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European Clinics - contact details
06/07/2016 18:57
06/07/2016 18:57
European Clinics - contact details


Since my last post I have received massage therapy for my early onset DD, but I continue to come up against the bureaucratic wall that is the NHS with regards to receiving a consultation for radiotherapy. The problem I'm having is with my local medical practice, who are struggling to work out how the intricacies of referring me to another area.

In the meantime I have been sending photos of my rather pronounced nodules to all and sundry to get their opinion. In this vein I was wondering if anyone had up-to-date contact details for Prof. Seegenschmiedt in Hamburg, to gain his analysis? I sent my message to the following, who's email addresses I extracted from the clinics page on this website:

mhs@szhh.info (mhs@szhh.info);
prof.seegenschmiedt@googlemail.com (prof.seegenschmiedt@googlemail.com);
strahlentherapiepraxis@googlemail.com (strahlentherapiepraxis@googlemail.com);
strahlentherapie@mvz-westend.de (strahlentherapie@mvz-westend.de);
p.m.n.werker@umcg.nl (p.m.n.werker@umcg.nl);

Of all these the only response I received was from the clinic in Berlin who offer Electron Beam treatment. They suggested treatment, but weren't able to answer my questions about the hardness of my nodule and cords - one of the big questions I have is whether they've developed to the stage where RT won't be as useful.

To be honest I'm not sure whether I want to go down this route - I'm still pursuing the massage therapy treatment (it was rather unsuccessful first time around but I'm persevering), and to receive a consultation with an oncologist to get my hands palpated and keep my options open. In an ideal world I want to keep costs down, but as my dad says you can't put a price on health...

Thanks in advance


06/07/2016 20:27


06/07/2016 20:27


Re: European Clinics - contact details

In the past I have used the first one on your list. The Prof is busy, and often away at other clinics or conferences, and I found timing to be everything. I seemed to have most success emailing him on a weekend, and he would reply from his phone the same day or next, or the Monday back in the office. If he misses a week I can imagine his inbox is just overflowing, and perhaps manages it based on LIFO expecting people to email him again on no reply. You need to provide as much information as possible including photos but concisely or to the point, so that a realistic chance of an answer to whatever you are asking is possible without much further questioning from him.

06/08/2016 13:02
06/08/2016 13:02
Re: European Clinics - contact details

Thanks buddha. Encouraging to hear he does reply on the email address provided.

Looking at the previous email I sent, I attached a word document containing the photos. This time I think I'll embed it too, and as you say, provide as much details as possible.


06/09/2016 13:07
06/09/2016 13:07
Re: European Clinics - contact details

Hi buddha - I have an update FYI which I will DM you about!

strahlentherapie   intricacies   information   Seegenschmiedt   mvz-westend   bureaucratic   strahlentherapiepraxis   unsuccessful   Encouraging   googlemail   radiotherapy   questioning   overflowing   Clinics   conferences   details   European   consultation   persevering   treatment