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AUX. AA4500 w/ nodules?
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12/07/2007 20:54
12/07/2007 20:54
AUX. AA4500 w/ nodules?

Has anyone had the injections done with decent sized nodules involved? The reason I ask is I'll be going back for my 30 day follow up just after x-mas and I would like to try the injections on another finger. However, the two other fingers affected have large non-painful nodules. The one is about the size of a pea and the other is about the size of a small grape. My first injection on the pinky PIP joint had no nod. and is down to just 15 degrees loss, it started at 60 degrees loss and is doing great. I also have a third nodule on my right index finger, but, there is no contraction involved----Yet.

Any and all input is greatly appreciated.


Joe Conrad

Here are a couple before/after pics.

Pic of the bruising after the injection.

Edited at 08.12.07 05:41

12/08/2007 07:27


12/08/2007 07:27


Re: AUX. AA4500 w/ nodules?

I wouldn't expect that they inject collagenase in just nodules with no contraction. The therapy concept at trial is to weaken the cord with collagenase and then snap it. This is the same as for NA, but with an enzyme replacing the needle, you could call it an enzymatic aponeurotomy instead of a needle aponeurotomy. Because the trial aims to test this method they need to collect data on standardized treatment of standardized situations. Even if a collagenase injection would possible shrink your nodule I don't think they would do it as part of this trial, and using it outside the trial is not approved.

With Ledderhose big nodules and no/little contraction are quite normal. Here it would really make sense to inject the nodule and it would add another (though much smaller) market. But that's not included in the trial either.

PS: good pictures! Congratulations for finding out how to do this!

Edited at 08.12.07 09:29

12/08/2007 20:12
12/08/2007 20:12
Re: AUX. AA4500 w/ nodules?

Wolfgang is correct. I have a nodule on my finger and they told me there was nothing they could do as part of the trial. Mine was pretty tender before the injection, and is now much less so. Since both my fingers measured zero degrees at 30 days (started at 20 and 25 degrees), no further injections were considered.

12/09/2007 00:58
12/09/2007 00:58
Re: AUX. AA4500 w/ nodules?

Which finger was involved and where was the nodule located? Most of my concern I guess is the location of the nodule and where the majority of the cord is. Since the collagenase is supposed to dissolve the cord or weaken it, I question if it attacks the nodule also? And because of the size of my nodules it is hard to pin-point the bulk of the cord. If it diminishes the nodule that would be great.

12/09/2007 01:11
12/09/2007 01:11
Re: AUX. AA4500 w/ nodules?

Much to my dismay, I had my wife put the picures on for me. As much as I know about and use computers on a daily bases, I don't get involved with forums and posting. She is always online hosting her own internet reality games like Surviver and Big Brother. Next time I get her to put a pic on for me I'll have her explain it.

12/09/2007 10:19


12/09/2007 10:19


Re: AUX. AA4500 w/ nodules?

Hi jocond, congratulations to your wife!!

I guess we really should set up a little user guide. The forum software is getting more sophisticated and not all functions are intuitive.

PS: in the new software release (yet to be installed) uploading of pictures will be even easier!

12/09/2007 18:42
12/09/2007 18:42
Re: AUX. AA4500 w/ nodules?

Had a nice experience today. Now that my pinky is straighter I was able to make hamburger patties a whole lot easier.


12/09/2007 21:07
12/09/2007 21:07
Re: AUX. AA4500 w/ nodules?

The nodule is just below the second joint (first being palm joint, never could get the MCP/PIP thing right) on my ring finger. From what my doctor said, I think the Collagenase would have an effect on the nodule if the injection point was close enough. My injection point was at the first crease on my palm. With my finger fully extended it seems I can still feel the cord just below the nodule, but as you work your way down to the injection point is seems to be gone (or at least not detectable).

12/09/2007 21:53
12/09/2007 21:53

Re: AUX. AA4500 w/ nodules?

Once Collegenase is approved it would be my guess that eventually some MDs will begin to experiment with injecting it into nodules. This would be a little "off label" but so is injecting cortisone. Since it actually dissolves tissue it might prove most effective. Imagine having a newly diagnosed patient having nodules treated before any contraction can begin. Up until now most of what we do is reactive as opposed to proactive.

That is what radiation treatment is all about. It would be nice to add this to the arsenal as well. Only time will tell, but the approval of Collegenase can't help but be a very positive step for all of us.

12/10/2007 15:18
12/10/2007 15:18

The cost - $1,000 a pop - will discourage injections of nodules that aren't currently causing problems. I have a couple of nodules that have aren't accompanied by contractures and have been unchanged for years.

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