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new diagnosis
07/30/2008 21:17
07/30/2008 21:17
new diagnosis

Hi, I was recently diagnosed with dupuytrens. I am a 50 year old female. I fractured my wrist this past December. After the pins were removed and I started PT I noticed a nodule on my palm. My ortho. dr. diagnosed it and told me it was hereditary. My GP asked me if I was an alcoholic! Whatever. I have it. After reading tons I understood that the injury to my wrist most likely brought it on or agitated it for one reason or another - I think my dad had it. So my inquiry is what are some of the symptoms - some seem to be similar to carpal tunnel - tingling, a bit of numbness? My knuckles are stiff in the morning, though my fingers are not curling. So far I am able to loosen up fingers easily and move on with my day w/out any difficulty. I am altering my diet and getting rid of the processed sugars - read in one are article it could be insulin related, as well. Can't say it helped one way or the other, but I just began the diet. Any input would be great. thanks, mb

07/31/2008 04:13
07/31/2008 04:13
Re: new diagnosis

Most people go through life without the Dupuytren's advancing any further than your present situation. My suggestion would be to not put undue strain on your hand and just monitor the condition.

07/31/2008 05:10
07/31/2008 05:10
Re: new diagnosis

Callie, thank you - could answer or direct me as what type exercise I can do and what type I should avoid? thanks, mb

07/31/2008 09:19
07/31/2008 09:19

Re: new diagnosis


Callie, thank you - could answer or direct me as what type exercise I can do and what type I should avoid? thanks, mb

Hi Australia Calling. I believe stretching exercise if very important, but not in an aggressive manner. I found that the curved hand basin in the bathroom, partly filled with hot water (WHICH IS COMFORTABLE) was ideal . By exerting a downward pressure on the hand there is an upward pressure exerted on the fingers, which intern stretches the whole hand because of the curvature of the basin. Have you looked at the literature on the Dupuytren Society web http://www.dupuytren-online.info (50 Yr study Erlangen University hospital )looked at alcohol-not a factor. You mention Carpal Tunnel symptoms being similiar to Dupuytrens. I am not sure that there are similarities. Carpal tunnel can easily be identified. Regards

07/31/2008 10:38
07/31/2008 10:38
Re: new diagnosis

Welcome, marybeth.
Interesting about the insulin connection. I was recently diagnosed as insulin resistant, which is odd given I'm slim and very active. The doctor said it was actually a problem with the liver, and I immediately drew the connection with DC. That was three weeks ago, and hearing the words "pre-diabetes" immediately made me take action. I have been on a low-GI diet since. At this stage I only have three nodules on the feet and a knuckle pad. Nothing appears to have changed (other than finally losing a little bit of a tummy!), but I will monitor. In any case, a low-sugar diet is an ideal, healthy diet regardless.

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