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Bottom of both Feet Ache In weird ways
10/15/2013 01:23
10/15/2013 01:23
Bottom of both Feet Ache In weird ways

The bottoms of my feet ache when I walk, and I have intermittant muscle twiching, and I also feel weird crawling movement as well, and they can get quite uncomfortable hot from time to time for no reason, .... Am I supposed to go see a podiatrist or a radiologist?

I don't know of any podiatrist who know about L.D.

Any suggestions

......I have had friends press and feel for nodules and cords, but there doesn't seem to be any. But my feet still ache in weird ways none-the-less whenever I walk, and I always fee some kind of, some form of weirdness all the time.

Might this just be a from of fibromyalga? Or do I have real trouble here with L.D.


10/15/2013 02:54
10/15/2013 02:54
Re: Bottom of both Feet Ache In weird ways

Usually you will feel a nodule for LD. Mine were about the size of a marble. They were with me for about 10 years and were very uncomfortable. They have been dormant now for over 10 years and have got smaller. I never feel or think about them now.

10/15/2013 13:26
10/15/2013 13:26
Re: Bottom of both Feet Ache In weird ways

Prof S diagnosed my LD. He could feel a long but somewhat flat nodule in my right foot and something in my left foot but I can't feel anything there when I press on them. However, I have symptoms very similar to yours including cramps in my arches in the middle of the night. He told me I wasn't ready for RT.

10/15/2013 15:41
10/15/2013 15:41
Re: Bottom of both Feet Ache In weird ways

Now I have not been "officially" diagnosed with LD, just DD, but I can say that 6-8 weeks ago I had pain and weird feelings in my arches. That progressed to being able to feel some hard growths in my left foot. That now has progressed to pain when walking, burning sensations in both of my feet, and several hard growths I can feel.

I will be quite surprised if the oncologist does not find clear evidence of LD in my feet.

Hopefully going to Prof. S for RT soon. We shall see!

10/15/2013 21:47
10/15/2013 21:47
Re: Bottom of both Feet Ache In weird ways

You said, "when walking, burning sensations"

The burning sensation is what I noticed the most with my LD several years ago. I especially noticed that sensation when walking barefoot up stairs or in the sand. It seemed like I was tearing connective tissue around the nodules. The LD has not been a problem now for over 10 years. It seemed like it just got tired/dormant and went away. I am very careful not to stretch my arches abnormally.

10/16/2013 02:33
10/16/2013 02:33
Re: Bottom of both Feet Ache In weird ways

I am very careful not to stretch my arches abnormally.

Interesting point...

My LD is significantly more advanced than my DD.....my arches are basically collapsed ....it is suspected that this may have been the trigger for the onset of LD....


10/16/2013 22:38
10/16/2013 22:38
Re: Bottom of both Feet Ache In weird ways

About 2 months ago I developed aching sore feet with a very tender spot on the ball of my left foot. I had no change in footware or activity. I could not feel any nodules. This persisted for about 4 weeks then decreased in intensity so now I barely notice the ache. I suspected the start of LD. I did go to see a podiatrist who knew nothing about LD but knows a little know. If it was the start of LD, there is less activity now and I hope it stays that way.

10/17/2013 02:12
10/17/2013 02:12
Re: Bottom of both Feet Ache In weird ways


How long did your feet hurt before they went into the dormant stage? I am assuming you did not do RT on them at anytime?


10/17/2013 02:32
10/17/2013 02:32
Re: Bottom of both Feet Ache In weird ways

The arches were painful about three years. I could walk but there was pain anytime I did something out of the ordinary that would stretch the arches. I had two marble size nodules in each arch. These came on almost exactly when the nodules appeared in my hands. The nodules became elongated in my arch (except for one of the nodules) and are absolutely no problem for me now.

No, I didn't have RT. That is what makes me wonder. If I would have had RT, I would probably be telling everyone how great it was and how good my feet are doing.

something   significantly   suspected   none-the-less   Interesting   intermittant   progressed   sensations   uncomfortable   especially   officially   fibromyalga   abnormally   radiologist   podiatrist   suggestions   absolutely   sensation   connective   nodules