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ache type pain/soreness in both feet when I walk under my arches - Is this a symptom
09/30/2013 12:08
09/30/2013 12:08
ache type pain/soreness in both feet when I walk under my arches - Is this a symptom

I have an ache under the arches of both feet when I walk. There are no nodules or cords, is this a sign of ledderhose or is something else going on? NOTE: I already have dupuytrens in both my hands by the way with nodules and cords.

09/30/2013 15:16


09/30/2013 15:16


Re: ache type pain/soreness in both feet when I walk under my arches - Is this a symptom

I don't have LD, but had something similar when standing for 10-15 minutes. An ache that started to hurt. It developed in one foot into Plantar Fasciitus which took two years to resolve, with the help of stretching and wearing a night boot to bed.

One year I purchased seven pairs of shoes in an effort to fix the ache when standing. (I am man, and this man at least, does not buy shoes regularly). I paid a podiatrist to create a custom pair of orthotics. Still no good.

Then I had a go at one those fads we have, special shoes with all sorts of benefits claimed. Masai, Wobbles, Birkenstock and so on, and one summer found a wobbly pair of sandals that fixed it. I now wear them April - Sept and have a pair for indoors. For winters I purchased a comfortable pair of walking shoes and shaped the insole profile to be as close as I could to the wobbly sandals. I don't think it was the wobble but the sole material and shape to the foot that helped (even after trying custom orthotics!).

I can't really say this will work for you, it could be expensive to find out, but maybe it is your footwear?

09/30/2013 17:57
09/30/2013 17:57
Re: ache type pain/soreness in both feet when I walk under my arches - Is this a symptom

I have an ache under the arches of both feet when I walk. There are no nodules or cords, is this a sign of ledderhose or is something else going on? NOTE: I already have dupuytrens in both my hands by the way with nodules and cords.

Hi Lowell

With bilateral DD I believe it would be smart to keep a regular diary of how your feet are...take pictures....and keep notes of how they are feeling.....I get my wife to palpate my feet every month or so and she has become very good at it....

If you have the onset of LD this will give you a timeline of disease progression and could be useful in determining best course of action..

As you are candidate for LD it would also be smart to look after your feet and try to avoid any micro injuries that may trigger activity...

And yes .......for me my LD is accompanied by aches and general soreness..

Edited 09/30/13 20:59

09/30/2013 21:16
09/30/2013 21:16

Re: ache type pain/soreness in both feet when I walk under my arches - Is this a symptom

I have bilateral LD and I do get an ache in the arches from time to time. I my case the ache seems to go away once my feet are warmed up. Not there all the time and not really troublesome.

Also in my case the ache in the arch preceded the arrival of the nodules.

bilateral   Birkenstock   ledderhose   podiatrist   troublesome   stretching   symptom   purchased   expensive   candidate   dupuytrens   comfortable   developed   something   nodules   orthotics   accompanied   determining   soreness   progression