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Just visited my 1st hand doctor - not impressed.
11/11/2007 18:01
11/11/2007 18:01
Just visited my 1st hand doctor - not impressed.

I went for my 1st visit to a hand surgeon this past week. I was not impressed as he was brisk and spent only 5 minutes with me. He never sat down and acted like I was keeping him from his other patients. He does not do NA, but said that my condition was not serious enough for surgery yet. I queried him on the Open Surgery that he does. He made is sound like it was a "walk in the park" with 3 days recovery time. I think I know better. Surgeons just talk like that, but the reality is that invasive surgery, in my mind, is quite serious.
At any rate, I also called and talked to Dr. Mahoney in Illinois. He is doing about 5 NA procedures a week.
I then called Cleveland Clinic, which is closer to me as I live in Western Pennsylvania. They do about 3 procudures a week.
I am so glad I found this website because I have learned much and am still learning.

Right now, I paying attention to the Trials being done with _Collagese?(spelling) But, I am sure you all know what I am referring to.

I would like to try any and everything to try and lessen the progession and spreading of this disease. I have resisted calling my Dupuyrens a disease until now..because I know it was created by trauma to my hand. But, I am willing to admit that perhaps I have a genetic disposition that may make me devleoped this disease..once trauma has occured?

I have had mysofascial injuries in the past - to the shoulder or the back. I was able to get the fascia treated with myofasical release technigues. However, I noticed with these hand nodules that stretching or poking at them with a heavy hand only makes the tenderness worse.
I have concluded that very very light massage, as the other poster suggested, with light oils light Peppermint etc may help. But, heavy massage makes it much worse.

I have purchased a few fingerless gloves. Making sure that the glove has a very loose fit and a mildly padded palm.
I have a glove that is made from soft fleece with a very soft pliable leather-type palm. It is fingerless and I am thinking it is important that the glove not restrict my finger movements. but, the glove sure helps when this nodule is so very tender..as it has been for the last 3 months.

Anyway, just an update...and some thoughts..and I appreciate any comments.
I am so glad this dupuytren-online board exists. thank you!

Therefore, I would like to learn everything I can about take better care of my hands.
I was very interested in the very light oil massage mentioned by another poster.

11/12/2007 01:30
11/12/2007 01:30
Re: Just visited my 1st hand doctor - not impressed.

You should only be upset about wasting the money and nothing personal. Rumor has hit that most have that attitude. I've heard that Concorde pilots have less ego than some of these ortho hand doctors.

They have trouble when someone moves their cheese, (unwilling to accept change). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Who_Moved_My_Cheese

What stage is your hand? Here are pictures of my hand and my recent Kenalog injections. http://www.kineoptics.com/stuff.html

I am starting to massage my nodules and cord with a polished rock and lotion. My plans change weekly it seems and I am waiting to see the two month result of the Kenalog before I make the next decision.

Remember, you are the customer and it is your hand. When one hand surgeon said there was nothing to do but wait until I could not stand it anymore and they would perform open surgery, I asked if that is what they would do in my situation. There was a revealing moment of silence before they mumbled something about collagenase.

I have already had what I consider unnecessary hand surgery on my other hand. It was to remove a small hard lump under the skin right at the base of a finger. About this [ O ] big and on a tendon sheath. The doc assured me it was necessary because it could be on a nerve and could loose and arm and leg or something more serious. It was very painful and recovery was long. I spent long hours with my arm over my head. Years later, as I met more doctors, they were surprised because the hand is a very dangerous area to cut on unless really necessary. This is why I'm not too keen on waiting for open surgery for my DD.

11/12/2007 05:33
11/12/2007 05:33

Re: Just visited my 1st hand doctor - not impressed.

Australia Calling. I've had Morbus Dupuytren for 30 years and unfortunately many operations. I use my hands for many heavy manual tasks. Have you tried leather gloves used by cyclists. They fit well and are padded . I use cotton gloves with rubber face for grip when I do any work at all . If you use leather gardening gloves for the first time I cream my hands well even with vaseline which soaks into the glove . I have knuckle pads so even the movement of the glove can cause extra stress on the joints. At night try using urea enriched creme and wear cotton gloves. I do stretching exercises every day . A good massaging oil available here contains olive, eucalyptust and teatree oil . I rub it up and down the forearm which also massages the hands and fingers. Try it out.Finally I have still got very good movement .Regards from down under.

11/12/2007 07:32
11/12/2007 07:32

A good laugh, Joe!

Listen, having one's cheese moved can be quite disconcerting, especially when one can't find one's cheese and is looking all over for it. Maybe that's what explains all this falderall about NA's supposed drawbacks that CHS like to pronounce with great authority and assurance. It's really all about us having moved their cheese then is it ? :-) :-)


11/12/2007 07:55
11/12/2007 07:55

Re: Just visited my 1st hand doctor - not impressed.

"I asked if that is what they would do in my situation" A good question we should ask more often

Edited at 12.11.07 09:56

Pennsylvania   injections   something   disposition   surgery   unnecessary   situation   impressed   stretching   mysofascial   disconcerting   dupuytren-online   unfortunately   eucalyptust   fingerless   interested   leather-type   collagenase   progession   everything