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Australian Experience
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07/08/2007 08:47
07/08/2007 08:47
Re: Australian Experience



If radiotherapy is a fairly safe and useful option then why isn't it more widely available?

Because they've never heard of it.

Took me six months to work my way though the NHS, convincing different people at different stages until I reached Dr Goode at Poole hospital who is used to treating non-malignant growths with radiation. He took a look at the data and said "Fine, we can start treatment in two weeks." I could have hugged him.

I've just completed the first set of treatments with no problems at all.

If you want radiotherapy, you MUST do it before the contracture starts to develop seriously. It's much less effective in later stages of the disease.

07/08/2007 22:31
07/08/2007 22:31
Re: Australian Experience

G'day again Gang,

Thanks sooo much for the reply Sandie. Much appreciated. I have heard back from a couple NA doctors (from O/S) and have been advised to wait before looking at NA. One doctor from the UK reckoned that Collagenase will be available here in Oz soon. I checked the Auxilium website and saw where it was up to in the trial (they ran a trial earlier this year in Oz - I've contacted the doctor and am waiting to hear back if there's another trial planned, if I could jump on, and when the drug might be available). It does seem it could be not-too-far away.

In the mean time I reckon I've had some success softening the nodules. And, indeed, over the last few days the pain has gone. I noticed that the skin seems "fixed" to the nodules and the underlying sub-structure of the palm (for details where my two nodules are refer to earlier post in this thread) and so I use my thumb on my other hand to "push" the lower nodule toward my fingers, if you know what I mean. This really really hurt at first (have been doing it a few weeks now) but I have noticed the pain has now GONE and the nodules (both) are softer and markedly flatter and my skin is more "mobile" about that area of my palm. Note, I've been rather aggressive with the pushing and grit my teeth through the pain. Initially is felt sharp as though I was pushing the lower nodule into the tendon or something. It's a pain that might be equated to injuring a tendon pulley (other climbers might know what I mean) but passes as soon as the pressure is released. I push and hold the nodule as far as it will go for no less than 30 seconds at a time... and do it quite a few times a day.

I was talking with a guy at work who's into alternative therapies and I mentioned how the fascia thickens in this disease. He hadn't heard of DD, but he's heard of fascia stretching, or some such. He said that collagen can't be stretched quickly or else it damages, but slow, steady stretching will stretch it. I forget why he's looked into fascia stretching and for what purpose... but it seemed to correlate somewhat with this condition. I don't know how effective it is on hands wherein DD has progressed (I'm yet to have Dad try it).

In the meantime I feel I'm actively slowing things!! Touch wood!!!

Here's the Auxilium links:





07/09/2007 07:22
07/09/2007 07:22
Re: Australian Experience

Pushing the nodule might be helping, or it might be deceptive.

The catch is that the nodules get less painful over time in any case. My original nodule no longer has any pain, but my new one is tender.

However, I recall someone else mentioning that massaging a nodule might help soften it, so I'm also trying this.

07/09/2007 09:00
07/09/2007 09:00
Re: Australian Experience

Hi again. Stomo, thanks for the details for your oncologist. I will certainly be making use of those.

Can someone please tell me if RT is covered by Medicare? My new Health Cover won't pay out on pre-existing conditions for another 10 months or so and I gather that time is somewhat of the essence.

If RT isn't covered by Medicare, could you please give me an estimate of how much the treatment costs?

Thanks in advance,


07/09/2007 09:33
07/09/2007 09:33

Re: Australian Experience jm 45

Adelaide calling. I've made contact with Royal Adelaide Hospital quote " Rt is available in this department .The evidence as you say comes mainly from Germany. We do not treat this routinely. We will be happy to look into your case in the first instance and consider treatment following assessment ,(end quote) Medicare would cover in a Govt.Hospt.and would pau 85% of standard medicare fee which of course if you consult a private practitioner would not be fully covered, unless they bulk bill Check with medicare office but you will need a schedual No. this may help.

07/09/2007 23:22
07/09/2007 23:22
Re: Australian Experience

Thanks for that information Newman. BTW, I did receive your email/s but seemed unable to respond. I did try!

I will have to see how I can best proceed then as far as where I get treatment. Is Peter Mac considered a Private Hospital?

Perhaps, if I am really lucky, my GP can even find someone/somewhere closer to home (eg. Bendigo) who will agree to do this treatment.

I will certainly keep you all posted.



07/12/2007 04:36
07/12/2007 04:36

Re: Australian Experience Scotty

Scotty. Adelaide Calling .Thanks for listing Auxilium links.Sound promissing. Your friend is on the money about the stretching it supports what my plastic surgeon told me . Ceers Barry.

07/24/2007 10:19
07/24/2007 10:19
Re: Australian Experience

Hi All,

I went to my cardiologist last week and mentioned in conversation that I was thinking about radiation for my DD. He initially suggested waiting for surgery when appropriate, ie after contracture. After I told him about radiation, which he was unaware of for DD, and explained that I didn't want to wait for contracture he supported my radiation treatment.

I was a bit surprised as most medicos have previoulsy tried to talk me out of radiation. He said cancer risk was not an issue, not to worry as he didn't seem to think it would ever occur with low dose treatment of a hand.

Pleasantly surprised is an understatement.

Off to radiotherapy oncologist in about 10 days. Will let you know how it goes.


08/05/2007 10:27

not registered

08/05/2007 10:27

not registered

Re: Australian Experience

I've just found this website, live in Perth Western Australia, female, 56 yrs old. I'm due for my second operation on ring finger left hand on Tuesday, first op was in 2000 and it has slowly come back, rapidly the last 6 months, have to have a skin graft with this one, and am freaking a bit. Interested in AlanB's experience with radiation in Perth, at this point I'm surfing everything for more info, I didn't think I had any options, should have been more proactive before this. Can NA be done when surgery has already been done in same area. Any info appreciated!

08/06/2007 06:06
08/06/2007 06:06

Re: Australian Experience

Hi dael. Australia calling.(Adelaide.) Good luck hope your surgeon has given you some idea how large or small your graft will be, not like in my case only when the bandage came off did I see what I was getting.The graph on my rt. little finger skirts on the edge between the little and ring finger .Gives me no trouble.However on my left hand the one graft extends from the palm to both the little and ring finger ,which closed up the web between the two fingers once the scare tissue formed , which made it difficult to spread the fingers apart.Check this with your surgeon .I had to have another operation in that area to widen the web.Don't forget to keep your fingers moving-gently as much as you can with you hand up above your heart .In my case the bit of extra pain in that week after the operation will give you the benifit of early movement. Regards.

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fingers   information   hospital   Radiation   dupuytren-online   radiotherapy   Experience   oncologist   Melbourne   Wolfgang   Australian   contact   effects   possible   Contracture   progress   treatments   nodules   treatment   surgery