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radio therapy
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05/01/2009 18:15

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05/01/2009 18:15

not registered

radio therapy

hi can anyone help please, dr goode at poole hospital does not seem to be doing radio therapy any more and my dups seem to be getting worse ,does anyone have any suggestions, would be gratefull for any suggestions for anything to slow it down. taking vit e and nac.

05/03/2009 14:51
05/03/2009 14:51

Re: radio therapy

Any reason that you know of for that. Having just had treatment in Jan and March I'd be interested to know the reason if he has stopped. I had a follow up appointment two weeks ago with one of his team's junior member of staff (disappointingly I only saw Dr Goode briefly 2 times during my whole treatment & planning).

I have another appointment in October and wasn't going to go because of distance, time and cost but I may go now to see if I can find out what the situation is.

Hopefully nobody has had a bad reaction causing him to stop offering this treatment for Dups. He did seem very rushed when I saw him, as well as stressing that his cancer patients must come first, and I'd imagine that it could be down to time and finance as much as anything especially if he's got Dups affected patients calling from far and wide for treatment.

I suppose it's a case of find someone else in the UK willing to offer the treatment (I did hear him say that one of his colleagues in Carlisle would consider it so that might be worth an enquiry) or take the trip to Germany if finance allows.

That is disappointing if Poole do not offer the treatment now because even with only a couple of months since I finished treatment my hand seems to have responded very well.

Cambidgeshire, UK.

05/09/2009 07:38
05/09/2009 07:38
Re: radio therapy

I am in Poole at the moment undergoing my second lot of treatment. My last appointment is on Monday so I will see if any of the staff I see know what the situation is.

Sorry Trev but the weather is beautiful if a bit windy yesterday. A little different from when you were here earlier in the year!

05/09/2009 12:01

not registered

05/09/2009 12:01

not registered

Re: radio therapy

hi ,no reason was given i live quite local too so would have been ideal. however i did read somewhere that if you have radio therapy and still require surgery later it may have problems healing , so now i am just confused . i think i would still try it given the opportunity though. apparently dr goode is on sick leave but thats all i was told , would you please let me know how you get on . regards ,conway.

05/10/2009 14:09
05/10/2009 14:09

Re: radio therapy


I am in Poole at the moment undergoing my second lot of treatment. My last appointment is on Monday so I will see if any of the staff I see know what the situation is.

Sorry Trev but the weather is beautiful if a bit windy yesterday. A little different from when you were here earlier in the year!

That's true Mary, I got my timing all wrong. I wrote to Dr. Goode in March 2008 and copied it to my GP. I didn't get anything back from Poole but I did get a letter from my GP saying that it would need to go to the PCT first. I subsequently read that it wasn't likely to get approved so I did not bother until later in the year when I read differently on this forum. Consequently everything moved on to later in the year and me attending for appointments and treatment in winter. Not to worry though, I did get the treatment and a few decent day's in Poole anyway. Hopefully it does the trick and slows down or stops my Dupuytrens.

I hope it works for you as well Mary. Remember me to the radiographers if you remember, a nice bunch. Not sure that it's a job I could do on a daily basis.

I would imagine that if they are not offering the service any more then it would purely be financial as it involves patients from far and wide using their resources and budget? I can't really see why they would refuse someone living in the area the treatment but if Dr. Goode is the only one who is particularly keen to offer this service then perhaps he's been outvoted? Everybody seems to be told that surgery shouldn't present any problems if radiotherapy doesn't work so I'm not sure where this fits in with the notion that surgery could be difficult afterwards? My skin is a little dry but it always was and otherwise it doesn't appear to be any different, in fact it seems to be in better condition than before I started due to the extra moisturising I now do.

Cambidgeshire, UK.

Edited 05/10/09 23:00

05/11/2009 17:52
05/11/2009 17:52
Re: radio therapy

I enquired about the treatment being stopped and was told Dr Goode is on long term sick leave and he is the only consultant who is trained in this therapy for Dupuytren's, so until he returns to work there is to be no more radiation therapy for this condition at Poole. I hope he recovers quickly.

I am pleased with my progress, there is no dryness. I was in considerable pain before but now only get a twinge or two in my ring finger.

Last time I saw Dr Goode he told me Carlisle now do this treatment so if anyone is prepared to travel perhaps that might be an option

I was told I am lucky as I am probably the last person to have the treatment before Dr Goode became ill, lucky me!

05/11/2009 18:51

not registered

05/11/2009 18:51

not registered

Re: radio therapy

hi mary i am pleased to hear your condition has stabilised , i dont mind travelling so will try to contact the hospital in carlisle and see if they will consider me for treatment, wish you well. conway.

05/12/2009 20:42

not registered

05/12/2009 20:42

not registered

Re: radio therapy

Dr Goode could be returning next week. not sure though that poole can do any more dups though due to very high and increasing waiting lists for cancer patients. the department is fully booked and has no capacity for benign conditions. Worth a try but Carlisle a better bet as the waiting list may be shorter.
good luck

05/13/2009 17:07

not registered

05/13/2009 17:07

not registered

Re: radio therapy

thank you for the feed back i am on waiting list for dr goode but understand he has more important patients, sent carlisle hospital an e mail not too sure it was to the right hospital though,

05/13/2009 18:57
05/13/2009 18:57

Re: radio therapy

What would be interesting is if someone in the UK could find someone willing to do the treatment privately and then see how much that costs (obviously it'd still need a GP referal)

I went to see my GP today and he was quite impressed with the results so far, with softened nodules, good hand function and much improved skin condition.

I mentioned to him that Poole was probably not offering the treatment at the moment he remembered me mentioning Carlisle which I thought was pretty cool

Cambidgeshire, UK.

Edited 05/13/09 21:59

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appointment   moisturising   Consequently   appointments   condition   radiographers   Cambidgeshire   examination   treatment   non-invasive   disappointing   subsequently   radiotherapy   disappointingly   considerable   unfortunately   therapy   Carlisle   patients   suggestions