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Newbie-Nodules after carpal tunnel release
01/24/2013 01:41
01/24/2013 01:41
Newbie-Nodules after carpal tunnel release


I am a 44 yo female, 6 months post-op for carpal tunnel release surgery. In the last few weeks I have developed 4 nodules in the center of my palm (lifeline area) under my index, middle and ring fingers. Tonight I felt what I think might be a fifth nodule starting. The largest one is fairly tender when pressure is applied, as when gripping the steering wheel to make a turn. In addition to the tenderness, those three fingers feel very tight. I can't bend them back as far as one might to crack knuckles, but I don't detect any cords. My non-dominant, non surgical hand is not affected.

I returned to my hand surgeon this week. He said that the nodules may go away on their own as my hand continues to recover from the surgery. He also said the the carpal tunnel surgery may have triggered the onset of DC and that time will tell. I can't find much on this so I thought I would post some questions here.

1)First, has anyone had this resolve without treatment?

2)Second, the surgeon suggested heat, massage and stretching for now. Sound reasonable? Anything else I can do?

3) Third, given the fairly rapid onset, what would the timeline be for development of cords and measurable contracture?

4) Finally, is there any relation between this and autoimmune disease? I have some connective tissue issues that are fairly mild thus far and I am just curious if there is any sort of association.

Thanks in advance for any insights.


Edited 01/24/13 03:50

01/24/2013 02:15
01/24/2013 02:15
Re: Newbie-Nodules after carpal tunnel release

Em, were you given a clear diagnosis of DD? I've never heard of DD "resolving" on it's own but maybe it is something else. Dupuytren's is typically a progressive, chronic condition. Sometimes the disease might not result in finger contracture but simply stop with pitting and nodules in the palm but what you are describing is indeed a rapid onset (4-5 nodules in a few weeks).

Every case is different so there is no timeline for contracture. But if you've lost some backward extension in the fingers that could indicate some early contracture. You sound like a perfect case for radiation therapy.

01/24/2013 02:32
01/24/2013 02:32
Re: Newbie-Nodules after carpal tunnel release

@Tusk--Thank you for the quick reply. He said the nodules are fascia/ in the fascia and that if it doesn't resolve, it will represent its own disease process, Dupuytren's Contracture. I am a bit worried about the rapid onset and also that it is affecting the middle three fingers, with the index finger the worst.

To the surgeon's credit, he didn't blow me off, his basic message was that it could go either way, stopping and reversing or becoming full blown DC. He said to give it three or four months and if it doesn't resolve or gets worse, to come back and we would talk treatment options. I am going to monitor carefully and investigate therapies like RT in the meantime. I want to do everything reasonable to ensure that this does not get out of hand (ha!). I am definitely not enthused about it progressing to the point of needing surgery.

Thanks again,


Edited 01/24/13 04:35

01/24/2013 02:56
01/24/2013 02:56

Re: Newbie-Nodules after carpal tunnel release

Em I agree with Tusk, now is the time for RT, before contraction. Also don't stretch, it will make matters worse. Get cycling gloves and start wearing them, it will help with the painfull nodules when driving, etc. I met a lady in Germany when I had RT for my hands in the waiting room, her DC also was triggert by the same surgery you had. Bummer! Seems lots of people with DC also have problems with their thyroid, including me, that's an auto immune issue.

Good luck! If you decide to go the RT round, don't wait to long. This disease can be very aggressive. RT does nothing for cords, only nodules. My right hand has a cord and my finger is bent in a bit, but it seems the RT stopped progression. My left hand had nodules popping up one after another in no time at all. RT also stopped that. So far so good with my hands.

Best of Luck,


01/24/2013 03:06
01/24/2013 03:06
Re: Newbie-Nodules after carpal tunnel release

The cycling glove is an awesome idea. I am going to do that for things like driving and sweeping.

I think I am going to ask around and see if I can find a second hand surgeon for a second opinion.

01/24/2013 04:26
01/24/2013 04:26
Re: Newbie-Nodules after carpal tunnel release

What kind of insurance do you have? RT is not easy to get through some insurance companies. I think the advice to monitor this closely for a couple of months is good. You can be checking about your insurance. The "smoking gun" in convincing your insurance company is:


I just finished RT a week ago. You would do RT for five straight days then wait about 8-12 weeks and then do RT for five more days. It takes about five minutes each day.

It does seem like it could be Dupuytren's. Your window of opportunity for RT is before contraction reaches 5 degrees.

01/24/2013 12:48
01/24/2013 12:48
Re: Newbie-Nodules after carpal tunnel release

I hadn't even considered the insurance implications. I have Blue Cross. Thank you so much for the link to the document. That is incredibly helpful.

01/24/2013 16:48
01/24/2013 16:48
Re: Newbie-Nodules after carpal tunnel release

Hi there, I am a 44 year old woman and my nodules in my palm appeared after surgery to remove a lump on my inner middle finger. At the time DC was not mentioned, but straight after surgery these nodules appeared and I now have 4. This has been within a year, I have slight contracture. I shall be off to have RT next week £1,750.00 Our NHS does not offer RT.
So I will keep you informed and I wish you well in what ever path you choose to go down.

01/24/2013 20:19
01/24/2013 20:19
Re: Newbie-Nodules after carpal tunnel release

Thanks, Dottyhand. I hope the RT goes well for you. I hate that you have to pay out of pocket, but it sounds like this is a good option. I will look forward to your updates.

stretching   Tusk--Thank   Dupuytren   Newbie-Nodules   insurance   surgery   contracture   progression   nodules   opportunity   release   development   non-dominant   progressive   contraction   reasonable   progressing   association   investigate   implications