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Role of damaged liver and Dups
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11/21/2012 11:30
11/21/2012 11:30
Re: Role of damaged liver and Dups

I was excited to discover this forum after gooling "dupuytren's contracture overuse". My interest really perked up with this discussion about liver damage and dups. I'm a 65 year old female of scottish ancestry. My dups nodules began about 2 years ago and have very slowly progressed in my left palm but do not yet affect any fingers. I have it in my LH only and am R-handed. I also have possibly reduced circulation in my left hand due to an old shoulder injury to my left shoulder.

In my late 20's, I was very sick with Hepatitis that began with a food source (3 other people also got sick who were on the same long trip). The is alcoholism in my family although I have never had a serious problem with alcohol. I periodically buy usually wine and drink up a bottle over 3 or 4 days. But my modest alcohol consumption lately has been daily starting about three weeks ago, when I was given a large bottle of wine and then bought more myself (2 glasses at night after work). And the dups has again recently progressed a small amount beginning with a new tender lump and more swelling.

When I think back, I think it is quite possible that the periods of the dups slowly progressing might have coincided with periods of night-time modest wine consumption. All very anecdotal and untested I know, but I will immediately stop any alcohol and see if the dups also stops progressing.

This also makes me interested in finding out more about the possibility that my liver is still damaged. Any thoughts from anyone else would be appreciated. Thank you.

11/21/2012 11:47
11/21/2012 11:47
Re: Role of damaged liver and Dups

Oh and the dups began not long after a period in which I had a yeast overgrowth in my intestines which subsided when I faithfully took some natural herbal product I bought specifically for this. Whatever brought this yeast infection on was not about overuse of antibiotics or any other medication for that matter as I haven't taken any MD proscribed medication in many years. Other than the dups (and mild plantar fasciitis) I am very healthy.

12/12/2012 04:28
12/12/2012 04:28
Re: Role of damaged liver and Dups

I have recently developed the condition. I am a fifty year old woman. My father has it and we have Scottish blood. I don't drink that much but I do binge drink now and then. I hit the tequila last Friday night and the condition was definitely worse on the following Saturday morning.

Edited 12/12/12 06:29

12/12/2012 14:29
12/12/2012 14:29
Re: Role of damaged liver and Dups

julie, I think you have broken new ground here. I have never heard of that quick of a reaction for Dupuytren's.

You said, "I hit the tequila last Friday night and the condition was definitely worse on the following Saturday morning".

12/12/2012 22:43
12/12/2012 22:43
Re: Role of damaged liver and Dups

It's not really breaking new ground. Check out this archived forum:

The connection between alcohol and Dupuytrens has not been clinically proven, although there does seem to be a connection i.e. Dupuytrens is more prevalent in alcoholic older men. When the term 'alcoholism' is used most people tend to gloss over it as 'alcoholism' and 'alcoholic' are such loaded words. The grey zone between social drinker, binge drinker, heavy drinker, alcohol abuse, alcoholism is vast, and it's easier to define oneself as anything other than an alcoholic. Dupuytrens is new to me, and I'm hyper aware of it at this fresh stage. I did notice a worsening after my tequila binge and it's a wake-up call. I'm now going to stick to a couple of beers rather than liquor or wine.

12/12/2012 23:09
12/12/2012 23:09

Re: Role of damaged liver and Dups

I do see a direct link between alcohol consumption and the DD symptoms: itching, fuzzing sensations in the hands. It is very obvious in offsite conference meetings where you drink a lot , eat a lot and not sleep enough. Now for the development of nodules it takes more time than a few days to see the impact but in retrospect, the bursts i had coincide with a travel in France where i drank a lot, or when I had decided to interrupt my monastic diet that i had started to slow down progression. Now the holidays are coming with the parties... I am convinced that they will prove the link eventually.

12/12/2012 23:18
12/12/2012 23:18
Re: Role of damaged liver and Dups

Yes, and I think the medical fraternity is reticent to make such definite links until absolutely clinically proven beyond doubt for a range of reasons. This forum is hence very informative :)

12/13/2012 00:03
12/13/2012 00:03
Re: Role of damaged liver and Dups

I also am suspicious that drinking alcohol is connected to times of the dups getting worse. It's true that it takes a while for the actual deposit to form but I've noticed that before that happens, the nodules get sore. So I'm seeing periods of soreness, then swelling and eventually a larger lump or longer cord forming. It comes in waves for me and I'm also trying to track it to see if the times of soreness and then enlarging of the cords is related to alcohol consumption.

I especially suspicious that even moderate alcohol consumption is elevating levels of alkaline phosphatase in my liver. (I was very sick with Hepatitis A in my 20's so may have a damaged liver) An earlier post here was from someone who had found out she had elevated levels of this liver enzyme. This enzyme is produced in the liver and is associated with collagen deposits which is what the cords are in dups.

I've been reading tonight that green tea helps prevent the deposit of collagen. Also flax seed is being studied at Penn State University because it helps prevent the deposit of collagen. I found these tips at esciencenews.com after entering 'collagen deposition'. I'm interested in anything that helps prevent collagen deposits.

Has anyone tried these two things. Drinking lots of green tea and adding flax seed to your diet?


12/13/2012 00:07
12/13/2012 00:07
Re: Role of damaged liver and Dups

Thanks for that.. very interesting and informative, albeit annoying as I like a drink as much as anyone else! I have started taking St Marys Thistle for my liver.

12/13/2012 00:08
12/13/2012 00:08
Re: Role of damaged liver and Dups

Im wondering if fish oil is as beneficial for collagen as flax seed..

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term=Dupuytren%20Epilepsy   collagen   metabolization   Liver%20Disease   dupuytren-online   alcoholism   damaged   anti-convulsants   liver-problems   consumption   medications   desertallergy   predisposition   interested   interesting====It   alcohol   disease   hypercholesterol   pathologically   anti-epileptic