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ALC effective?
04/25/2016 13:06
04/25/2016 13:06
ALC effective?


I see a hand specialist in the Twin Cities area in a week for my early dups symptoms. I have two dermal pits in my right hand beneath index and middle finger (along my palm lines) and the beginning of what appears to be a callous like nodule beneath my ring finger. On my left hand I have a thin cord that has been growing since I first discovered what I thought was a tendon starting beneath the PIP joint. Thought it was from playing too much mandolin :) I'm 33, with no family hx that I know of. This DC thing is consuming me--driving my wife crazy (she thinks I'm nuts at how devestated I am over this non diagnosed diagnosis and this rapid progression) and am concentrating so much on my palms that I'm not "here" for the kids and wife. It sucks! And I know that in the whole scheme of things this is a much more positive diagnosis to get than many get every day in this life. I'm trying to put it in perspective and be upbeat. Maybe there's a reason.

Anyways, you guys are not my bartender so I apologize for the long intro.. I haven't seen any recent talk about using Acetyl L Carnatine. Has that been helping anyone?


04/25/2016 13:27


04/25/2016 13:27


Re: ALC effective?

Do you mean N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine? Did you see the report on our research page? http://www.dupuytren-online.info/researc..._dupuytren.html

If you search back there are some users who tried it, see as one example http://www.dupuytren-online.info/Forum_E...hase-1_284.html

05/06/2016 21:08
05/06/2016 21:08
Re: ALC effective?

Hi Spanish Buddha,

I did mean Acetyl L Carnatine (?) as I had read about its use awhile back. Thanks for the links though they seem to lead to a dead-end. I would be curious to know about any success stories with NAC though most seem pretty jaded about anything but RT or NA. Would like to stay ahead of the game if I can.

My "second opinion" DD specialist told me this week upon palpitation that there is nothing in my hands that would suggest that I have Dup. and I should really quit looking at the Internet. I have been consumed with it since my first Orthopedic doc said "it COULD be early Dupuytrens but I'm not positive".


Maybe the cheese slid off the cracker and I'm just imagining things? Frustrating

05/07/2016 06:50
05/07/2016 06:50
Re: ALC effective?

I hear you Minniedolin and know entirely where you are coming from. I was very much in the same state of mind as your good self a couple of months ago.

I'm now totally over it ... I will explain what did the trick.

I would suggest that you touch base with Stephen Jeffrey and this magical DD massage regime. It worked a treat for me. In just over a month my DD anxiety has vanished and all the signs - if they were signs of DD on my right hand - such as one UK radiation oncologist said they were - have disappeared - and the definite showings of DD on my left hand are largely quelled.

For more reference please see the following link: http://www.ealingmassagetherapy.co.uk/

If you are NOT in the UK Stephen is hugely generous in sharing his treatment regime with understanding/skilled massage therapists local to you so that patients like your good self (and me) don't have to suffer the danger of having radiation stuffed into your system unless ABSOLUTELY necessary.

05/07/2016 07:20


05/07/2016 07:20


Re: ALC effective?

Hi Minnedolin,

if the DD specialist said you have no signs of Dupuytren's and your first orthopedic doc said he wasn't sure about it, then you probably don't have it (palpation is the typical way of diagnosing Dupuytren's). Now you can enjoy not having a chronic disease and stop worrying about it!


Hi Spanish Buddha,

I did mean Acetyl L Carnatine (?) as I had read about its use awhile back. Thanks for the links though they seem to lead to a dead-end. I would be curious to know about any success stories with NAC though most seem pretty jaded about anything but RT or NA. Would like to stay ahead of the game if I can.

My "second opinion" DD specialist told me this week upon palpitation that there is nothing in my hands that would suggest that I have Dup. and I should really quit looking at the Internet. I have been consumed with it since my first Orthopedic doc said "it COULD be early Dupuytrens but I'm not positive".


Maybe the cheese slid off the cracker and I'm just imagining things? Frustrating

dupuytren   Orthopedic   disappeared   perspective   Frustrating   Minniedolin   diagnosis   Carnatine   concentrating   progression   Minnedolin   understanding   ealingmassagetherapy   palpitation   Dupuytrens   effective   N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine   specialist   me--driving   dupuytren-online