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Experience with RT in Northern California?
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03/17/2011 17:08
03/17/2011 17:08
Experience with RT in Northern California?

Hi all, I am new to DD and this is my first post on this site. I first noticed a nodule in June 2010 when I thought I had bruised a tendon while weightlifting. I stopped lifting weights but the nodule didn't go away and actually seemed to be growing. Now there is some tightening in my palm and what appears to be a nodule forming just below the PIP joint on my ring finger. I had been denying that it was anything more than the early stages of trigger finger but looking at images online, I'm certain that it is Dupuytren's. At this point, I do not have any contraction of the fingers but the disease appears to be very active and I expect to experience contraction within a few months.

My GP was kind enough to refer me over to a hand specialist and I am waiting on a call from him/her to schedule an appointment to confirm that I have DD (is it called DD prior to contraction?). I have three children, the youngest of whom is a nearly three year old boy. I do not want to wait for contraction and reach the point where I can't play baseball with my son. After reading about therapies here and elsewhere, I am interested in RT as my initial course of treatment. However, I have not really seen any posts here by anyone who has received RT in Northern California (I'm in Sacramento).

Is there anyone on this site who can tell me about their experiences with doctors in Northern California? I will be attempting to get a recommendation of RT from the specialist and then will follow up to see if I can get approval from my health coverage. However, I feel like it's a race against time and I don't want to bang my head against a wall if I would be better off just booking a ticket to Germany and paying for RT out of pocket. Any advice would be appreciated!

03/17/2011 17:11
03/17/2011 17:11
Re: Experience with RT in Northern California?

Also, I should mention that I'm 40 years young, of German/Irish descent and am not aware of any immediate family members with the disease.

03/17/2011 18:18
03/17/2011 18:18
Re: Experience with RT in Northern California?

I just wanted to reply to your statement about paying for RT out of pocket if you go to Germany. I don't know about your health plan, but I have a Blue Cross PPO and it covers medical treatment in other countries. I am not sure what percentage it will cover, but since the treatment is so much cheaper in Germany, I doubt that my out of pocket will be much higher, if at all. You'd have to check with your plan to know for sure, though.

I received RT in San Diego last year and needed retreatment this year, so I decided to go to Germany this time. I made the decision on a medical basis, not economic, but I don't think the costs will be that different (there was no RT specialist in my local area with experience with this, so I would end up paying travel one way or another).

I just posted a new thread on my Germany experience if you're interested.

In any case, good luck!


03/18/2011 00:11
03/18/2011 00:11
Re: Experience with RT in Northern California?

Bill c,
Your choices for RT in Northern CA are Dr. Gottschalk in San Francisco or Dr. Chang in Palo Alto. I personally don't have any experience with either one, but I recall seeing others on this forum post that they had RT with Dr. Chang. You can search more posts about it under Search in the Forum.

I had RT in LaJolla CA with Dr. Tripuraneni at Scripps Clinic. He has experience with RT, he has treated many patients. My RT was in Nov. 2009 for many active and growing nodules in my left hand (no contracture) and two hard marble size nodules in my left foot. After sixteen months, the progression of the disease in my hand and foot has stopped.

The information for all these doctors is listed under Treatments on this website.

03/18/2011 00:23
03/18/2011 00:23
Re: Experience with RT in Northern California?

Thank you for the response, Luba. I had seen the links to Drs. Chang and Gottschalk on this site. I also found a thread here about Dr. Chang and it sounds like the person who dealt with him had an excellent experience. I'd love to hear if there is anyone out there who has experience with Dr. Chang. Also, I'm curious if anyone has advice on how to convince their healthcare provider to pay for preventitive treatment early, instead of costly surgery later. I'm worried about having to get past two hurdles - first with getting a hand specialist to recommend RT and then with getting my provider to approve it.

03/18/2011 01:53
03/18/2011 01:53
Re: Experience with RT in Northern California?

