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just had na yesterday at ucla with prosper benhaim - OUCH!!!
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02/21/2011 22:03
02/21/2011 22:03
Re: just had na yesterday at ucla with prosper benhaim - OUCH!!!

Anyone else get NA with Dr. Benheim? He's on my list for an initial consult in the next few weeks, I'd be very interested in hearing any patient experiences with him...

02/21/2011 22:45
02/21/2011 22:45
Re: just had na yesterday at ucla with prosper benhaim - OUCH!!!

Anyone else get NA with Dr. Benheim? He's on my list for an initial consult in the next few weeks, I'd be very interested in hearing any patient experiences with him...
My experience with Dr. Benheim is from 2006...He surely has acquired much more experience with NA since then.
In 2006 I opted to have NA with Dr. Denkler, in Larkspur, CA. He had the most experience with NA back then.
See my other post under Re: Recommendations for Dr.s in Los Angeles

Edited 02/22/11 00:45

02/23/2011 22:04
02/23/2011 22:04
Re: just had na yesterday at ucla with prosper benhaim - OUCH!!!

Does the doctor have any factual evidence of XRT for Dupuytren's resulting in cancer? If he does he should cite the research and not make statements based on his own ignorance. XRT has been performed on people's hands and feet for at least 2 decades on thousands of patients so any increase in cancers would be evident. Bet your doctor who worries about XRT consumes foods with aspartame (Nutrasweet) which has been known for 40 years to cause brain cancers as well as retardation.

I had NA done on both hands and there was 5 seconds of pain when the local anesthetic was injected into my hands and that was it. I have had tetanus shots that hurt far more and where the pain lasted much longer. I had full use of my hands immediately and used rubber gloves for two days when showering and that was it. Not PT needed and there is published research that PT can be detrimental after hand surgery.

Of the 5 doctors I have consulted with regarding my Dupuytren's in the USA, only one (Dr. Denkler) provided accurate and complete information that I could trust and held up to examination and was not negated by research. The rest gave me very bad information as to treatment (including accupuncture) and risks comparing NA to fasciectomy.

It is very difficult to get good information regarding treatment options, benefits, and risks from doctors. Even with the Xiaflex procedure I spoke with 3 different doctors who follow 3 different treatment protocols. With anything as important as the use of your hands it makes sense to get as much information as possible and find the best doctors possible to provide the procedure regardless of where they happen to be located.

02/23/2011 23:26
02/23/2011 23:26
Re: just had na yesterday at ucla with prosper benhaim - OUCH!!!

Very good statement; the same is true for radiotherapy ....

.... you really do not find many doctors with long-term experience , with publications, with good patient's reviews, with good bedside manners etc. / Just make a ranking list ....


Edited 02/24/11 01:26

08/21/2011 19:26

not registered

08/21/2011 19:26

not registered

Re: just had na yesterday at ucla with prosper benhaim - OUCH!!!

Had my procedure on Friday, Aug 19.......yes it was a bit uncomfortable, however
the results were instantaneous. Come on guys, man up !!!

Doctor, the assistant, and the nurse were all great.

09/02/2011 03:49
09/02/2011 03:49
Re: just had na yesterday at ucla with prosper benhaim - OUCH!!!

I am 50 and had my first NA on my left hand three days ago. Pinky and ring finger. It hurt more than I expected because my nodes were sensitive on the upper chord area from working recently with my hands. The novocaine hurt like heck. After the chord stretch and tears, my fingers were still not straight but flatter. She said I have tight hands for some reason. I don't want to wear a splint or do PT. I suspect I can do all that stuff on my own. I think the splint and PT will be worse than the condition and may not help at all. Am I nuts? I'd rather be care free for 2 years and get more NA than fuss with a splint every night that may only stress the area and make it worse. Tough decision. I'd like more assurance that a splint and PT do any real good. Any thoughts on that?

09/02/2011 15:31
09/02/2011 15:31
Re: just had na yesterday at ucla with prosper benhaim - OUCH!!!

I didn't have NA. I had surgery. I did the PT on my own and had excellent results. It is just a matter of sticking with it and not getting lazy. I did use a nighttime splint.

Edited 09/02/11 18:32

09/04/2011 18:11
09/04/2011 18:11
Re: just had na yesterday at ucla with prosper benhaim - OUCH!!!

I had NA done 4-5 years ago. I highly recommend follow-up with a PT specializing in the hand as well as use of a night splint for some time. I used mine for 2-3 years after NA.

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