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multiple xiaflex injection
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01/30/2013 01:03
01/30/2013 01:03
multiple xiaflex injection

Hi All,
Recived my double shot today and all went well.The swelling and itching are comin on strong.Pain is about a 6-7.Time for some benedryl and lortab.I wont have manipulation till Thursday but i will unwrap it tommorow for a peek.Ill keep yall posted.Dave

01/30/2013 01:12
01/30/2013 01:12
Re: multiple xiaflex injection

Good luck !! Hang in there.

01/30/2013 01:50
01/30/2013 01:50
Re: multiple xiaflex injection

Thank you Callie,I see some blood blisters forming and if I dont keep it elevated,then serious sharp pains.O well almost there another day or 2.The things we go through with this crazy condition.Im thinkin golf,its been a year and a half.Dave

01/30/2013 12:32
01/30/2013 12:32
Re: multiple xiaflex injection

Thanks for the update. Yikes!! Hang in there. I will be feeling your pain.... This crappy and often times insidious disease has turned us all into such troopers. It sucks.

As you know, multi cord Xiaflex injections is something I am so looking forward to NOT at the end of February. I just want it to be over with. I told my doc that I want a script for Vicodin for this, and she agreed, but doesn't feel like I am going to need it. Nice that she's letting me be the judge, and from your experience, I will totally insist on it if she backs away from it. I do look forward to your blow-by-blows and updates. ~Diane

01/30/2013 12:42
01/30/2013 12:42
Re: multiple xiaflex injection

Hang in there, Dave. I can't imagine your pain. Having my one injection about sent me over the edge for several days and I have a high pain tolerance. Do you get a lot of bruising? I bruised all the way to my armpit. That was weird looking.

So does this round mean that you have all the cords taken care of in at least one hand?

~ dawn

01/30/2013 12:44
01/30/2013 12:44
Re: multiple xiaflex injection

Thanks for the update. Yikes!! Hang in there. I will be feeling your pain.... This crappy and often times insidious disease has turned us all into such troopers. It sucks.

As you know, multi cord Xiaflex injections is something I am so looking forward to NOT at the end of February. I just want it to be over with. I told my doc that I want a script for Vicodin for this, and she agreed, but doesn't feel like I am going to need it. Nice that she's letting me be the judge, and from your experience, I will totally insist on it if she backs away from it. I do look forward to your blow-by-blows and updates. ~Diane

Diane, I would definitely get a script. You may not need it. I've heard from others that experience little pain after Xiaflex. I was not one of those. To be honest, it was horrible for several days. The first night was especially bad. After about the second or third day, it went from pain to just a sore feeling. Good luck with your injections, too.

~ dawn

01/30/2013 13:43
01/30/2013 13:43
Re: multiple xiaflex injection

He actually found 4 cords one of them branched out to my index finger.The pain is at 4-5 so far today and lots of black and blue but I can open my own pill bottles today,I couldnt yesterday.So far so good.I can receive up to 5 injections but only single injections every 30 days once they discharge me from the clinic in 60 days.The cords were very thick so I might need all 5.Ill keep ya posted.Dave

01/30/2013 13:49
01/30/2013 13:49
Re: multiple xiaflex injection

Diane,Get the Vicodin and a bottle of benedryl for itching .Take the benedryl as soon as you can after the injection and maybe a couple more that first night.I took 3, at different times last night.No itching today.Dave

01/30/2013 22:22
01/30/2013 22:22
Re: multiple xiaflex injection

Thanks, all. I had no idea about using benedryl, but I'll now make sure I have some on hand for the post-procedure misery. And the Vicodin is a no brainer. Actually, I think I'm going to ask the doc if I can take some about 1/2 hour before the injections, just to maybe take some edge off. I just have this feeling that she'll say no, because it's not part of the study protocol. But, it can't hurt to ask. And, I'm going to ask if I can take some pre-manipulation, as well. I would think that there would be no reason for them to say no to that. ~Diane

01/30/2013 22:29
01/30/2013 22:29
Re: multiple xiaflex injection

Thanks, all. I had no idea about using benedryl, but I'll now make sure I have some on hand for the post-procedure misery. And the Vicodin is a no brainer. Actually, I think I'm going to ask the doc if I can take some about 1/2 hour before the injections, just to maybe take some edge off. I just have this feeling that she'll say no, because it's not part of the study protocol. But, it can't hurt to ask. And, I'm going to ask if I can take some pre-manipulation, as well. I would think that there would be no reason for them to say no to that. ~Diane

I took Motrin before the manipulation. It is really no big deal. They numb your hand before doing it and once it's done, there is really no pain. Just soreness. It also stayed numb for quite some time. I had an almost two hour drive to get back home and was by myself. It was still numb by the time I got home.

~ dawn

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benedryl   looking   manipulation   insidious   xiaflex   experience   zinkadoodle   injection   pre-manipulation   Vicodin   forward   something   blow-by-blows   injections   multiple   actually   feeling   especially   definitely   post-procedure