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Male - Female Ratio
12/09/2011 19:25
12/09/2011 19:25
Male - Female Ratio

Been reading this board for over a year now and I've wondered about these two issues.

Dupuytren's is not uncommon and supposedly affects millions of people. It seems like we have a rather smallish group of regular posters. I wonder why this board is not more active. Is it because most patients are older?

Also the disease is supposed to affect males moreso than females but the board doesn't reflect that ratio. I had one hand surgeon tell me he saw 20-25 men for every female patient. Maybe older guys are less prone to posting on an internet board. I don't know. Thank goodness for the ladies. They keep this place going.

Just curious. I've visited several hand surgeons and while I can't do hand surgery I know a lot about Dupuytren's that my doctors don't seem to know. A lot of it came from here or on one of Dr. Eaton's many web sites.

12/09/2011 20:36
12/09/2011 20:36
Re: Male - Female Ratio

Every doc Ive been to has told me Im the worst case they have seen until the doc treating me now.He told me im the second worse, that there is a lady worse than me.All the people i have met in the clinic r men.So I think that the women r better at talkin bout dd than us men.besides that typing isnt so easy some nights.lol!!!!!

12/09/2011 21:04
12/09/2011 21:04
Re: Male - Female Ratio

I have 2 older brothers and neither of them has DD, but I don't doubt the research.

Like you suggest, maybe it is more about men not talking about medical issues.

12/09/2011 21:06
12/09/2011 21:06
Re: Male - Female Ratio

Tusk, thank you for the interesting comment. I have noticed similar things about doctor's knowledge of Dupuytren's. My surgeon who was/is considered very good at what he does seemed more interested in technique than the history etc. of Dupuytren's. He was interested in doing the very best surgery that he could and not so much interested in other procedures. He does only surgery from the wrist down and nothing else. He did say that almost all of the surgery that he does is considerably more serious than Dupuytren's. He considered Dupuytren's as kind of a no pressure diversion from his other surgeries. He said he feels the pressure when they wheel someone through the door with a totally smashed hand, or partial hand that he needs to put back together.

12/09/2011 21:46
12/09/2011 21:46

Re: Male - Female Ratio

Hi Tusk
There's also some literature around that disputes the common perception of the higher male to female ratio and until this condition is researched scientifically, we won't really know for sure.

Been reading this board for over a year now and I've wondered about these two issues.

Dupuytren's is not uncommon and supposedly affects millions of people. It seems like we have a rather smallish group of regular posters. I wonder why this board is not more active. Is it because most patients are older?

Also the disease is supposed to affect males moreso than females but the board doesn't reflect that ratio. I had one hand surgeon tell me he saw 20-25 men for every female patient. Maybe older guys are less prone to posting on an internet board. I don't know. Thank goodness for the ladies. They keep this place going.

Just curious. I've visited several hand surgeons and while I can't do hand surgery I know a lot about Dupuytren's that my doctors don't seem to know. A lot of it came from here or on one of Dr. Eaton's many web sites.

12/09/2011 23:44
12/09/2011 23:44
Re: Male - Female Ratio

"In a cohort study of 2,375 patients operated for DC at the Department of Hand Surgery, Uppsala there was a male:female ratio of 5.9:1. Women had a higher mean age at first operation than men. One-third of men and one-fourth of the women required repeated surgery. Early age of first operation was associated with recurrent disease."


12/10/2011 06:07


12/10/2011 06:07


Re: Male - Female Ratio

To further complicate things the male/female relation of Dupuytren's depends on age. The onset with men is earlier, therefore in younger age groups there are far more men than women. Due to the earlier onset surgeons typically see more men than women for surgery (I myself developed my first nodule at the age of 35, my mother at 80). With increasing age the relation approaches 1:1. You might also have a look at http://www.dupuytren-online.info/dupuytr...stribution.html .

The prevalence of the disease in an age group 50+ might well be 30% or more. Ilse Degreef inspected hands of all people above 50 leaving department stores in several provinces of Belgium and found 32% showing signs of Dupuytren's. Quite a lot.

Why don't more people post here? Good question. The far majority of visitors just reads posts (we have at least a factor of 10 more visitors than posters). Maybe they don't want to register. Maybe the information they find is sufficient without asking additional questions. - Why is are there more female than male posters? My guess is that women communicate better. It's actually not uncommon that we get letters from someone writing that her husband has Dupuytren's and she has a question. Maybe men are a little shy when it comes to talking about diseases?


Edited 12/10/11 08:10

12/10/2011 16:02
12/10/2011 16:02
Re: Male - Female Ratio

Good thread Tusk! I have read these forums until my eyes bleed, but I have only posted a few times. Mostly because I do not feel like I have anything to add that has not already been covered somewhere. Also, I am not the best typist and my spelling leaves a lot to be desired!! LOL!!


complicate   prevalence   interesting   researched   surgery   Department   supposedly   considerably   information   dopt=Abstract   perception   communicate   interested   procedures   sufficient   scientifically   Dupuytren   dupuytren-online   additional   considered