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09/11/2008 09:01
09/11/2008 09:01


Australia Calling. It is important not to apply total palm irradiation to prevent unnecessary side effects.The remainder of the hand not treated is protected by lead shielding.
Prof Seegenschmiedt explained, that he allowed a safety margin around the visible and palpable area, when applying the radiotherapy to catch any thing ,that could not be identified. In my case they took a digital photograph of the area to be treated.This is important should an adjacent area required treatment at a future time.Otherwise the adjacent area would received a double dose of radiation. Radiotherapy was not given to advanced patients with Dupuytrens with stage 2 to 4.
We discussed that many patients wait too long before seeking treatment, which might mean You miss the opportunity. Regards.

Edited 09/11/08 12:10

09/30/2008 03:58

not registered

09/30/2008 03:58

not registered



Hmm, now I'm a little worried (but then I'm a worry-wort by nature). I have just completed full palm radiation; and the doctor I am seeing said it would not rule out NA or even additional radiation in the future if necessary (I'm hoping it's not). The radiation is such a low dose the risk of side effects is apparently minimal. I thought I just had Dupuytren's in the right hand but prior to starting my therapy, we discovered very fine cords extending from my left thumb into the palm. Now I'm a little worried, but I don't want to freak myself out about just having had my palms radiated.

Megan L (Bellevue, Wa)

09/30/2008 14:32
megan lyden

not registered

09/30/2008 14:32
megan lyden

not registered


Hi! A cooler head is prevaling this morning...I talked with my radiologist. I think there are differences in the types of radiation used. I received electron radiation. I'll write more about it when I get home.

Megan L

09/30/2008 18:27
09/30/2008 18:27

I had full palm radiation too. It's been two years now and no problems. Had a nice iscussion about it with my physician before hand and agreed it was the way to go for me. Don't panic.


10/01/2008 03:35
diane s

not registered

10/01/2008 03:35
diane s

not registered


Megan, where did you have your radiation done? I am looking for a place west coast. d

10/01/2008 19:01
Megan Lyden

not registered

10/01/2008 19:01
Megan Lyden

not registered


Hi Colleen,

Thanks for responding....I feel a lot more comfortable now!


10/01/2008 19:04
Megan Lyden

not registered

10/01/2008 19:04
Megan Lyden

not registered


Hi Diane,

I had mine done at St. Luke's Mountain States Tumor Instiute in Boise. Initially I saw Dr. Kline at the Dupuytren Center in Boise and he referred me to Dr. Kuhn at St. Luke's.

I'll post a little more about the experience tonight....Megan

10/05/2008 14:33
10/05/2008 14:33


Surgery if needed after radiotherapy.

My understanding is that surgery after radiotherapy should not be a problem but this website seems to have a different view http://www.dupuytrenschannel.com/index.p...9&Itemid=38

Radiotherapy has been used to prevent disease progression in the early stages of Dupuytren’s contracture (Bayat and McGrouther 2006). However, both acute toxicity and chronic side effects were observed, such as redness or dryness of the skin, extensive erythema, moist desquamation, swelling, and an alteration in heat and pain sensation (Seegenschmiedt et al 2001). Among hand surgeons, prophylactic radiotherapy is not supported; surgery performed after radiotherapy is unduly complicated (Seegenschmiedt et al 2001).

any views

Cambidgeshire, UK.

10/06/2008 01:40
Megan Lyden

not registered

10/06/2008 01:40
Megan Lyden

not registered


Hi Trev B,

Dr. Kuhn told me that the course of radiation I'm having wouldn't rule out surgery or NA, or also additional radiation if necessary in the future. I'm curious if the type of radiation used would make a difference when considering future procedures. I had electron radiation. I didn't wear any shielding.

Dr. Kuhn mapped my hand and then a template (think cookie cutter) was made. The radiation was administered through this template. My hand was held by a cast which they formed to my hand, so that my hand was always in the same position. Dr. Kuhn told me the radiation only penetrated into the upper layers of the skin. The radiologist told me that I didn't have to wear a lead shield because the radiation doesn't scatter (at least that is how I understood what she was telling me....my knowledge of medicine and science is limited!).

I have had no side effects to speak of; my skin does not seem particularly dry, although I am using the cream they gave me pretty often. I did have a very subtle tingling sensation in the days following the radiation and maybe a slight burning feeling, but it was extremely subtle. They also gave me a cream with lidocaine if I had any burning, but I haven't had to use it. I'll be back for a week in November for the second round.

Megan L (Bellevue, WA)

10/10/2008 03:57
10/10/2008 03:57

Hi Newman

Did you look into getting radiotherapy in Adelaide by Dr Martin borg as he is on this web site under clinics in Adelaide.If so how come you had your radio OS and not here.(I live in adelaide too.) dc started about 4 yrs ago I had surgery on it exactly one year ago today and it is coming back very aggressively.I am considering radio and have an appointment with Dr Borg in a couple of weeks. Would appreciate your input.

Andrew .

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