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08/20/2010 10:24
08/20/2010 10:24

I have had one nodule for a few years, but recently three more are developing very quickly. Most articles say Dupuytren's is painless. I have some pain with mine. It's not severe, more like an aching. And if I grip something too tightly, it is very painful. Does anyone else have pain associated with their nodules? My general practitioner diagnosed Dupuytren's, but I have not been to a specialist. When I Google Dupuytren's + physicians + Virginia I only get surgeons. I would like to see someone who specializes in it, but I'm wary of surgeons because cutting is their profession. Does anyone have a recommendation for a physician in Virginia?

08/20/2010 12:35

not registered

08/20/2010 12:35

not registered

Re: Pain

Laurie, I would visit a hand surgeon who is certified by the ASSH, you want someone with a Certificate of Added Qualification in Surgery of the Hand. You can start here http://www.assh.org/Public/Pages/default.aspx
Needle surgery (NA) is an option if there is any significant contrature. Doesn't sound like you have any yet.

Yes, pain, burning, tenderness, etc. is not uncommon. It may resolve somewhat after some time passes.

You can read a lot on here and others will tell you the benefits of early radiation therapy to possible help control/reduce early DD. There is a radiation doctor in Viriginia who is highly qualified and will work with DD. She is listed in the links on the left.

Virginia Commonwealth University
Department of Radiation Oncology
Dr. Elisabeth Weiss

I have communicated with her and found her very helpful.

Edited 08/20/10 16:04

08/20/2010 15:28
08/20/2010 15:28
Re: Pain

Laurie, You can read a lot on here and others will tell you the benefits of early radiation therapy to possible help control/reduce early DD. There is a radiation doctor in Viriginia who is highly qualified and will work with DD. She is listed in the links on the left.

Virginia Commonwealth University
Department of Radiation Oncology
Dr. Elisabeth Weiss

I have communicated with her and found her very helpful.
David is right...You should look into radiation therapy for early stages of the disease. I have found it very successful in stopping the progression of my DD and LD. I had RT in Nov. 2009 on my left hand and left foot. It has stopped, so far, the progression of the disease. All the nodules I had on hand and foot are smaller and softer. The itching/burning has stopped and I can open my hand much wider than before.

Read all you can about RT on this forum and come back with more questions if needed.

08/20/2010 19:02
08/20/2010 19:02
Re: Pain


I had lots of pain in my palm. My hands felt cold and ached really bad. As the nodule grew, the pain radiated up my arm and my shoulder ached. It actually was the pain that sent me to the doctor, I thought I had a callus. By the time I saw a hand specialist I had a cord stretching from the base of my middle finger to my wrist. All during this time I had difficulty typing, gripping, squeezing anything and I was starting to get really clumsy. I had RT and all the pain went away with this procedure. I gained most of the use of my hand back. I took the advice from people on this forum and the research provided to treat with RT. Treating the RT while it was active seems to have stopped the progression. I have not developed any further nodules or cords. I still have difficulty making a fist and I believe I developed osteoarthritis in this hand because of the DD. I am glad I did not wait for contracture to occur, because it would have changed the course of treatment. By the time I started RT I had puckering, dimpling and the beginning of contracture. It all developed in under 6 months.



08/20/2010 19:27
08/20/2010 19:27
Re: Pain

I fully agree with Lori in fact i feel like she was talking about me. Everything she said was me and within 6 months after talking to everyone on here i did research for a doctor in my area and found him just by calling a bunch of doctors offices. This doctor got right on the phone with me and 1 week later i was in there seeing him and the next week i was doing my RT treatments. And yes i have good days and bad but RT has stopped or put my DD in remission. I will never have my old hands back but i'm okay with that. Having DD in both hands and then to get it to stop progressing is a miracle. My right hand is my worst and because of the extreme heat this summer has kept that hand very tight and it aches a lot. It has been 6 months since my treatments and everything is good.

Edited 08/20/10 22:29

08/20/2010 19:59
08/20/2010 19:59
Re: Pain

I, too, had RT 13 months ago for DD in my right hand. RT stopped the progression (actually I like Cindy's term, remission because you never know what this disease will do next) of my Dups so far. Better function/use of my hand, reduced nodules, greater span across my palm, itchiness and aching gone - better than I ever imagined. I would have been delighted just with stopping progression. The other improvements were bonuses.

Sounds like you are in the early stages and that yours is active. That is the key - it needs to be active.

Go for it if you can and soon.

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