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Anything to be done before it progresses?? Xiaflex?
12/10/2014 01:16
12/10/2014 01:16
Anything to be done before it progresses?? Xiaflex?

i am 34 and have a noodle/lump in my left hand. I still have full use of all my fingers, but it has progressed in size recently.

I am wondering if now if the time to take some sort of action before this before it gets worse, and is there anything that can be done?

My local doctor did says it's dupuytrens, but he knew nothing of Xiaflex, NA, etc. he only knew of surgery and said he has always advised people to wait until it's effecting your life.

The Xiaflex website seems to say "treatment when a noodle is present."


12/10/2014 04:13
12/10/2014 04:13
Re: Anything to be done before it progresses?? Xiaflex?

As far as I know, no dr will recommend Xiaflex until cords develop and cause ~30 degree contracture or more. Some have had success with RT (radiation therapy) when nodules are starting to grow, but not all insurance companies will cover RT. I would recommend you find a qualified hand specialist who is familiar with Dupuytrens and has also successfully performed all surgeries related to it, as well as Xiaflex and NA (needle aponeurotomy). Sounds like the doc you are seeing is clueless. I had Xiaflex 5 months ago and am extremely pleased with the results but you need to find the right doc to administer it!

12/10/2014 07:48


12/10/2014 07:48


Re: Anything to be done before it progresses?? Xiaflex?

Hi Canadadian guy

You could ask about a steroid shot, helps some people for a while, and then there's others it doesn't help at all. I myself would not have one, but putting it out there for you. There's reportedly some off label use of injecting Xiaflex into nodules, but there's no evidence that works. Your only early stage option is RT, but the timing has to be right, active growing nodules usually accompanied by other symptoms. Maybe if you start protectng your hand and some gentle massage with VitE oil it will quiesce, and maybe it won't. Use the the time of waiting to monitor changes with a photo log, find an experienced radiologist, and hand docs who treat using Xiaflex and NA.

Best wishes

12/17/2014 21:14
12/17/2014 21:14
Re: Anything to be done before it progresses?? Xiaflex?

Hi spanishbuddha,
Would you mind saying more regarding why you would not do the steroid injections at early stage? Have you seen or read of negative effects from such injections? I've been trying to get more information on the success or lack thereof of this procedure but haven't found anything, am very curious to learn more on this from those more experienced. Thanks very much in advance for any more information!


12/18/2014 05:55


12/18/2014 05:55


Re: Anything to be done before it progresses?? Xiaflex?

Hi Molloy, it's just a personal view. There is no evidence that it helps in the long term, although people on here have reported some pain relief and softening of nodules that lasted for several months. Others have also reported that it made no difference. In my own amateur sporting efforts where I get the occasional tendon and ligament injury, sometimes lasting a few months, I prefer rest, ice and heat, as part of a treatment programme and follow the 'say no to cortisone' philosophy of some physiotherapists. I think you should follow your own instincts based on whatever your philosophy for living is given there're no hard evidence either way that a steroid shot helps. SB

12/18/2014 16:19
12/18/2014 16:19
Re: Anything to be done before it progresses?? Xiaflex?

Thanks, SB, for the helpful info. The data on various treatment options are difficult to wade through and decipher, very good to also have insight from those like yourself with long-term experience of the problem.

12/19/2014 13:13
12/19/2014 13:13
Re: Anything to be done before it progresses?? Xiaflex?

When my lump was rapidly growing I did have a cortisone shot. I had it to see if it would slow down the growth. It slowed down the growth for about 6-8 weeks. I was just beginning to form a cord and my lump was progressing/growing so rapidly that I needed enough time to make a treatment decision and get on the calendar before the cord progressed any more. It did relieve the pain but the shot is extremely painful. It was not a long term solution for DD, bit it served it's purpose for me.


12/26/2014 04:35
12/26/2014 04:35
Re: Anything to be done before it progresses?? Xiaflex?

What treatment did you pursue and how did it work out? Do you know if only 6-8 weeks of slowing from the steroid is typical? Doesn't seem a lot of time.


Anything   extremely   progresses   radiologist   spanishbuddha   aponeurotomy   dupuytrens   Xiaflex   physiotherapists   progressed   administer   contracture   philosophy   experienced   treatment   injections   information   successfully   accompanied   progressing