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night splint pictures- Flojo
12/25/2012 21:32
12/25/2012 21:32
night splint pictures- Flojo

Here, FINALLY, are pictures of my night splint - One top view and one bottom view.

More pictures to follow.


12/25/2012 22:15
12/25/2012 22:15
Re: night splint pictures- Flojo

Note the side view: all my fingers hyper-extend, actually a benefit in having Dupuytren's. I sent back twice to have adjustments made to the splint and one was to have it to bend to bent my fingers back. It was not effective until there was tension to stretch my palm and fingers. Bending my fingers back also added tension across my palm.

Most of my Dupuytren's and all of the contracture is in or emanates from my palm. I do not have a lot of contracture in my fingers, but even the contracture that occurs in my fingers comes from cords that started in the palm.

The other picture shows my hand in the splint before securing the 2 straps that pull the splint snug across my whole hand.

A finger splint would have done nothing. No other ready made splint that I could find would have fit my need. The primary stretching is the thumb, across the palm toward the little finger, and the little finger. It stretches my whole palm and the other fingers some.


photo 3-1.JPG photo 3-1.JPG (66x)

Mime-Type: image/jpeg, 189 kB

photo-2.JPG photo-2.JPG (54x)

Mime-Type: image/jpeg, 187 kB

12/26/2012 17:02


12/26/2012 17:02


Re: night splint pictures- Flojo

Interesting photo's flojo, thanks.

How long did it take you to tolerate the splint all night?

I ask as I failed to tolerate a (splint) glove with a slight curve in the natural position (no hard extension or stretch). I would either wake in the night and have to take the glove off, or I found the finger joint stiffness in the morning to be quite unpleasant even though it eased quite quickly. My motivation was only moderate though, as I have no symptoms of impending contracture. I had a similar discomfiture at first with a 'night boot' for plantar fasciitus but eventually wore it nightly for more than two years.

12/31/2012 13:30
12/31/2012 13:30
Re: night splint pictures- Flojo

Great pictures, Flora... Thanks for posting... Was the splint custom made by a Hand Therapist? Who prescribed it? Did Medicare pay for it?

By the way my left hand pinkie is getting seriously contracted... I am going to contact Dr. Denkler in January and hopefully
schedule an NA if he agrees, even though the two NA's on my right hand pinkie were not successful, it is worth a try. Maybe the key to maintaining a straightened finger is to use a good splint for a long time.

Edited 12/31/12 15:34

01/07/2013 03:01
01/07/2013 03:01
Re: night splint pictures- Flojo

Hi Spanishbuddha and Luba,

Sorry to take so long to get back to you. Glad to share the pics.

A prosthestist-orthotist fabricated the splint for my hand. It didn't take long to get used to the splint after I had it adjusted - all in all, about 6 weeks. I wore it then realized that it was too much pressure at the inside of my little finger. It took them about 15 minutes to heat it and bend it out to take some pressure off. Then I wore it about 2 weeks and realized I had almost no stretching because the splint was flat and my fingers hyper-extend. I went back, they heated it and bent it to hold my fingers in a bent back position. He brought it out for me to try and I needed it bent more. They did and I went home with it feeling a little tight, just enough to stretch it. That worked. I wore it every night for about a year. It has gotten looser. I probably should have it made a little tighter now but I haven't felt it essential enough. In the last 6 months, I have gone about 2 weeks without wearing it when I was on a trip. I could tell that it tightened up a little, but agreeing it regularly for a week or two, the Dupuytren's backed off.

It was almost a month initially before he figured out how to make it. I have been very pleased with the design. You can see that no ready-made one would fit my contracture of all of it across the palm and going up into my little finger and thumb emanating from the palm. There may be one somewhere but I couldn't find one. I think the custom made was necessary. It had to stretch tightly across my palm.

Thie person who did it makes prosthetics, braces for legs, etc. I had Dr. Denkler write the prescription. The Prosthetist said it needs to say "to prevent contracture." for insurance purposes. I think they also gave the diagnosis of Dupuytren's.

Yes, Medicare did pay for it. I had the radiologist write a prescription for a night splint for my left hand but I haven't had them make one yet. I'm going to do that and alternate nights wearing them.

Luba, I agree with having Dr. Denkler do NA again. It is such a minor procedure with good results. Maybe this time get a custom splint. Or maybe Dupuytren's will give up. My prosthetist is only in Hemet one day a week. He goes to various other towns. I can highly recommend him. I can get his contact info for you if you want to see what towns might
be closer to you.

Feel free to ask more questions.

01/07/2013 05:42
01/07/2013 05:42
Re: night splint pictures- Flojo

Thanks for the pics Flojo....

I also have a splint but the design is different to this......I find mine helps to keep the tension out of my hand for the first part of the day.....however, I can see this design could be better at helping to maintain the web which in my case is stiffening......I will follow these instructions and try this out....


01/09/2013 09:45
01/09/2013 09:45

Re: night splint pictures- Flojo

Interesting results for night splinting after NA from Dr Meinel.

01/01/2015 10:56
01/01/2015 10:56
Re: night splint pictures- Flojo

i have written in the past ... had na with dr. eaton 2009 and 2011 pinky left hand and middle finger right hand...severe contracture .....been wearing night splints since then almost every night ...it seeems to be helping as i have no signs of contracture .... maybe i am just one of the lucky ones.... but i will continue to wear spints ... i get new splints made each year by hand p.t.

Dupuytren   contracted   contracture   instructions   radiologist   stretching   Interesting   straightened   v=882JB9cXDME   prosthetics   discomfiture   Spanishbuddha   fingers   prosthestist-orthotist   Prosthetist   adjustments   prescription   maintaining   hyper-extend   pictures-