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Looking for other Radiation Therapy research opinions and data
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12/09/2009 08:16
12/09/2009 08:16
Looking for other Radiation Therapy research opinions and data


I have been researching Radiation Therapy on this website and on the web in general. Virtually all the opinions and data on Radiation Therapy for Dupuytren's originates with or refers back to Dr. Seegenschmiedt and his German colleagues.

This is data that I very much appreciate but I would like to see other opinions. Can anyone refer me to any other studies?

I am interested in anything, whether or not it supports the effectiveness of Radiation Therapy for Dupuytren’s. For example, we have a few doctors in the US who perform Radiation Therapy for DC. Have any of them written about the effectiveness of their treatment or what results they see that supports offering this service?

Thank you for your help!

12/10/2009 16:20
12/10/2009 16:20
Re: Looking for other Radiation Therapy research opinions and data

I agree. I coudn't find any much other research besides that of Prof. Seegenschmiedt.

At my appointment with Dr. Tripuraneni at Scripps I asked him whether he would ever be publishing on the effects of radiation on Dupuytren's and he indicated that earlier in his life, he had published a lot on the effects of radiation therapy after heart surgery but was not planning on doing studies for Dupuytren's. He did say that radiation was effective for Dupuytren's per his experience.

I'm not sure about Dr. Chang in Palo Alto - he just started doing radiation for Dups. I asked him about publishing studies and he said that they were an overwhelming amount of work. Perhaps if he had a ton of patients with the disease he could be persuaded to publish.

I decided to go for the radiation, even though I wished there were more studies, by talking to some Radiation Oncologists, and reading about people's experiences on this website. I was Dr. Chang's "guinea pig" and finished my 2nd treatment in October. I think my nodule is smaller and flatter; I know that I don't have pain in bending my finger anymore.

It's a tricky decision and I wish you the best of luck.

Edited 12/10/09 18:23

12/10/2009 17:30


12/10/2009 17:30


Re: Looking for other Radiation Therapy research opinions and data

You need to have systematically collected data for at least 5, better 10 years before you can publish anything which goes beyond what is available already. Seegenschmiedt collected data on two different radiation regimes and on a control group. I guess for the time being that's fairly unique.

A lot of literature is cited in the chapter on Dupuytren's disease in "Radiotherapy on Non-Malignant Disorders". Thanks to newman that chapter is available on the Internet, the link is on http://www.dupuytren-online.info/radioth...literature.html.


Edited 12/10/09 19:34

12/12/2009 21:39
12/12/2009 21:39

Re: Looking for other Radiation Therapy research opinions and data

I admit this is a tricky decision but in my case it's so far very good.

I am also encouraged to see that NICE in the UK are looking at RT as a frontline treatment option http://guidance.nice.org.uk/IP/Wave0/170 - it will be interesting to see their provisional findings when they are published in the summer of 2010.

Cambidgeshire, UK.

12/13/2009 04:57
12/13/2009 04:57
Re: Looking for other Radiation Therapy research opinions and data


Went to the website you put in. This looks very promising. At least they are looking at RT as an option for treating DD. I'm so glad to see it and will be interested in the results of their research.


12/16/2009 23:29
12/16/2009 23:29

Re: Looking for other Radiation Therapy research opinions and data

Australia Calling. Radiotherapy has been used for the treatment of Dupuytrens for a long time. I came across a l954 article in the British Medical Journal where they published the success of the Radiotherapy treatment for Dupuytrens. Prof Seegenschmiedt's protocol has been to find the success using the lowest dose of radiotherapy be it 21 Gy or 30Gy as in his publication.( There have been protocols of 32/40/42 and even 60 Gy by others) Regards.

12/17/2009 16:45
12/17/2009 16:45
Re: Looking for other Radiation Therapy research opinions and data

Any research or literature on repeating RT for a second time on the same hand?

12/17/2009 18:55


12/17/2009 18:55


Re: Looking for other Radiation Therapy research opinions and data

The limiit for any specific area is 30 Gy. You can have your hand radiated 5 times if the radiated areas don't overlap but you shouldn't radiate the same are with more than 30 Gy.



Any research or literature on repeating RT for a second time on the same hand?

Edited 12/17/09 20:56

01/19/2010 17:23
01/19/2010 17:23
Re: Looking for other Radiation Therapy research opinions and data

The limiit for any specific area is 30 Gy. You can have your hand radiated 5 times if the radiated areas don't overlap but you shouldn't radiate the same are with more than 30 Gy.



Wolfgang...with regard to your above quote....

I had my left hand radiated with a total of 20 Gys over a two week period by Dr. Tripuraneni of Scripps La Jolla. There were multiple nodules all over the palm... most nodules shrunk or softened... one fairly large nodule remains hard as it was.

At follow up visit, Dr. T. said it was safe to repeat the RT on the one remaining nodule with an additional dose of 20 Gys.

Would there be, in your opinion, a big difference between a total of 30 or 40 Gys ?? I will be going in March to LaJolla to do RT on the OTHER hand, at which time I will decide for sure about repeating the RT on this remaining nodule. I can also discuss with Dr. T. the possibility to lower the dosage.

01/19/2010 17:33
01/19/2010 17:33
Re: Looking for other Radiation Therapy research opinions and data

I had my right hand radiated about 2 1/2 years ago. Most nodules softened and disolved with the exception of the major nodule that continues to grow. My original treatement was in NYC and for a total of 7 dosages. I still have no contraction. My left hand began growing nodules about 9 months ago and just completed radiation on that hand about 2 months ago but have seen no softening or changes yet. I was wondering if anyone has had surgically removed a nodule before contraction? The nodule does not bother me other than I do not like looking at it. My radiologist was unwilling to retreat my right hand beyond the original 7 doses he had given me.

much thanks, neil

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