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4 days after radiation My hands hurt
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09/20/2013 02:08
09/20/2013 02:08
Re: 4 days after radiation My hands hurt

I had two rounds of radiation on my enormous knuckle pads about a year and a half ago in Virginia. Can't say for sure if it was successful. The two worst fingers seem to have progressed, but the two not so bad ones haven't become worse.

Had one round with Prof S in Hamburg in April. I had about 5 new, active nodules from an NA procedure I had in January and the radiation seems to have worked on all but one of them. I didn't go for the second round because I know I'll be needing more NA. I have rather aggressive DD and Prof S thought it would be best to wait since the next surgical procedure will probably trigger another flare which we will want to treat with another round. It's a very curious disease being so unique to the individual. It's not possible to predict what will work for you or what won't work. I'm not sorry I had the radiation as it seems to have helped a bit but I wasn't as lucky as those who have had RT put them into remission.

09/23/2013 11:06
09/23/2013 11:06
Re: 4 days after radiation My hands hurt

Hello Fred,
Thanks for your input. My hands have calmed down some since round one. I am 10 days out.

I have it in both feet also.

I just completed RT both rounds on the left foot. When I began the 1st session I did not have signs of it on the ball of the foot. The nodules were in the arch only.
When I went back for round 2 on that foot the oncologist changed the protocol. He went deept and wider. I have permanent dot tattos on the foot. It appears the RT barely coverd the area of this new nodule.

I am wondering when I go back (in 3 months) on my hands for round 2 will I be able to convince him to radiate the ball of that same foot?

I pray I will be able to convince him.

So I have a few questions:

1. How soon after RT can you have radiation again in the same area?
2. If the arch of the foot was radiated and then the ball of the foot get a nodule can RT be done?

Btw, I am sorry to hear that this has affected All areas on you.
What did you do for the frozen shoulder?
How long did your frozen shoulder last?

09/24/2013 22:06
09/24/2013 22:06
Re: 4 days after radiation My hands hurt

Hi Jolene,

This is my first time to this forum, and you are the first person I am interested in responding to. I am pursuing the possibility of RT within the next month or so. My first question to you is where are you having your treatments done? Secondly, regarding your comment about "radiation is radiation." I don't know if that is true or not. I am finding out as I contact clinics all over the world that everyone seems to have a different protocol for RT. Along with a different opinion as to how successful the treatments may or may not be based upon that protocol. One thing I am finding is the variation between treatments being from 8 weeks to 12 weeks. Along with the amount of area treated. In your case it appears that a lot of area was treated.
I hope that things only improve for you! I know exactly how you feel when you say you wish this nightmare would end! And I have only begun.


09/25/2013 15:59
09/25/2013 15:59
Re: 4 days after radiation My hands hurt

Hello Nan,

I am sorry that you have to be a part of this nasty disease. It is cunning and baffling and affects each person differently. I highly suggest read as much as you can. Educate yourself like never before.

I have been treated by Dr. Lawrence Hochman with Florida Cancer Affiliates located 5500 Little Rd New Port Richey, FL 34655 phone# (727) 372-9159. My insurance (Alliant) has paid for ALL the radiation treatments.

I live in Atlanta Georgia area. I have flown to Florida twice for treatment. Fortunate I have family within 2 hours of the treatment center. I stay with them and drive back and forth.
Upon return of my first round of radiation I created a blog. It details the journey this condition has taken me on. I have not updated the blog since the 1st trip to Florida.


On the original foot we did 3gy x 5 daysfollowed by 8 week break gy x 5 days
On the hands and other foot we are doing 3gy x 5 days followed by 12 week break 3gy x 5 days

Upon my return to Florida on the foot. Dr. Hochman decided to change the numbers of week between 1st round and 2nd round.
He said Prof Seegenschmiedt of Germany is currently doing 12 week break and Dr. Hochman wanted to follow Prof S. protocol.

I think the most important part is making sure All the diseased area is treated. Therefore whoever treats you with radiation must be abreast on the signs and underlying areas of the disease.
I took with me ultra-scans, MRI’s, etc. And we still missed a nodule forming on the ball of the foot. So when having ultra-scan done on the foot be sure it is done over the entire foot not just the nodules seen to the untrained eye.

I am curious
Where do you live and who are you considering to treat you?

