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Happy Holidays and year-end donations
12/12/2011 23:07
12/12/2011 23:07
Happy Holidays and year-end donations

As I was reading the forum today I noticed how many folks talked about their hope for a "cure." All of us benefit so much from this forum and all the work that Wolfgang and the Intl' Dupuytren Society do and one way to say thank you would be to make a year-end-- or any other time!--donation:


or to their Partners for a Cure, the US Dupuytren Foundation which has just launched a new research project



As I was doing my year-end review of financials and my will today I noticed that although I have bequests to several non-profits in it, I have neglected to include the Dupuytren Foundation. Although I plan to live long and prosper, I need to fix this. Perhaps some of you might consider making a bequest to one or both of these very worthy organizations.

Some organizations use the motto, "Give 'til it hurts"-- perhaps DD patients should , "Give because it hurts!"

Thanks much, Wach, and all the other contributors that make living with this disease a little bit easier.


Edited 12/13/11 22:15

12/13/2011 00:10
12/13/2011 00:10
Re: Happy Holidays and year-end donations

Agree 100%. Time for me to ante up/donate again.

This site and all Wolfgang and others have provided us - information, research, list of clinics/doctors, Forum, contacts, on and on - is invaluable! I fully believe that this site and all I have learned from it has saved me from having a claw for a hand by now.

I, too, encourage everybody to do what you can to promote more research, to find a cure, even more effective treatments, documentation to fight insurance/Medicare denials, etc. Every $5, $10, $25, $100, $500, $1000 or more
($, £ . . . ) would help. Any little bit will help. It will add up to more resources to help battle this weird disease.

@ Wolfgang,
* Euros, dollars, or other currencies would work, wouldn't they?
* I know the Society takes credit cards. What other means?
* Are there links that go right to where and how to donate?
* I know this stuff is posted on the home page or somewhere, but could you summarize it here?

12/13/2011 00:36
12/13/2011 00:36
Re: Happy Holidays and year-end donations

Flo-- the links were in my first email to which you responded:


for International and


for US


12/13/2011 02:59
12/13/2011 02:59
Re: Happy Holidays and year-end donations

Duh! Totally missed that. Guess it was too obvious fo me :-)

Thank you!

12/13/2011 09:18


12/13/2011 09:18


Re: Happy Holidays and year-end donations

You are absolutely right: we can use any $, €, whatever currency for supporting patients and research. Although we are all working for the Society unpaid, we still incure expenses for this web site, for borchures, for supporting new country organizations, for press releases, for attending conferences, for the Dupuytren Award and and and ...

This is a great thread! Thank you for posting it!


12/13/2011 21:52
12/13/2011 21:52
Re: Happy Holidays and year-end donations

I just mailed my annual check. It is a great post. This site has certainly saved my hand. I never would have had RT without the information provided by the foundation.


12/13/2011 22:27
12/13/2011 22:27
Re: Happy Holidays and year-end donations

Same with me, Lori!

12/13/2011 23:04
12/13/2011 23:04
Re: Happy Holidays and year-end donations

Duh! Totally missed that. Guess it was too obvious fo me :-)

Thank you!

When that happens to me I blame it on Xiaflex :-) -- just kidding. I'm no longer having senior "moments"-- it's senior Months!

I've not been around the website lately--what happened with your RT Medicare appeal?


12/14/2011 05:05
12/14/2011 05:05
Re: Happy Holidays and year-end donations


By the time I found out that Scripps wasn't doing an appeal, found out that I had to do the appeal myself with no help from Scripps, and I got stuff together to send in, it was past the deadline for appeal to Medicare. I was then in the position to ask for a late appeal for good cause. Medicare denied that, and i could go no farther. So, I still do not know if they would have approved my appeal based on my case and documentation. At this point I'd be inclined to think they would not, but I really don't know for sure.

If anybody does get Medicare to pay for radiologist's planning and monitoring RT as well as the radiation itself, we need to know how it was accomplished. Then we would have precedence to use subsequently.

organizations   Foundation   dupuytrenfoundation   Dupuytren   documentation   Holidays   lately--what   supporting   information   contributors   subsequently   Wolfgang   accomplished   donations   dupuytren-online   non-profits   Medicare   International   year-end   research