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Thyroid and Dupuytren
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03/02/2011 10:50
03/02/2011 10:50
Re: Thyroid and Dupuytren

Hi Ladies,

I don't think it would do anybody any harm to have a thyroid test. Because I was repeatedly told I was 'normal' I asked for another test - the thyroid antibody test and this showed I was 'slightly underactive'. I was put on the minimum dosage of thyroxine which did nothing and in the end I was sent to an endocrinologist. I am now on 50mcg levothyroxine (T4) and 10mcg of Liothyronine (T3) but not sure if I am normal or not as I have forgotten what that is! You have to take responsibility for your own health and I do believe that doctors in the UK are not given very much training on the thyroid so it is more imperative you do your own research.

Please google Tears Behind Closed Doors by Diana Holmes. This lady was misdiagnosed for over 20 years and ended up in a wheelchair. She was prescribed thyroxine eventually and she was fine!

To those of you with dry eyes: http://thyroid.about.com/cs/relatedcondi.../eyedisease.htm is your problem caused by thyroid? Doctors do not try to find out WHAT is causing the problem but prefer dishing out drugs which the drug companies just happen to have made. This is how Big Pharma make billions - misdiagnosed and undiagnosed health problems. If the thyroid problem is not getting diagnosed due to the blood tests (wonder who makes those?) then the associated problems such as dry eyes, dry skin, high cholesterol, obesity, depression ALL have a drug for them don't they? Perhaps all it needs is thyroxine which is really cheap. You might find this interesting and there are plenty more along the same lines:


I also have a daughter with RA which was diagnosed after having her first baby. This is another autoimmune disease and it is not uncommon to have more than one of these diseases. Again doctors don't know what causes it but I believe it can be triggered by food. For any of you with that problem too this is a good website


As you can tell I am rather sceptical about the drugs industry and doctors and that is why I do my own research and follow a diet low in acidic foods and gluten as I also believe you are what you eat.


Edited 03/02/11 21:40

03/09/2011 20:53

not registered

03/09/2011 20:53

not registered

Re: Thyroid and Dupuytren

I am hypothyroid and have Dupuytren. It is theorized that Dupuytren's is an autoimmune disease like Hashimoto's Hypothroidism (the most common type of Hypothryroid disease). Having one autoimmune disease predisposes one to get another. So in this sense having both D and HT makes sense.

04/02/2011 19:55

not registered

04/02/2011 19:55

not registered

Re: Thyroid and Dupuytren

Thank you for this thread of discussions. I was diagnosed with DD a year ago, but was also diagnosed with Hashimoto's over 10 years ago....hhhmmm the plot thickens! I will need to go do some research on that angle.

04/07/2011 15:39
04/07/2011 15:39
Re: Thyroid and Dupuytren

I'm on the other side of this fence- Graves' disease.

04/08/2011 15:19
04/08/2011 15:19
Re: Thyroid and Dupuytren

Hypo here, diagnosed about 9 years ago. I'm on synthroid, 75mcg, but because of latest blood work and symptoms this was just increased to 88mcg. I also have Ledderhose, both feet, first surgery was at age 15(I am now 48). And, I have Dupuytrens in both hands. Latest surgery on my left hand was done last Friday. I really want to try radiation therapy, either along with surgery or by it's self. Does anyone have any experience it, and if so where did you go to have it done?

04/08/2011 16:20
04/08/2011 16:20
Re: Thyroid and Dupuytren

While you are getting your thyroid checked you might want to have them check your level of Vitamin D as well. There is a torrent of new research indicating that a variety of diseases are related to a lack of sunlight-generated Vitamin D. I wonder how many of you live in the northern latitudes where Vitamin D deficiency is ubiquitous (and/or spend much of your time indoors or covered in sunscreen.)

Below is a link to an article about Vitamin D3 therapy used on a woman with a large Desmoid tumor. Vitamin D3 was the only thing that worked on the tumor after repeated surgeries and radiation failed. The similarities between Dupuytrens and these tumors is pretty striking, including the fact that this tumor began after a trauma (on the site of a past surgery). It mentions that Vitamin D is responsible for controlling the rampant proliferation of collagen which is the basis for both Dupuytrens and these benign Desmoid growths. It also mentions the history of successful use of Vit D3 in treating various cancer growths. Here's the link:


For more info on the connection between Vitamin D and other disease (particularly auto-immune disease) including arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, MS, etc, read the forum post entitled: "lack of sunlight and auto immune disease". There are several links to other articles there.

To your health!

P.S. I know some of you have tried Vitamin D and so far have only experienced a lessening of pain - but stick with it - as per the article, it took 8 months of mega doses of D3 to shrink the tumor in half and then another 8 months before it was nearly gone. It appears the longer you are Vit D deficient, the longer it may take to reach optimal levels. Work with your M.D. if you are going to try mega-dosing though.

Edited 04/08/11 20:00

04/09/2011 11:11

not registered

04/09/2011 11:11

not registered

Re: Thyroid and Dupuytren

I am a 52 year old woman who also has hypothyroidism and dupuytrens in my right hand. I had surgery on right index finger about 18 months ago and still can't straighten my finger and after very painful occupational therapy I have developed active nodes in the palm of my hand leading to the middle finger. My 86 year old father has dupuytrens in his left pinkie and it doesn't affect his golf swing so I told him to leave it alone, especially after all I've been through.

04/09/2011 17:15
04/09/2011 17:15
Re: Thyroid and Dupuytren

Even if you don't live in northern latitudes, get the Vitamin D checked. I live in the southwestern US, at high elevation, spend time outdoors, and am allergic to most sunscreens. Even with all of this, my levels were quite low. It took over a year and a lot of supplementation to get my levels up.

Most thyroid diseases (and possibly Dupuytren's as well) are autoimmune. There's a strong hunch that vitamin D deficiencies play a role in autoimmune disorders. Anyone reading this thread would be well advised to check levels.

04/09/2011 17:17
04/09/2011 17:17
Re: Thyroid and Dupuytren Does anyone know

Does anyone know if any tests or trials have been done on DC using-1,25-(OH)2-vitamin D3

04/09/2011 20:22
04/09/2011 20:22
Re: Thyroid and Dupuytren

ok, this is strange. About 6 months ago my blood tests revealed a deficiency in vitamin D. I was perscribed 50,000 units ov vitamin D to be taken once a week for 3 months. Blood work at the end of the treatment showed my vitamin D was within normal range. Now, latest blood work taken 4 days ago shows I am deficient again. So back on the perscription vitamin D. This is the first time I have read where vitamin D is associated with Dupuytrens. When I go back to my hand surgeon in 2 weeks I will ask him about it.

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