I hope I have helped answer your questions

09/26/2013 03:05
09/26/2013 03:05
Re: 4 days after radiation My hands hurt

Hi Jolene,

Thank you for your reply! I have been hitting the research hard for about a month now. Reading as much as I can. Trying to not get too optimistic about the RT, nor discouraged. It's been hard. Perhaps a bit harder for me in that I have had one very miserable year or more of painful health problems. I'm sure they have contributed to the Dupuytren's, especially my rotator cuff surgery. I think in one week I was diagnosed with a tear in my rotator cuff, nerve blockage which was causing extreme muscle atrophy in my shoulder, mild carpal tunnel, and the Dupuytren's. Needless to say that was not a good week!
While focusing on recovery for my shoulder my Dupuytren's diagnosis got sidelined for a while. It's been challenging to work hard at my shoulder recovery while at the same time seeing the DD progress and add to my pain. Several weeks ago feeling completely discouraged I got on-line to see if there were any answers out there to treat this disease. That's when I came across the Dupuytren Society site that discussed the RT. I have learned a lot this past month, with much more to learn I'm sure.
I began by contacting Prof. S in Hamburg regarding treatment. He has been very good about responding. I also drove down last week from Dallas to the Austin Cancer Centers where they do RT. I have called and spoken to a few other clinics as well. Seems that everyone has a different protocol, along with costs.
I thought it was great to see that your Florida doctor is open to and following Prof. S protocol of 12 weeks between treatments. The Dr. in Austin was not open to that though I asked. Just think that someone who has been doing this a long time probably knows best.
As I slowly put this all together the best that I can I'm discovering that: the technology for RT seems to be very similar, especially with the electron beam, and simplistic compared to other forms of radiation therapy. That the actual treatments can vary as to how much, how long, and the time between treatments, but they don't vary that much. The main difference I am seeing is how qualified the Dr. is in evaluating and identifying the nodules and cords.
It is the latter that is my highest priority. If I cannot find someone I feel completely confident with I will be headed at some point to Hamburg. This is not the type of thing you get a lot of shots at!
In general, however, my biggest fear is the treatment itself. I was told by doctor in Austin that they never hear of problems with the radiation causing any kind of burning, or excessive dryness, or skin discoloration. That is not what I gather to be true by reading throughout this forum. So still doing my research!
Please continue to post how your recovery and treatments go. Hoping the very best for you!

09/26/2013 11:16
09/26/2013 11:16
Re: 4 days after radiation My hands hurt

Nan - I'm sorry that you had to deal with so many health issues at once.

I've also done a great deal of research and I don't think I've heard of anyone having difficult side effects from RT. My palms are a little dry but not enough to be problem. I finished 2 rounds of RT in April, and the jury is still out as to whether it was successful or not. Sometimes my nodules seem worse and sometimes they seem better. Sometimes my hands are sore all over (delayed side effect from the RT or DD progression - who knows?) I find if I wear padded gloves for certain chores, driving, chopping vegetables, etc - it helps a ton. Randomness is truly the name of the game with this disease. My radiologist says the RT can continue to work for 6-12 months or more, but if I make it another 6 months w/o any contraction, the first active period that comes along, I'll be having RT again. My insurance covered the RT although it still cost several thousand $$ as I reached my out of pocket maximum. I figured it would have cost the same to see Dr. S in Hamburg, but thanks to this site, I was able to find a radiologist 3 hrs from me who has a lot of experience treating DD. I've also heard that Dr. S will not treat you if he doesn't feel the disease is active, which is good, but Hamburg could be a long way to travel to be turned away. I hope you're able to find someone reasonably close that you can trust.

Jolene - hope you are feeling better after your RT.

09/27/2013 00:45
09/27/2013 00:45
Re: 4 days after radiation My hands hurt


It has been 13 days since the 1st round of RT on the hands. The crawling burniing, tingle sensation has calmed down at least 50%.

Shoulder pain:
2 to 3 weeks before I had RT on the hands I began to experience shoulder pain. Fear that this was turning into 'Frozen Shoulder' I went to an arm/shoulder specialist Aug. 29 2013. He diagnosed me as having rotary cuff tendonitis. He wrote prescription for physical therapy. Since I was leaving for Florida for RT the following week. I decided to put off the physical therapy on the shoulder until I return home.

About 10 days after RT I notice the arm/shoulder pain subsided tremendously. I think the pain had to do with the Dupuytren disease. I think the radiation has calmed the hands down and this has somehow calm the shoulder down as well. I wanted confirmation that all was back to normal in the shoulder. I did go to the physical therapist yesterday just to find out about 'frozen shoulder" & "rotary cuff tendonitis" exercises. The physical therapist was surprised at the movement without pain. He did show some suttle exercises to do to strenghten the shoulder area.

Regarding RT on my foot.
I just completed round 2 of radiation. Right before round 2 of RT I began to experience major swelling, tingle numb sensation in the ankle and foot. I thought I had a 'new' nodule forming. That was not the case. I saw the podiatrist today. I was diagnosed with tarsal tunnel syndrome.The radiation has been working on the ledderhose/plantar fibroma. The Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome is the tibia nerve. This greatly impacts the quality of life. It limits the normal chores of grocery shopping.

To Nan, I am so sorry you have had to deal with all that. Shoulder surgery, physical therapy on the shoulder and DD. I agree, that was a very bad week.

I have shed many tears. I have spent many hours in research. I too, have been in contact with prof S. He always returned emails also.

Now I am stumped over this new diagnoses 'tarsal tunnel syndrome' Does not look to hopeful in regards to ever having a normal active life style I once use to enjoy.

Edited 09/27/13 04:10

09/27/2013 16:29
09/27/2013 16:29
Re: 4 days after radiation My hands hurt

Hi Jolene,

I hope that even if people do not happen to catch your postings to this thread that you find some comfort in just writing about what you are going through to people who do understand. I know that has helped me. I have read several postings in this Forum where people that have DD have other conditions that could all be related in some way. I guess we just have to wait and see what future studies show.

My guess is most of us want to throw in the towel at times, especially those of us that have other health issues, and are just starting with this disease or others. There is a lot of discussion about treatments specifically related to DD and LD on this site. But, don't forget some of the basic things in life as well that help us to deal psychologically with our disease. Friends, family, getting out and doing some fun, positive, creative things.

Thank you for your words of encouragement to me too!


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plantarfibroma   shoulder   experience   Dupuytren   disease   protocol   treatments   especially   oncologist   pre-treatment   psychologically   nodules   condition   disappointed   fingers   discoloration   radiation   treatment   successful   Seegenschmiedt