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38 Year-Old Female with DC
12/26/2014 19:24
12/26/2014 19:24
38 Year-Old Female with DC

Hi All! I am a usually healthy, no major issues or illnesses ever type of gal...until now. I have not been officially diagnosed(no insurance, so I am studying to be a Pro-Web MD;) but over the last year or more I started noticing the inside joint line on my right ring finger "pulling down" and a lump forming below...I just had no idea what it could be and couldn't find anything online that sounded right until recently I additionally found a dime-sized lump in my palm directly down in line with the affected finger. I googled it a few weeks ago and sure enough it fits the bill, so here we are;) My fingers have always been doubled jointed on both hands and now that finger won't even go "normally" straight, much less over extend backwards at that bottom joint like always. It is swollen a bit at the joint & starting to ache daily and the finger and palm is really sore when I wake up, etc.

I try to stretch it and then sometimes if I try to straighten the finger slowly to stretch it feels like the tendon might snap. I even have started to feel elbow pain on that side, seemingly related, although I don't read anything about that...? I have been a graphic designer for the last 5 years on a very regular basis (lots of long hours of mouse/wacom tablet drawing action) and I am also a professional front-line singer for a large event band, so have started doing lots of heavy tambourine shaking with my right hand more than ever this year. I have very very small hands/short fingers to begin with, so gripping things easily has always been an issue. No idea if those things would have caused or worsened my condition at least but just trying to figure it out. I really am interested most in non-surgical, inexpensive home remedies that have worked for people. Creams, Vitamins, Oils, Acupuncture, etcetc...?! Last post I saw someone say they had luck with Bio-Oil and other "Scar softening pads" at night? I am open to any and all advice I can get until I get insurance later this year!(Marrying a wonderful Military Man in April who I not only adore and is my best friend but who said those 3 Little Words.....I have Benefits. lol) Thank you so much for this forum and nice to "meet" you all!!!:)

front-line   professional   backwards   insurance   officially   straighten   seemingly   tambourine   sometimes   additionally   anything   interested   wonderful   softening   inexpensive   illnesses   dime-sized   non-surgical   condition   Acupuncture