None of my doctor's think the autoimmune and the DD are related...but I do. I am starting RT in Boston this week in one hand and one foot.

08/26/2011 01:08
08/26/2011 01:08

Re: Autoimmune Disorder?

Seems Hypothyroidism could be a cause for DD. That is also an autoimmune disorder. I have thyroid problems, but have been with a doctor for the last 10 years. Also had trauma in my wirst 10 month ago, fell of my bike. Had a nodule in my right hand, did not think it would be something, until the switch was turned on. I have DD in both hands, they will be zapped in Hamburg in 2 weeks, and LD in both feet. My shoulder hurts, so now I am thinking maybe frozen shoulder is next. Unbelievable. My DD is very aggressive. I watch my hands and it seems they almost change daily. A cord is getting very hard in my right palm and my finger is being pulled down. I have to say, rolling my hands on a wooden stick is doing wonders. It loosens everything and my hands become flexible and don't have that pulling feeling anymore.

Anyway, this all sucks, but hopefully RT will do the job.


03/20/2018 19:21
03/20/2018 19:21
Re: Autoimmune Disorder?

I'm not sure who I am answering as I am new and am not sure how to post. I have Hashimoto's (under control) and have had two frozen shoulders about 20 years ago. I had a nodule on my palm about 10 years ago and was told it was Dupuytren's. At about that same time I started the South Beach diet (low carb diet). I lost about 20 pounds and the nodule disappeared. I continued to eat fairly carefully but added back good carbs and had no trouble until recently when a nodule appeared on my left hand. I'm trying to limit sugar and anything that turns to sugar quickly as I think that could be a problem. I'm also rubbing a little Mederma (scar fade) into the nodule at night but I don't think it will really help.

considering   combination   intervention   Disorder   rheumatologist   Dupuytren   frustrating   understood   Autoimmune   aggressive   medicine-poorly   disappeared   Hypothyroidism   Unbelievable   Fortunately   advertising   autoimmunity   perspective   stepchildren   months-long