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Radiation results
06/28/2011 19:09
06/28/2011 19:09
Radiation results

I am a 64 year old woman diagnosed with Dupuytren's in the fall of 2010. A nodule had appeared in the center of my right palm and two hand specialists told me to "come back when you can't straighten your finger." I researched on this website and decided to investigate radiation therapy. I had an initial appointment with Dr. Gottschalk at UCSF and he encouraged me to opt for the radiation. He did tell me that up to that point he only had treated a few patients with the disease. But he followed the German established protocols. At the end of January I had seven treatments. By the end of February my node had flattened but seems to be about the same diameter. I've experienced some dryness of skin but other than that no other side effects. However, in the past month two new smaller nodules have popped up to the immediate left of the original nodule. And I think another is on its way. I'm discouraged by this and wonder if anyone out there has had repeated radiation treatments? I'm concerned about a cumulative effect. Thanks for any info that you might provide.

06/28/2011 19:41
06/28/2011 19:41
Re: Radiation results

I have never had to repeat my radiation and its been 15 months since i did my treatments. I do have a questions is the new nodules outside of radiated area? The reason i'm asking is because my doctor did radiation on the whole hand and for me that would be both hands. The complete hand up to middle knuckle on fingers and thumb. My treatments were 10 treatments- 5 days weekend off and then 5 days.

06/28/2011 19:50
06/28/2011 19:50
Re: Radiation results

Thank you Cindy. That's interesting because they only radiated the immediate area surrounding my node. Where did you have your treatment?

06/28/2011 19:51
06/28/2011 19:51
Relapse after Radiation Therapy - Where and How ...?

There are reports of RELAPSES or NEW PROGRESSING NODES after radiotherapy,
however rarely in the sam area of the treated area - mostly outside ...

I would contact Dr. Gottschalk and ask him for the special RT plan an whether the
NEW REGION had or ha not been irradiated ....

It's also important to know the specific RT dose concept - single and total dose !
Not every "German concept" is a good treatment, you have to know the details ...

Just do more research ! Good success, Larry

06/28/2011 20:26
06/28/2011 20:26
Re: Radiation results

I live in Independence Missouri and my doctor is in Liberty Missouri which is 20 minutes from my house. I would almost bet ya that those new ones are outside the radiated area. By having the whole hand done then you don't have to worry about it. At least thats the way i look at it. How many GY'S did he use for treatment? You would probably know if they were not treated by the drawings that the doctor put on your hands.

06/29/2011 05:45


06/29/2011 05:45


Re: Radiation results

Irradiating the nodule plus some area around it is common practice and minimizes the area that is exposed to radiation. Radiotherapy does not work prophylactic, i.e. if you irrdiate an area with no disease there is no guarantee that you won't get the disease in this area sometimes later. But you won't be able to have it radiated again because each tissue should not get radiation in excess of 30 Gy. So it makes sense to irradiate only diseased parts of the hand (with some safety margin).


Thank you Cindy. That's interesting because they only radiated the immediate area surrounding my node. Where did you have your treatment?

Edited 06/29/11 08:46

06/29/2011 06:28
06/29/2011 06:28
Adequate Radiation Dose - Influence on Results !?

... as far as I can judge from my RT treatment with Prof. Seegenschmiedt in Hamburg, he used at least a 1cm additional margin to both sides of the nodules or cords and at least a 2cm margin towards the base of the hand (wrist) and towards the tip of the fingers ...

... he also mentioned something to me that on the edges of the RT fields the RT dose can be as low as only 50% of the RT dose in the center of the field as there are less secondary electrons or photons available at the rim of the RT field than in the center of the RT field; this also means that smaller RT fields receive less dose than larger RT fields.

... the RT dose is usually prescribed to just one point of the RT field which was in my case the center of the field, i.e. exactly where one would expect the highest RT dose; that may give the edges of the RT field a much lower dose !


I include a graph which I found in the internet about this problem, but may be the RT specialists like Prof. Seegenschmiedt could comment more precisely on that issue ??

Edited 06/29/11 09:31

06/29/2011 12:48
06/29/2011 12:48
Re: Radiation results

I think i was misunderstood. What i meant was if your hands has DD throughout then yes the hands need to be radiated. Which both of my hands did. I have drawings on here that the doctor did before treatment and it shows where my DD is in my hands. This is not a preventive treatment - it is only used on the disease area and some what on the outer edges. Radiation puts your DD in remission.

06/29/2011 15:49
06/29/2011 15:49
Re: Radiation results

I think i was misunderstood. What i meant was if your hands has DD throughout then yes the hands need to be radiated. Which both of my hands did. I have drawings on here that the doctor did before treatment and it shows where my DD is in my hands. This is not a preventive treatment - it is only used on the disease area and some what on the outer edges. Radiation puts your DD in remission.

I would be interested in seeing this drawing of nodules and RT field design exactly in your case - just to have an example on hand ! Unfortunately, I have not received or kept my documentation, but I could ask the Prof. to get copies ....

06/29/2011 16:31
06/29/2011 16:31
Re: Radiation results

Look me up on here - radiation experience 3/19/2010 and it shows my pictures of me having radiation done on hands and it also shows the drawings that the doctor did and if you look really close you can see my tattoos on my hand. Just go to search on the left of page and type in radiation experience and look for date on page 7 i think.

results   treatments-   misunderstood   prophylactic   surrounding   Unfortunately   interesting   drawings   treatment   documentation   specialists   treatments   immediate   discouraged   PROGRESSING   radiated   Seegenschmiedt   Radiation   Independence   radiotherapy