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My Dupuytrens are getting better
01/10/2014 05:40
01/10/2014 05:40
My Dupuytrens are getting better

I just read a lot on this site. I have had this didease for over 10 years, I am now a healthy 70. I have it in both hands. I did not know what this was until I met a gal who had 2 surgeries, she was also diabetic. I have never been a drinker or had hand trauma. When the gal told me the name of what I had she told me in time my hands would curl like her did. That made me think, So in the hot tub I started to keep my fingers from contracting by stretching them every day. The diesease was visable in all 10 fingers. I could see yellow bands going up each. My thumbs and index fingers are now free of the disease. The bands in the 6 remaining fingers go up to the first joint. It seemed my hands always had new nodules growing in them. A couple of monthis ago I started a more vigerous therapy. Under hot water I extend my hand as much as it will go and at the same time grasp each finger one at a time close to my palm and bend it back. I can feel the stretch in my palm. I do each finger for about 10 seconds twice. Now there are no new nodules growing, in fact the ones there are flattening out and dissappearing. I can see more fingers getting better and I really fell that some day my disease will not be visable. Even when that happens I will continue the exercises to ward it off.
I read that damage to the hands is one theory of getting the disease. I am proff that that is not true with what I am doing. It is my hope and prayer that I can find a cure for this disease. I hope this helps you as it is helping me.
Also I have never been a alcohoic drinker or smoker. I do exercise and keep my weight good for my 5'8"
I have no idea how this started and no one in my family ever mentioned this. I have spent more time in the sun than I should have as a young girl and young mother. I have paid the price with 4 melanomas. I give you all this information so that there may someone who can find a common thread in us.

01/10/2014 14:45
01/10/2014 14:45
Re: My Dupuytrens are getting better

Congratulations on your success.

You said, "My thumbs and index fingers are now free of the disease." That is quite optimistic and the first time I have ever heard that in my 15 years with Dupuytren's. I have Dupuytren's also and I can go one step further with the living. I have never smoked, nor drank alcohol and still haven't had my first cup of coffee. Not for any religious reasons, just didn't like the taste. I still have Dupuytren's.

Have you been diagnosed by a hand doctor? It is common for Dupuytren's to go dormant for prolonged periods, but not straightening. I have never heard of the fingers straightening without breaking or removing the cords.

Edited 01/10/14 17:00

mentioned   prolonged   Dupuytren   exercises   stretching   diagnosed   straightening   contracting   Congratulations   disease   religious   melanomas   flattening   fingers   optimistic   dissappearing   Dupuytrens   information   remaining   getting