Thank you for the response, Luba. I had seen the links to Drs. Chang and Gottschalk on this site. I also found a thread here about Dr. Chang and it sounds like the person who dealt with him had an excellent experience. I'd love to hear if there is anyone out there who has experience with Dr. Chang. Also, I'm curious if anyone has advice on how to convince their healthcare provider to pay for preventitive treatment early, instead of costly surgery later. I'm worried about having to get past two hurdles - first with getting a hand specialist to recommend RT and then with getting my provider to approve it.
Right ... getting your insurance to pay is an entire other issue... there are a few threads here that are dealing with insurance paying for RT. If you have a PPO and are under 65 (no Medicare) you stand a chance they will pay... you can try to find more posts by doing a "search" of insurance coverage for RT.....

Myself and at least one other member of this forum (Flojo/Flora) have had RT with Dr. T at Scripps. We both have Medicare + Anthem Blue Cross PPO. There is a whole issue going on for us with Medicare not paying. Flora is in the middle of an appeal with Medicare... we are waiting to see how it goes.

I am compiling a list of insurance codes for payment of RT. People have been posting their codes, and when I have a more complete list I will post it here.

03/18/2011 12:55
03/18/2011 12:55
Re: Experience with RT in Northern California?


I believe the trick to getting your RT covered is to get the radiologist/oncologist to request the medical necessity for the treatment. When I went for my first consultation with Dr. Crimaldi in Charlotte, NC, he first verified the DD diagnosis from the hand surgeon. Then he said I was a candidate for RT, and while I was there, they called the insurance company and checked my benefits and requested approval for an MRI (I have to have preapproval for scans). They then gave the insurance company the codes for the RT and made sure it was covered by my insurance. The doctors and billing specialist know what to say and do to get coverage, after all that is how they get paid. If you get the doctors office to verify coverage, then there are no questions as to payment. If your radiation doctor carries your insurance plan then it is up to them to verify coverage. To me the cost of the visit with Dr. Crimaldi (about $200.00) was well worth it because I got to ask a ton of questions about the treatment, the procedure and they made sure I had insurance coverage. When I walked out of there all I had to do was plan for the treatment. They were able to tell me a ball park number of what my actual out of pocket would be. If you need preapproval for the treatment, they take care of that while you are there in the office and you find out immediately yes or no. That fee of $200 was worth that peace of mind.

I also went to Dr. Crimaldi on my own without a referral. The hand surgeon was of no use other than the diagnosis because he said to do nothing until I had enough contracture to warrant surgery and said there were no other treatments available. NO one would refer me to a radiation/oncologist.

I would recommend you first get the diagnosis of DD or Dupuytren's contracture in writing, take that diagnosis and then go to the RT specialist for treatment and let them get it approved.


03/18/2011 14:11
03/18/2011 14:11
Re: Experience with RT in Northern California?


Lori's suggestions are correct and very useful. If you live not far from Dr. Chang I would start there after you have the correct diagnosis. If Dr. Chang has treated patients before, then for sure his office will have all the answers about the billing. And Lori is right....don't let any surgeon tell you to wait until your fingers are contracted to get surgery....waiting is the worst you can do. RT is excellent in treating DD at the beginning stages before the progression of the disease makes it necessary to have more invasive procedures.

03/18/2011 15:05
03/18/2011 15:05
Re: Experience with RT in Northern California?

I have found the decision made by the insurance company, in this case Aetna, is based on the diagnostic code not the CPT codes such as radiation delivery, etc. I just received an answer for my request for a pre-determination of benefits and all services for DT are covered based on the codes used by VCU. Radiation for LT is not covered, it’s considered experimental. I believe someone is collecting codes that have resulted in successful coverage, I will send the codes for Aetna along.


03/18/2011 15:42
03/18/2011 15:42
Re: Experience with RT in Northern California?


what is radiation for LT?

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diagnosis   recommendations   Dupuytren   coverage   Gottschalk   California   disease   because   getting   surgery   Germany   orthopedist   insurance   treatment   pre-determination   Northern   specialist   recommendation   progression   Experience