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Six Xiaflex injections after Open Surgery & NA...
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04/27/2013 15:17
04/27/2013 15:17
Six Xiaflex injections after Open Surgery & NA...

Im new to this forum. I have aggressive DD in both hands. I have had 6 Xiaflex injections now in both hands. I also had open surgery on left pinky/palm 16 years ago and NA 4 years ago in both hands. My first Xiaflex injection was in the left little finger, it was contracted almost into my palm at this point and I had no release after the first Xiaflex injection but did have a release after the 2nd injection, and a big split in my palm opened when it popped, but it was straight. My right hand responded really good to Xiaflex which broke all my cords and they havent grown back much in the last year. My left little finger responded well to the 2 injections, but my left ring finger didnt release after 2 injections and I had to take a break after having 6 injections in 1.5 years. ALL of my manipulations have been very painful. Some injections are almost painless, others have been very painful for 8 hours after the injection, with my hand swelling to double size and bruising badly. Seems the more pain I feel after the injection, the better results when I get manipulated? The area around my injection is way to painful to be manipulated the next day. My Doc waits 1 week. He injects Lidocaine in my wrist area to numb my hand, but it never seems numb enough, because when he straightens my finger to break to cord it's very painful, even though the pain subsides within a few minutes, but it is severe enough that I had to stop after 6 injections even though I need 1 more cord popped. It's just very hard when I know what to expect and know the level of pain I will have to tolerate during the manipulation. When I had NA, I couldnt feel a thing as I was poked and prodded and straightened. But NA isnt covered by my Insurance, Xiaflex is, as well as open hand surgery, but I went the open surgery route and my Dup started coming back before my stitches were healed. It's been 5 months and I guess I am ready for more punishment, Im going back for another Xiaflex injection, this time I might see if he will inject Lidocaine right into my cord area for manipulation cuz when my cords break, it sounds like a pencil being broken in half, a loud pop/snap and then like cloth being ripped as all the little cords/fibers tear...OUCH!!! It takes all my willpower not to rip his head off when he breaks those cords...Anyone else had very painful manipulations after Xiaflex? Tnx

04/28/2013 05:11
04/28/2013 05:11
Re: Six Xiaflex injections after Open Surgery & NA...

When my doc injected the lidocaine, she warned me that it was going to be painful anyway. But, the injections were at my MCP, one right at the cord, and the other two to either side. It completely numbed both my PIP and MCP joints, so the manipulation of them was virtually painless. However, I think I would have also liked to have some lidocaine injected into my wrist to kill the severe pain that I felt in my palm when my doc grasped my hand to yank on my fingers. The Xiaflex does its bruising thing right into the palm, and it's just as painful and swollen and inflamed as anywhere else. Damn, that hurt.

I can't understand why doctors can't just freakin' fully numb your hand. They don't feel the pain, so they think we patients should just buck up and endure it. They have the technology to fully block the pain, so I don't understand why they don't use it. In fact, it would be great if they just injected some lidocaine for the Xiaflex injections themselves, too. I am in the multi cord clinical trial, so I got a double dose of Xiaflex. As you know, that means three injections for each dose. By the time the sixth injection was done, I was pretty stressed out. Is this pain really necessary? The Xiaflex itself works really well, I think, and it's a good drug that I'd gladly have administered again, if necessary, but really.... is the pain also necessary? I really do think they can manage it better, but they have just never experienced it themselves, so the doctors tend to dismiss how awful it can be. Damn them.....

I'll tell you, though, the next time I get this done, I'm taking hydrocodone before the procedure. Two pills of 5/500 each should take some of the edge off the pain. I did take a single 5/500 hydrocodone before the lidocaine injections, and I think it did help for the injections themselves. My recommendation to you.... get a script for Tramadol or Vicodin or some other strong painkiller and use it PRE procedure.

~ Diane

04/28/2013 14:50
04/28/2013 14:50
Re: Six Xiaflex injections after Open Surgery & NA...

You need to have your Dr inject the lidocaine by the injection site.Have them spray Ethel Chloride where they will be injecting.It will freeze the area and takes alot of the sting out.If you dont tell them,they wont do it.good luck.Dave

04/28/2013 17:01
04/28/2013 17:01
Re: Six Xiaflex injections after Open Surgery & NA...

