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Easing early-stage nodule pain?
09/14/2010 00:47
09/14/2010 00:47
Easing early-stage nodule pain?

I've got probable early-stage Dupuytren's with one definite right-hand nodule, plus a second very small one. My work involves a lot of keyboarding and some mousing, which aggravates soreness/itchiness in the palm. I'm wondering what things people have found helpful for calming this kind of early-stage pain. NSAIDs (especially ibuprofen) seem helpful but as I also have chronic tendinitis (aka tendonosis) in the wrist on the same side I'm trying to avoid relying on them, as they can be counterproductive for that condition. Acetaminophen is so-so in relieving pain. Possibly the most effective thing I've tried is menthol/methyl salicylate patches (the small Salonpas ones, just the right size for the palm). Anything else that has been helpful?

(I mentioned in an earlier thread my frustration at lack of a definite diagnosis from the local university hand center surgeon I saw, though my own doctor feels it is Dupuytren's. I'm keeping close tabs on changes in the hand and will most likely get consultation on radiation therapy if progression continues. Had hoped that discontinuing glucosamine/chondroitin, which I had been taking for several years, might make a difference but so far, after a couple of months, I don't see that it has.)

09/14/2010 18:57
09/14/2010 18:57
Re: Easing early-stage nodule pain?

Dear Cresote,

The pain began in my palm at the nodule and as the disease progressed it radiated up my entire arm. I had nodule pain, itching, tingling as though I had something crawling around inside my palm. My hand ached and ached and felt cold most of the time. I tried wearing those hot patches like for your back and sprains, and that helped. I did not wear them during my work day and I spend all day long on a computer. I wore them at night because the pain was so intense I could not sleep. I tried Bengay and that was sort of helpful. I tried a cream made with aspirin and that was helpful. The best thng was Radiogel for radiation burns, that totally knocked out the pain for a few hours. The only treatment that totally worked for me was radiation. If you are diagnosed with DD, I would not wait too long before having some form of treatment like radiation. From what I have learned and read here on this forum, radiation works best when the DD is active (like when your nodules hurt). I sympathize with you and know how painful it can be.

Good luck and maybe one of my treatments will work for you.


09/15/2010 19:28

not registered

09/15/2010 19:28

not registered

Re: Easing early-stage nodule pain?

Even in early stage DD nerve pain is possible if the nodules in the palm
are located in a certain area which may trigger the pain spreading from
the palm backwards to the shoulder !

I would clearly recommend you to consult a most experienced physician
or radiation therapist, I would also let him examine the feet ... for early
stage Ledderhose ! Sometimes Ultrasound or Magnetic Resonance Imaging
may help to detect the diseasein addition to the clinical signs.

Good luck with your treatment course ...

Acetaminophen   consultation   early-stage   progression   discontinuing   progressed   treatments   salicylate   glucosamine   counterproductive   helpful   chondroitin   Ledderhose   radiation   sympathize   treatment   difference   experienced   keyboarding   frustration