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NA in Australia
07/25/2007 08:14
07/25/2007 08:14
NA in Australia

Hi All. My first post. I am an old DD'er. Read many of the articles with great interest. Wish you had been around 15 years ago

My case, briefly. I have had 2 sets of surgical operations over the past 15 years. Different plastic surgeons in Melbourne, Mutimer was one and another one in Malvern. Never any mention of alternatives. I am 61. I currently find that although my fingers are straightish from the knuckles, the tissues are so constrained in the palms of my hands that my fingers are at 90 degrees. Lots of lumps and bumps and deep creases. Warney would have a ball. I feel the disease continues and so I seek a remedy not another operation. Speaking of which, the last op was done with a local with a mesh screen up so I wasn't allowed to watch. But I could. Interesting viewing.

I read that the NA approach is not available in Australia and I wonder why not. Does anyone know why we have to venture overseas? It seems that the first bloke to buy the franchise the the region would make a fortune! A friend of my wife's with DD reckons it may be cheaper to fly to Dr Kline in the USA than pay our surgeons private school bills.

Second question. Can NA be beneficial to someone who has been under the knife?

Third question. Does this insidious disease actually have a finite life? Mine has regenerated three times. If I fly to the States for NA will that kill it before I move on?

Enough for a first post. I look forward to learning from the forum.

08/12/2007 05:39

not registered

08/12/2007 05:39

not registered

Re: NA in Australia

I have recently had both hands done in Melbourne by NA (NF). It worked very well.

08/12/2007 05:47

not registered

08/12/2007 05:47

not registered

Re: NA in Australia

Sorry for being so brief but I am having trouble registering and figuring how to use this forum. Anyway I had both hands done in Melbourne in July and it has been most successful so far. All my fingers are straight again, I have no scaring or pain. The treatment was most professional as you would expect from such an experienced Plastic Surgeon. The surgeon calls his treatment Needle Fasciotomy which is OK with me. I have splints which I wear at night. Please do a search for Plastic Surgeons in Mornington and you should have the correct Practice. I do not live in Melbourne and I was given excellent attention!

08/12/2007 07:54


08/12/2007 07:54


Re: NA in Australia

Needle fasciotomy in Au is really good news! Could you possibly also give a name? Google returns too many results ...

Thank you


Sorry for being so brief but I am having trouble registering and figuring how to use this forum. Anyway I had both hands done in Melbourne in July and it has been most successful so far. All my fingers are straight again, I have no scaring or pain. The treatment was most professional as you would expect from such an experienced Plastic Surgeon. The surgeon calls his treatment Needle Fasciotomy which is OK with me. I have splints which I wear at night. Please do a search for Plastic Surgeons in Mornington and you should have the correct Practice. I do not live in Melbourne and I was given excellent attention!

Needle fasciotomy in Au is really good news! Could you possibly also gove a name? Google returns too many results ...

Thank you

Edited at 08/12/07 10:54

08/12/2007 08:25
08/12/2007 08:25
Re: NA in Australia

Thanks for the info re the Plastics Surgeon on the Mornington Peninsula who does NA - not the surgical procedure which I have had to endure twice. I would like to know his name please. Could you email me at petermal@mac.com if you don't want to publicize on this site. I am very pleased you have had success with NA. It would appear this is a first in Australia. I have other friends with Dupuytrens who are about to head to USA. Indeed I may be heading for a third op myself sometimes soon.


Peter M

08/12/2007 21:21

not registered

08/12/2007 21:21

not registered

Re: NA in Australia

In Australia I would start by making contacts with the surgeons secretary, she is a gem, kate@plasticsurgery.com.au
The surgeon is a member of the Australian College of Surgeons.
I am 100% happy with the way I was treated. This is almost 1 month after the op.

08/14/2007 13:05


08/14/2007 13:05


First NA clinic in Australia

We just added contact data of Dr. David Hunter-Smith, Morninton, Victoria to our list of NA clinics. This is the first one in Australia! Welcome to Dr. Hunter-Smith!



Surgeon   straightish   Hunter-Smith   successful   alternatives   experienced   constrained   surgeons   Australia   Melbourne   treatment   regenerated   plastic   Fasciotomy   plasticsurgery   registering   professional   Mornington   Interesting   dupuytren-online