I did not ask for the ethyl chloride, but I got it anyway. It was helpful, I'm sure. But, she wouldn't use it for the Xiaflex injections themselves. She stated that because of the clinical trial, they wanted to be sure there was no kind of interaction. Damn.....

04/28/2013 20:08
04/28/2013 20:08
Re: Six Xiaflex injections after Open Surgery & NA...

I dont have it for the injections with this Dr either.The Doc in Oklahoma used it for both.He was very aggressive, 2 full shots of lidocaine.swelled your hand up big time.This Dr is more patient friendly. :).Dave

04/29/2013 22:54
04/29/2013 22:54

Re: Six Xiaflex injections after Open Surgery & NA...


I hope your Dups will slow down. Your's is rather aggressive. The most effective fire block is OS with Skin Graft. I'm sure some CHS will eventually suggest that if one hasn't already.

While not all insurance is created equal, your's is another brilliant example of medical industry ignorance. NA, which is far cheaper than OS or Xiaflex isn't deamed worthy of coverage by these chaps. By their own ignorance they are costing themselves thousands of dollars on each procedure. Not that NA would do a better job than Xiaflex, but for a faction of the cost its certainly worth a try in almost all cases.

04/30/2013 02:37
04/30/2013 02:37
Re: Six Xiaflex injections after Open Surgery & NA...

Many insurance companies are following the lead of Aetna Insurance.

"Aetna considers percutaneous needle aponeurotomy (also known as percutaneous needle fasciotomy) medically necessary for the treatment of adults with Dupuytren's contracture with a palpable cord."


04/30/2013 20:51
04/30/2013 20:51
Re: Six Xiaflex injections after Open Surgery & NA...

Hi Dupped,Welcome to the Forum.
I had my 8th Xiaflex injection this morning and its pretty tender right now .This is were I go for the Lortabs and couple homebrews to take the edge off!!!lol.They should be pumpin the lidocaine to ya on manipulation day.Ive had 7 cords break with little or no pain.Tell them that you know alot of people on the forum and they r under medicating you.Its not that bad when done properly.Its no sweat off the Doc to use alittle more lidocaine arround the manipulation area.My dr ask me if I think thats enough Lidocaine.If I think so ,then Thats when he stops.They work for you and you pay them good money.It shouldnt be that painful for ya.As you get to know all of us and the knowledge these folks have ,you can go toe to toe with the docs bout this stuff.Just today the CEO of the clinical study told me,Dave you know more bout this than me ,what do you think about it.You come to right place.Good luck.Dave

10/08/2013 01:19
10/08/2013 01:19
Re: Six Xiaflex injections after Open Surgery & NA...

Hi all, what a year it has been for me. Soon after my last post in April, I started having severe gut issues and ended up having a tumor removed from my colon, they had to fully open me up, bigtime incision down my belly, tumor hadnt grown outside the colon so all is well. Completed all my follow ups and now back to my DD. I made a Dr appt to get some more Xiaflex injections. Not to inject politics into the mix, but im not sure how the new ACA will effect me and want to get some injections done this year. Has anyone heard of waiting 1 year after major surgery to get Xiaflex? My old Dr mentioned he wanted me to wait, but my new Dr doesnt see a problem and my gut surgeon never heard of Xiaflex so deflected advise back to my hand Dr.
On a good note, my right hand has stayed pretty straight, my ring finger had the best results. I can still feel the cord has not reconnected, most other fingers have cords or bands, but very little.
I have developed lumps on my thumb tendons, but zero contraction, just discomfort.
Glad to see so many others getting Xiaflex. And yes, I have heard of the full graft operation, but I dont think I have the time it takes for recovery, sounds like I would need to take a 1/2 year to a year or more off work and I cant see that happening. I had a hard enough time being off from 8 weeks with my gut surgery, still feeling the pain from not working for so long.
Thanks for all the replies, you all have been very helpful. I look forward to visiting this forum in the future.

10/08/2013 02:09
10/08/2013 02:09
Re: Six Xiaflex injections after Open Surgery & NA...

Good luck with your future procedure (Xiaflex). What is your opinion of Xiaflex vs. NA?

Edited 10/08/13 05:11

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percutaneous   Lidocaine   themselves   procedure   Surgery   manipulation   aggressive   painful   injection   recommendation   Xiaflex   manipulations   necessary   manipulated   injections   aponeurotomy   hydrocodone   straightened   administered   Insurance